Good afternoon. According to the WVDHHR map released at 10:00 a.m. today, all students in Wood County Schools, including students in High School, with last names L-Z will resume in-person instruction and learning tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19. More communication will be sent this evening. Enjoy the Holiday.
Good Evening. This is a reminder that students with last names L-Z will attend school in-person beginning Tuesday, January 19. We will be utilizing a very similar blended learning format as we did 1st semester. However, by our Governor’s Executive Order, High Schools will not be able to return to in-person learning until we reach the orange status on the WVDDHR daily map. To learn more about our re-entry plan and other learning options you may have, please visit our website at .
Please stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful weekend.
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff,
This is Mr. Kisner with an announcement concerning the re-entry of students into Jackson next Tuesday, January 19.
First, there is no school on Monday, January 18, due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will use the Blended Model starting January 19. Students with last names starting with L-Z will come on Tuesday/Thursday, and students with last names starting with A-K will come on Monday/Wednesday. On Friday, 1/22, A-K students will attend. The following Friday, L-Z students will attend. I have placed a calendar on the Jackson website attached with this announcement that I hope will help clarify. On February 15, we hope all students can return to 5 days a week.
I am also attaching all the mitigation items we have in place at Jackson to maintain safety for all students and staff. All these will be in place starting next week so we can make sure everyone understands them. Please remember the most important item is that all students properly wear their masks. There are a few changes! The daily schedule is changed slightly to provide longer transition times to keep students from being too crowded in the hallways. Students must eat breakfast in the cafeteria. In the morning 6th grade will report to the main hallway, 7th grade to the gym, and 8th grade to the 7th grade hallway until 7:45 when they go to 1st period. For lunch, only hot lunch will eat in the cafeteria. Cold lunch students will report to the gym to eat. Again, I have attached all items in place, as well as a copy of the daily schedule to this announcement.
Have a great evening and Go Generals!
Good evening, Generals!
This is just a reminder that Jackson’s online spelling bee will be this Friday, January 8. Parents must register students ahead of time. Students received information from their English teachers via Schoology.
If you have questions, email me at and I will get back with you as soon as possible! 🐝
Good evening. On January 19, 2021, students will return to in-person instruction in our schools. However, I fully understand that some students and families are uncomfortable about returning to school in-person. To provide more opportunities for our students, WCS is requesting all students wishing to be instructed in an off-campus learning model, outside of our schools for the second semester, complete the form attached in this correspondence or visit the Wood County Schools website for more information. Depending on the number of students wishing to be instructed off-campus, we may have the ability to offer families and students different choices rather than just the WV Learns- Virtual School program. Once again, if you wish for your child to be instructed off-campus second semester, please complete the enrollment form. The form is due by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, January 8, 2021.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Click here to complete the form
This is Mr. Kisner. I apologize, when I created the survey and shared it I didn't allow for ALL responses. The new url is attached. Or you can still use the link in the NEWS section, it has been updated.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
Good Evening,
Today, Governor Justice announced that school districts in WV will be in remote learning until January 15, 2021. Beginning January 19, students in grades pre-K through 8th will be instructed in our schools through in-person learning regardless of the color on the WVDHHR map. High Schools will still be governed by the WVDHHR map, but local decisions will be made for in-person learning based on the color of the map.
If your child is utilizing WV Virtual School for instruction, nothing will change for the next few weeks.
Please visit the Wood County Schools website for more information related to our re-entry on January 19, 2021, or click on the following two links -
Please stay safe and healthy
Have a Happy New Year!
Good Evening.
This is Will Hosaflook Superintendent of Wood County Schools
Today, Governor Justice announced that school districts in WV will be in remote learning until January 15, 2021. Beginning January 19, students in grades pre-k through 8th will be instructed in our schools through in-person learning regardless of the color on the WVDHHR map. If Wood County is Green, Yellow, Gold, or Orange on the daily map, High School students will attend school in-person as long as we do not reach the “Red” status.
If your child is utilizing WV Virtual School for instruction, nothing will change for the next few weeks.
