Rules & Expectations for Students Riding the Bus from School
All students riding the bus should be in the cafeteria no later than 3:25 p.m.
Students that arrive to the cafeteria after 3:25 p.m. must have a signed note from a staff member or will be considered tardy.
If a student needs to return upstairs for any reason, they must first obtain a pass from a staff member on duty in the cafeteria.
Only 2 students per bench.
Students may not eat or drink while waiting for the bus. There is a water fountain in the cafeteria. If a student is thirsty he/she should raise his/her hand before getting up from their seat.
Students are to remain seated until their bus number is called unless they have permission to be up from a staff member.
Electronic devices are permitted but should be muted or earbuds/headphones should be used at all times.
JMS is not responsible for lost items. Anything left in the cafeteria will be placed in the Lost & Found.
ALL school rules and county policies regarding student safety apply to students while waiting for the bus.
Failure to comply with the rules in the cafeteria while waiting for the bus may result in a verbal warning, a Reminder, an assigned seat, or an Office Referral depending on the situation.