8th grade Salute to the Scholars for this evening time was changed to 5pm several weeks ago. Students all received a change of time letter.
Have you signed up for this summer’s Teaching & Learning Academy? Sessions are filling up quickly. Join guests Jessica Linville, Lisa Buckley, Jessica Espinosa, Jody Carder-Hamilton and Kezia Parsons as they discuss their upcoming sessions in episode 5 of the WCS Voices podcast. Listen now 🎧 Have you signed up for this summer’s Teaching & Learning Academy? Sessions are filling up quickly. Join guests Jessica Linville, Lisa Buckley, Jessica Espinosa, Jody Carder-Hamilton and Kezia Parsons as they discuss their upcoming sessions in episode 5 of the WCS Voices podcast. Listen now 🎧 https://woodcountyschoolswv.com/wcsvoices
Good evening parents, students, and staff.
This Monday and Tuesday, our students will be turning in their electronic devices. On Monday, May 15, the 6th grade will turn in their IPad, charging block, and charging cable. This will occur in the afternoon for 6th grade only. On Tuesday afternoon, 7th and 8th grade students will be turning in their IPad, charging block, and charging cable. Students need to have all three items with them to turn in. Students will be given a receipt for items turned in, if they do not have one of the items; it will be noted on the receipt. Please make sure you keep your receipt for reference. If a student forgets something, they will need to turn the item in to the school office as soon as they can and it will be noted on the school’s copy of the receipt.
Have a great rest of your evening! Go Generals!
WCS Teaching & Learning Academy - Summer 2023 - Learn about all the amazing sessions and keynotes this summer! The Teaching and Learning Academy by Wood County Schools is all set to commence this July, offering a remarkable week of professional development and featuring noteworthy keynote speakers. In this first part of a two-part series, educators from Wood County Schools provide insights into the upcoming academy, outlining the highlights of their sessions and giving a sneak peek into what to anticipate this summer. The academy is scheduled to take place from July 17th to the 21st at Williamstown Middle High School.
WCS Voices - Episode 3: Christie Willis and Michael Erb join the podcast to talk about first jobs, growing pains, memories from childhood, and to speak about the importance of public education teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Good evening, Jackson parents, students, and staff.
Beginning tomorrow, Jackson students will be taking the General Summative Assessment for the year. All students in grades 6-8 will take an assessment in Math, ELA, and Writing. Students in 8th grade will also be tested in science. These end of the year assessments are a great opportunity for our students to show the growth they have made throughout the year. We wish everyone the best of luck and encourage them to do their very best. Parents, please encourage your student and help us by doing the following: Make sure your students iPad is completely charged for the day! It is extremely important that your child has their device ready to go each morning! Also, please make sure your student has a good night sleep before each day! Student need to be well rested and ready to perform at their best. Lastly, they need to fuel their body. Having breakfast or a light snack is a great start to the day. All students also have the opportunity to eat if they chose here at school each morning! Thank you all for your help and again we ask everyone to do their very best! Go Generals!
Good evening, Jackson parents, students, and staff.
Next week, May 8-12, Jackson students will be taking the General Summative Assessment for the year. All students in grades 6-8 will take an assessment in Math, ELA, and Writing. Students in 8th grade will also be tested in science. These end of the year assessments are a great opportunity for students to show the growth they have made throughout the school year. We wish everyone the best of luck and encourage them to do their very best as many great opportunities can come from these assessments.
As parents, please encourage your student and help us by doing the following:
Make sure your students iPad is completely charged for the day! It is extremely important that your child has their device ready to go each morning!
Also, please make sure your student has a good night sleep before each day! It is extremely important that the student is well rested and ready to perform at their best.
Lastly, they need to fuel their body. Having breakfast or a light snack is a great start of the day. All students also have that opportunity if they chose here at school each morning!
Thank you all for your help and again we ask everyone to do their very best! Go Generals!
Sport Physicals Available Saturday, June 3 -- Click to learn more.