Please visit the Wood County Schools website for more information related to our re-entry on January 19, 2021……. or click on the following two links -
Please stay safe and healthy
Have a Happy New Year
Good afternoon, I want to take this time to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I would also like to thank everyone for their hard work as we finish up 2020 and look forward to 2021! I have created a small survey for Remote Instruction that I have put a link here and will also place it on the News section. This will be open until January 6 for you to help us as we continue this process. I know there are many questions about Governor Justice's press conference as well and the county will know more hopefully by tomorrow and can provide more information! Happy New Year and Go Generals!
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff:
I want to mention that the 2nd nine weeks midterm is tomorrow. You can see your student’s midterm grades by checking their Schoology account.
I also want to ask parents to please keep an eye on how your students or using their iPads. While many of our students are doing fine, it also appears some are not using the devices for educational purposes and seem to be using it more as a social media time. While students are in Team’s meetings with teachers, they can say hello to friends and classmates and answer or ask questions. However, putting inappropriate words or gifs in the chat are not what these devices are for. We all want to be back in school and see one another, however at this time we have to continue this mode of teaching giving our students an opportunity to continue learning.
Lastly, I want to invite our students to participate in the General Jingle sponsored by our student council this coming week. Please see how to participate by looking at the attached flyer on this announcement in the Live Feed and checking out the News section on the website. I hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!
Good morning! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Just a reminder that this week we will be doing "full remote instruction". Teachers will be conferencing or having live meetings. We will be following the Jackson Remote daily schedule this week which is attached! This starts at 8 am! Have a great week!
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff,
I have a few announcements for you this evening. First, I want to thank all of you that have been doing your best at keeping up with the schedule as we go through this time of remote learning. I know it can be difficult. For many of our students, they have been doing very well. However, I do want to mention that some students are not turning items in for the beginning of this 2nd nine weeks. I just want to mention this so students do not fall behind at the beginning of this term. I will also remind you that report cards for the first term will be mailed home beginning tomorrow.
I would also like to mention that PTA Spirit wear is in! You can come and pick up any orders this Thursday from 5:00-6:30pm in the bus parking area out front! I also want to thank our PTA for the special treat for our teachers today!! Thank you!
Finally, I want to let you know that next week, Nov. 23-25, students will be given assignments on Schoology. These dates are marked on the calendar as Non-traditional days and are treated like remote days with no live meetings being held. Teachers will post items on Schoology those three days as they will be working.
If you have questions, please call the school or message your teachers. I hope you all have a terrific evening and Go Generals!
Pre-Order Meal Delivery Bus Hub & Curbside
Tuesday, November 17th - Friday, November 20th
Meal pre-orders for Nov. 17-20 are now open at
As we transition our students to remote learning in orange during the week of November 16th, WCS will be providing students' with meals curbside at your school for walkers and drop offs as well as providing meal delivery via bus routes.
School buses will travel to their afternoon stops carrying pre-ordered meals (Breakfast and Lunch) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Bus routes are 3 1/2 hours before the normal afternoon drop off time. Meals will need to be reheated. There will be instructions for reheating. For information regarding bus times, please call 304-420-9636 extension 101.
If you are picking up curbside at a school. Pickup times are from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Please complete the pre-order form for the the Week of November 16th (Tuesday - Friday) for all bus deliveries and curbside . Deadline for pre-order is 2 p.m. on Monday, November 16th.
You will need to place an order separately for each student. If you are requesting for bus delivery and your student currently rides a bus, please place the bus number that your student rides home.
This program is solely for the pick-up of meals; meals will not be consumed on site. We encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of COVID-19 by not congregating at the pick-up locations.
Allergy Disclaimer: During this remote and curbside feeding situation, Wood County Schools Child Nutrition Department will be operating under a special waiver for distribution of meals. This option does not allow us to identify students by names and therefore we are not able to identify special food allergies.
Please contact the Child Nutrition Department if you have any questions, 304-420-9631 extension 103.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Basketball and wrestling practices are cancelled for today and winter sports will not continue until January 11. Have a good evening!
Just a reminder we will be starting remote learning today! First period begins at 8am for those that are able to follow their daily schedule! Please follow the attached schedule! Thanks for your patience and effort!!
