Attention 8th grade parents! There will be an informational meeting this Thursday, 2/23, concerning 8th grade formal in the cafeteria at 5:30pm. Please enter the building through the cafeteria doors.
almost 2 years ago, JMS
Attention all 8th grade parents!
almost 2 years ago, JMS
7th grade students in the Maker’s club "adopted" a child from a local daycare "Olivia and Friends" in Vienna. They received a picture of their child and a small bio. They were challenged to design an innovative Valentine box for their upcoming party. The children they adopted are all 4 years old and younger. Designs had to have an entry, exit, and represent their child's interests in some fashion. We will be having a live Teams Meeting where the club members will be able to see their child receive their box on Monday after school. Students did a great job in their creations!
almost 2 years ago, JMS
Boys and Girls track begins Monday, February 27, 3:30-5:00 in the gym. Everyone welcome. You must have a current physical on file or in hand to participate. Any questions or concerns please contact Coach Marks at 304-481-1741.
almost 2 years ago, JMS
Parent & Community OPEN HOUSE! Visit the Caperton Center on Monday, February 20th from 4 to 6 p.m. Tour the facilities, meet the instructors, and learn about our Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs! We are located at 300 Campus Drive in Parkersburg.
almost 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Wood County Schools - Caperton Center Open House - image is a montage of students working in a trade in simulated classroom settings
Parent & Community OPEN HOUSE! Visit the Wood County Technical Center on Monday, February 20th from 4 to 6 p.m. Tour the facilities, meet the instructors, and learn about our Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs! We are located at 1515 Blizzard Drive in Parkersburg.
almost 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Wood County Schools - Wood County Technical Center Open House - image is a montage of students working in a trade in simulated classroom settings
‎February 6 - 10 is National School Counseling Week! Wood County Schools recognizes the importance of school counseling programs and values and appreciates all of our excellent and committed school counselors.
almost 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Monday, February 6, 2023 will be a Professional Learning Day for employees. Students will not attend classes. Classes will resume on Tuesday at normal times.
almost 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Due to worsening road conditions, Wood County Schools will now be closed today, Tuesday, January 31st. There will be no classes. 261-day employees are to report two hours later than their normal start time.
about 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Wood County Schools will be on a two-hour delay today, Tuesday, January 31st, due to weather conditions. All buses and classes will operate two hours later than normal. Employees will report to work one hour later than their normal start time.
about 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Selling “Kindness” shirt to help support the Special Ed Account that Mrs. Steward uses for her kids and for the Staff Holiday Project that we do every year. The kids learn how giving is more important than receiving. Flyers will be coming home on Friday. Deadline is Feb. 1. Cash or Checks (JMS). Any questions please call the school for details. You can print the form below if your child doesn’t bring the flyer home. You can get shirts without Jackson Middle School on sleeve for yourself, younger and older siblings. Thank you in advance for the support for my kids.
about 2 years ago, Kelly Steward
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is a quick reminder that tomorrow is picture day for all winter sports teams, as well as choir, band, and various clubs. We will also be taking photos of our fair winners and grade-level spelling bee winners! All participants should have gotten a picture packet from their coach or club sponsor. If you need a picture packet you can print the image below. Thank you and have a great evening! Go Generals!
about 2 years ago, JMS
winter packet
Wood County Schools' Middle School Spelling Bee will be held Thursday, January 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Blennerhassett Middle School.
about 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
wood county schools middle school spelling bee - thursday, january 12 - Blennerhassett Middle School - bright yellow background with purple font color
This afternoon Wood County School officials were made aware of a rumor of a student with a weapon at Jackson Middle School. Authorities were contacted, the claims were investigated and were found to not be credible. Wood County Schools takes all such reports seriously and works with area law enforcement to investigate any and all concerns.
about 2 years ago, WCS Communications Dept.
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! I also want to remind all students that next week we will be taking the Reading Diagnostic. Please make sure student IPads are charged daily and students are ready to do their very best to show their growth so far this year. Students need to arrive on time, have a good night's sleep, and are ready to take the diagnostic! Our students will take this diagnostic over a couple days in small chunks during their assigned English class! Thank you and have a great evening! Go Generals!
about 2 years ago, Jeff Kisner
Notice: Wood County Schools will be closed, CODE C, on Friday, December 23, 2022.
about 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good evening. This is Christie Willis, superintendent of Wood County Schools. During this time of giving and celebration, time spent with the warmth of family and friends is so important. Wood County Schools would like to thank you for your support and dedication and wish you a joyous holiday season. Schools will be closed beginning Thursday, December 22nd. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 3rd. Wishing you good health and peace in the upcoming New Year.
about 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
Jackson Middle School Student Council will be postponing their Winter Wonderfest until January 27th! We apologize for the change in plans, but we’re excited to still be hosting our event in the new year! Student Council will still be selling Candy Cane Grams on Monday and Tuesday of this next week to help our PTA raise money for our clothing closet. We’re excited to announce that our holiday spirit week begins tomorrow! Tomorrow’s theme is Which Who Are You?- students will wear red or green tomorrow in celebration of their favorite Who, the Grinch or Cindy Lou! Friday is National Ugly Sweater Day! Have a great evening and Go Generals!
about 2 years ago, JMS
spirit week
Good evening Jackson, parents, students, and staff, Beginning this week, the JMS student council is collecting gently used coats, gloves, and hats for the next couple weeks! We will also be hosting a Winter Funfest on Dec 16 for JMS students to help raise funds for the PTA clothing closet! More info will be shared about this in days to come. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
about 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff: We hope that everyone had a great break and joyful Thanksgiving. We welcome back our students this coming Monday and just want to remind everyone to check your IPad and make sure it is charged for tomorrow! We would also like to mention our Book Fair that will occur this week, Nov 28 to Dec 2. Students will be paying taxes this year on their orders. Parents, to make it easier on your child and the librarian go and create an E-Wallet for your child so they can buy easier. This information should of come home with your child on a flyer. We hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!
about 2 years ago, JMS