Parents & Caregivers: Considering signing your child up for our summer learning? Listen to our WCS Voices podcast to learn more about all the exciting opportunities available this summer. Also, learn how to register. Listen now...
Introducing: "WCS Voices: Conversations on Education & Community" Podcast. Live now. First up: Summer Learning Opportunities -- A Conversation with Ashlee Beatty, Joanna Mulligan & Candace Lewis. Listen now...
8th grade parents and students,
Below is a link that will take you to a YouTube video from PHS discussing elective courses you may wish to view while scheduling for 9th grade.
Good evening,
This is a reminder that there will be a meeting tomorrow evening for 8th grade parents about scheduling for high school. PHS counselors will be here at Jackson in the cafeteria for a 6pm meeting.
Have a great evening! Go Generals!
This is a reminder that the 8th grade formal will be at Grand Pointe Thursday the 6th from 7-9 pm. Light appetizers and drinks will be available. Students need to have their tickets for entry and for raffle prizes. Students are expected to behave respectfully and have a great time!
Good evening 8th grade parents, students, and staff.
This is Mr. Kisner with a quick message to all 8th grade parents. Today, a counselor from Parkersburg High School came to talk to all 8th graders. Beginning tomorrow, each student will sit down with a PHS counselor and work on a high school schedule for next year. Please note, this schedule can change before the beginning of the school year. Your student will be bringing information home that would be important for you to sit down and talk with them about.
I would also like to invite all 8th grade parents to a scheduling information meeting next Monday evening, April 10, here in the Jackson cafeteria at 6 p.m. At this meeting, high school counselors will be present to give you all information and answer questions concerning 9th grade scheduling.
I hope you have a fantastic evening! Go Generals!
Tickets for the 8th grade formal will be for sale until Friday, March 31st. The cost is $10 per ticket. Tickets are pre-sale only. The event is on Thursday, April 6th from 7-9 at Grand Pointe Conference Center in Vienna.
Summer Learning Opportunities registration is now open! Follow this link to get started. https://woodcountyschoolswv.com/summer2023
Congratulations to those who participated in the Regional Social Studies Fair on Saturday, 3/11. Hannah Przekurat & Aleaha Bowers came in 2nd with their project, "The History of Softball". Mia Snyder won 1st in her category with her project, "How Did Julia Child Influence American Cuisine?". Allie Davis & Aspen Covert won 1st in their category with their project, "How Does the Cookie Crumbl?". Mia, Allie, & Aspen will compete in the WV State Social Studies Fair on April 14th. Good luck, ladies!
Good evening, Jackson parents, students, and staff.
This first announcement is for 8th grade students and parents. This Wednesday, March 8, all 8th grade students in the state will take the WV Golden Horseshoe test. This is a requirement for all 8th grade students and if your child would miss this day, they will need to test later. Therefore, it is best for all students to be there on Wednesday morning. It is important for 8th graders to arrive on time and ready to take this online exam.
I also want to mention that the Dental Clinic will be this Wednesday, March 8, as well. This date had to be moved back one day. If you have signed up for this clinic, please make sure you have the paperwork turned in or with your child on Wednesday.
Have a great evening and Go Generals!
Greetings parents and guardians: While working through a glitch in our all-call system, Wood County Schools realized that our morning, elementary school attendance calls to parents informing of a student absence did not go out. We want you to know that this occurred and that the problem has been corrected. Absence calls will continue as normal on Monday.
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff!
This is Mr. Kisner with a brief announcement concerning the MOVHD Mobile Dental Clinic that will be available to our students on March 7 and March 9. If you would be interested in your child to participate in the clinic, please call the school at 304-420-9551 in order to make an appointment with the nurse. All insurances will be billed, however no student will be turned down for inability to pay.
I would also like to let parents know that WCS is putting together some meal kits for families for over spring break. If you would like to order a kit, please call the school at 304-420-9551 and you will be transferred to our cafeteria manager. If you order a kit, you will need to pick that kit up at the school on March 17th, no refrigeration will be needed.
We hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!!