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff,
Wood County is “orange” on the COVID state map from November 7. Unfortunately, this means that all instruction for the week of November 9-13 will be remote on Schoology. All students will receive instruction Monday-Thursday and do NOT follow the blended learning model. Please note, Wednesday, Nov. 11, is a holiday and no instruction will occur. Students will follow their daily schedule to meet with or conference with teachers via Schoology. Students should get on Schoology and follow their class schedule. Jackson Middle School has modified the daily schedule for remote days, this is posted on our Jackson website under the News category. This schedule is modified for students to be online to meet with teachers and also to allow for breaks.
I know this is the beginning of a new nine weeks. If your student, doesn’t know their new class it will show up on Schoology in the place of their previous rotation; these courses would only be PE, Art, or Health. If you have questions feel free to call the school.
Teachers will be in the building and available during classroom hours for students. The school day will start at 8 am. Please remember new learning will be going on and material covered on these days students will be responsible for. We will try and help out as much as we can, please feel free to message your teachers or call the school with questions.
I also want to mention that sports practice is allowed to continue on these days. However, athletes are not to make contact or do face-to-face drills. Make sure you wear a mask in and out of the building and keep it on until your coach tells you to remove it. All practices will remain at the scheduled time as staff are required to work their regular day.
Thank you for your time and patience and please remember we are all in this together. Wear a mask, wash your hands and keep your distance.
Have a good evening and as always, GO GENERALS!
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff,
This is Mr. Kisner with a couple announcements. First, I want to remind everyone that next Friday, November 6 will be the last day of the first nine weeks. Students need to make sure all work is completed by November 6 and turned in to count for the first nine weeks. Beginning the second nine weeks, students submitting late work will be penalized for it being late.
I also want to mention that beginning November 16, all students wishing to come 4 days a week will begin that date. If you wish to come 4 days a week, you will not need to do anything except come to school on that date. If you DO NOT wish your student to return 4 days a week and would like your child to participate in the 5-day remote learning starting November 16, please call the school office and leave your child’s name, your name, and a contact number. Administration or the counselor will then call you back to set up a time to complete the required form.
If you are currently enrolled in WV Virtual School, you may remain in that program and do not have to do anything to continue the process. You are not able to leave WV Virtual School to go to remote learning at this time.
It is important that we know your instructional preferences so that we may prepare for our students who will be learning on and off campus.
Thank you for your time and your patience with us as we begin this transition. You will receive more information as this date nears.
Have a great weekend and Go Generals!
Buddy Bag meal pre-orders open
PARKERSBURG - Pre-orders for Buddy Bag meals for the week of Nov. 2 are now open.
Parents may go to to pre-order the meals. Students pick up the meals at the end of the school day, and each contains a breakfast and lunch for the following day.
Pre-orders are due by 9 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 2. Pre-orders begin on Wednesdays for the following week. Orders must be placed separately for each student. On Fridays, meals can be picked up curbside from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Join us in showing our Jackson Pride by participating in Our Fall Spirit Week next week, 10/26-10/30. Check out the flyer to see a listing of the daily themes!!! Go Generals!!!!
Wood County Schools has been informed of a positive COVID 19 case at Jackson Middle School. At this time, we have already taken steps to inform individuals that we believe were directly exposed to the positive individual. If you are not contacted by the principal or school nurse, no action is needed at this time. However, the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department is working closely with Wood County Schools to identify any other potential persons who may have had close contact with the individual that tested positive for COVID-19. If the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department determines contact has occurred with the positive individual, you will be contacted accordingly.
Wood County Schools will continue to take appropriate actions, working in collaboration with the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, to protect the safety and well-being of our students and staff.
To keep our schools open to our children, it will take our entire community following established COVID-19 protocols including hand washing, use of hand sanitizer, use of face coverings, and practicing social distancing. We appreciate your on-going support and commitment to the health and well-being of the Wood County Schools Community.
If you have questions, please contact Nurse McMillian, the School Nurse at Jackson, or Julie Bertram, Nursing Coordinator for Wood County Schools at the Wood County Board of Education. You may also contact the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department @ 304-485-7374.