Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr. Kisner with a quick announcement. I want to let everyone know that track practice will begin next Monday, April 5. Practice will be right after school until 5pm. All students that wish to participate must have a completed physical on file at the school. I also want to mention that there will be a parent meeting for track on Thursday, April 8, at 4:45pm. Winter and spring sports plus band, choir, and a few group photos will be taken Friday, April 9. Photo information was given to coaches and sponsors last week, students can get those items from their coach or sponsor. We hope you have a great rest of the week and enjoy your holiday! Go Generals!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr. Kisner with a couple of announcements. First, tomorrow is our make-up picture day. In addition, any student that is on virtual or distance learning can come in to have their picture taken from 8am until 12 pm. Once again, we will be taking pictures of students with and without a mask, so if they have a special mask feel free to wear it. If you would like to order pictures, please have a completed order form with your payment tomorrow. I would also like to mention that our Student Council is sponsoring a Pajama and Hat day on Friday, March 19. Students are asked to pay $1 to wear their pajamas or a hat for the day. All collected money will go to the Wood County Society! I look forward to everyone participating and us being able to help Wood County Society! Have a great evening and Go Generals!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff; This is Mr. Kisner with a quick message concerning pictures. Picture day is tomorrow, March 12, for all brick and mortar students. All students will have their picture taken for the yearbook, if you wish to purchase pictures you will need to send a check with your student tomorrow along with the order form. We do have extra order forms at the school. All students will have two pictures taken. One with a mask on and then one without a mask; this is for our yearbook theme this year. Therefore, if your student has a favorite mask they want to wear please make sure they bring it. On March 17, we will be taking pictures of virtual school students and students doing distance learning, as well as anyone that hasn’t had their picture take yet. These pictures will be from 8am until 12 pm. Students will just buzz into the building and indicate they are coming to have their picture taken. If they wish to purchase pictures they will need to bring their money and order form that day. These forms can be picked up at the school. On April 9, winter and spring sports photos, choir photos, and band photos are scheduled to be taken. We will provide more information on this later and packets will be handed out by teachers and coaches for these photos. I hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Parkersburg MS Baseball info
almost 4 years ago, JMS
pburg baseball
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff, Last Friday, it was great to see all of our students back in the building. We look forward as we continue the rest of the year. This coming Wednesday, February 24, will be mid-term. We encourage you to check your student's grades on Schoology . I also want to mention that part of our mitigation strategy is for students to enter the building at 7:30am. Please try and remember that students will not be able to enter the building till that time. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon! This is Mr. Kisner with an update on school pictures. School pictures will be moved to Friday, March 12 for all brick and mortar students. Students that are doing virtual school or distance learning can have their picture taken on Wednesday, March 17 from 8am - 12pm. This date will also be our make up date. Hope you had a great day, stay warm and safe out there Generals!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Good morning! This is a reminder that all in-person students will be meeting today with teachers on Microsoft Teams starting at 10am. Remember to use the Remote Snow Day schedule that is in the NEWS section of the Jackson website. We will be taking attendance for all classes, if you cannot be there for some reason you need to inform your teacher. Thank you and have a marvelous Monday!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Kisner
This is Mr. Kisner with a quick announcement for our remote learning day. All students are allowed to join Team meetings today for instruction, students with last names L-Z are required to be on Teams. Staff will be taking attendance for these meetings, if you cannot be on a meeting please message your teacher PRIOR to the course with the reason why. We will be continuing to cover new material today. I want to remind you we will start at 10 am and follow the Snow Day Remote schedule that is posted on our website under NEWS. I also want to take this time to remind everyone tomorrow, February 12, is a non-traditional day with no live meetings. Our teachers will be available for help from 1pm-3pm tomorrow. Teachers will post on their Schoology page how they can be reached during those specific times. Some staff will be out at times in order to be vaccinated. All students will return to school on Monday, February 15, please make sure everyone has a mask and remembers we will follow all our mitigation strategies just as we have been practicing these few weeks. I will also mention that Picture day will be Thursday, February 18 for students that are coming to in person school. Any students that are on Virtual School or Distance learning and you want to get your picture taken will need to do that on Friday, February 19 from 8am-12pm. If you are coming in and need an order form please contact the office. Have a great day and Go Generals!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Proud of this team and the hard work they put in to prepare for the WV Middle School Science Bowl Competition. They competed virtually today at Jackson and came in 6th place. Great Job team! Members include Eva Chen, Jordan Hess Vic Chen, Matthew Carter, Meredith Carter Coaches: Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Shepard
almost 4 years ago, Science Bowl
JMS Science Bowl Team
Tomorrow, 2/5, is National Wear Red Day for American Heart month! Show your Jackson spirit and wear red tomorrow! You can also share your spirit by posting on our Facebook page! Show us your heart Generals and wear red tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Good morning. Our internet connection is slowly coming back online. Most schools now have internet access. Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good morning! All Wood County School internet is currently out of service. Therefore, all WCS Distance Learners will not have Teams meetings today. Please make sure to check Schoology and complete all assignments there. Thank you and have a good day.
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Good Morning. Wood County Schools' internet is currently down. Hopefully, the connection will be reestablished as soon as possible. We will send another communication when we are back online. Sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Sorry...the schedule I sent earlier isn't correct! Please see the NEWS feed or the one attached here.
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Kisner
Snow Day schedule
Happy Groundhog Day!!! This is Mr. Kisner with a quick message concerning instruction today for Jackson students. Students L-Z should be attending Teams meetings with their scheduled teachers during the class period they have them. The schedule for the day is attached or you can find it on our News section of the Jackson website. Any student can participate in the Team's meeting if they wish today. All students need to check Schoology for assignments today! Have a great day and Go Generals!!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Snow day schedule
Good evening. All Wood County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for Tuesday, February 2, 2021. We will continue to evaluate road conditions throughout the night. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good evening. This is a reminder that students with last names A-K will report to school in-person on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week. Students with last names L-Z will report on Tuesday and Thursday. Please stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful evening.
about 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good evening. This is a reminder that students with last names L-Z will report to school in-person tomorrow, Friday, January 29. Please stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful evening.
about 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
This is a quick update for Jackson parents who have students that ride bus 183 home. Due to PHS, not having in-person classes today, bus 183 may be 20-25 minutes early to the bus stop locations after school. Again this is for students that ride bus 183 home.
about 4 years ago, JMS
Good morning. All Wood County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for Thursday, January 28, 2021. We will continue to re-evaluate road conditions throughout the morning. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Wood County Schools