Students interested please see Ms. George in room 15.
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Students will not go to Caperton Center today due to a power outage. We will have a normal schedule and have clubs at the end of the day.
almost 3 years ago, JMS
This message is for any 8th grade girls interested in PHS Red Wings. Please see the attached picture.
almost 3 years ago, JMS
PHS Red Wings
NEW LOCATION! The Wood County Schools' Social Studies Fair on Saturday, February 19th, will now take place at Williamstown High School. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. Judging is from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Public viewing begins at 5:00 p.m. Awards will begin at 6:00 p.m.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr. Kisner with a brief announcement. First, all 7th and 8th grade students go to Caperton Center on Fridays for Project Lead the Way. When they travel to WVUP, students will have to wear a mask when they get off the bus until they get in a classroom. When in the room they may remove their mask, but in common areas masks are to be worn due to WVUP policy. Thank you for your help with this matter. I also want to mention tomorrow evening our PTA is sponsoring a Valentine dance for Jackson students from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the gym. Admission is $5. There will be a DJ, selfie station, and concessions! Dress is casual and please try to wear soft sole shoes. I hope you have a great evening, and Go Generals!
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Based upon our internet access survey this past September, Wood County Schools has secured Wi-Fi hotspots for those who have a need and have no or unreliable internet. If you have a child who attends any Wood County Schools’ high school or middle school, you may pick up a Wi-Fi hotspot at our Management Information Systems building located adjacent to Parkersburg South High School. The address is 1600 Beverly Street. A map can be found on the Wood County Schools’ website. Pickup dates are tomorrow, Friday and Monday from eight to four. It is not necessary to call ahead. Hotspots for elementary students, who have a need and have no or unreliable internet, will be available soon. Information will be forthcoming.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Jackson Middle School PTA is sponsoring a Valentine's Day dance in the school gym from 6:30-8:00 this Friday, February 11. There will be concessions, a selfie station, and a DJ. It’s casual dress. $5 admission.
almost 3 years ago, JMS
PTA dance
Due to inclement weather, the county social studies fair has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 19.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
social studies fair canceled
Due to impending weather, The Middle School Spelling Bee has been postponed. It has been rescheduled to Tuesday, February 8th at 6:00 p.m. at Blennerhassett Auditorium.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, I hope you had a great weekend. I want to update everyone concerning our i-Ready benchmark testing. Due to the snow day, we had last week, we will be taking our ELA benchmark on Tuesday and then we will take the Math benchmark on Friday of this week. Please make sure your iPads are charged and we look forward to seeing how everyone has progressed to this point! Remember you simply need to do your best! If you happen to be absent on either of these dates, we will have you make up these benchmarks as soon as you return to school during intramural time. I also want to mention that winter sports will be having pictures done this week on January 13. Coaches have those packets of information and should pass them out to teams accordingly. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, JMS
Stay safe and warm!
about 3 years ago, JMS
snow day
Good evening, It's hard to believe that tomorrow we will be taking the second I-Ready Diagnostic. The second diagnostic is an important benchmark for understanding your student's growth, which is why it's so important they try their best. These results allow us to better support them in achieving their growth goals for the year. The most important thing we can do is prepare students and motivate them to put forth their best effort. Hereare a few things you can do to help your student: - Make sure their devices are fully charged. - Make sure they get a good night's rest before the diagnostic! - Talk to them about how important the second diagnostic is, it helps us find out how much progress they have made. It allows their teachers and them to celebrate their accomplishments! - Try your best, do not rush - but don't spend too much time on a question either. Remember questions on the test change based on your answers to earlier questions. You will see some questions you don't know. That is okay! Just try your best! Thank you for your continued partnership in your student's learning! We will take the ELA diagnostic tomorrow and the Math diagnostic next Friday. Again, thank you for your help with this and Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, JMS
There will be no Project Lead the Way for 7th and 8th grade students tomorrow, 1/7/22, due to WVU-P being under a 2 hr delay. At this time, we will have classes as normal. Please note there could be updates from the county.
about 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff: This is Mr. Kisner with a quick announcement. First, I hope you all are rested up and had a great New Year’s. We look forward to getting started back to finish up the second nine weeks. I want to remind all students that beginning tomorrow, cell phones will need to go in your lockers and stay there until the end of the day. Students may have their phones before and after school, however, during the day they need to remain in their locker. I know this is a change in our routine, but this will be the way we continue the year. If students need to call home, there is a student phone avaible in the office. If a student is found to have their phone, it will be kept on the teacher’s desk or in Officer Jones’ office. The phone will be powered off if confiscated. Students will be able to pick them up at the end of the day. However, after February 1st or if a student has their phone removed multiple times, the parent will have to come retrieve the phone. We greatly appreciate your help with this situation and thank you for your support. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff! I hope you all had a safe and healthy Christmas and are doing well. At this time, I would like to talk about a change that will be occurring for all students after the winter break. Beginning January 3, students may only have their cellphones before and after school. During the school day, including at lunch, phones need to stay in student lockers. Over the past months, there have been too many occurrences of students using FaceTime while students are in class, as well as multiple issues involving various social media sites. Therefore, we will no longer allow students to carry phones during those times. Again, students may have phones before and after school. Phones need to stay in their lockers throughout the day. When we get back in January, if a student violates this policy, their phone will be confiscated for the day. After February 1, all phones that are confiscated will need to be picked up by the student’s parent or guardian. We greatly appreciate your help with this situation and thank you for your support. Have a great rest of your break and we look forward to seeing everyone again on January 3. Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, Jeff Kisner
Santa came early, and 2020-2021 yearbooks finally are here! Current seventh and eighth graders who ordered will receive books today in Developmental Guidance. Current freshmen who ordered may pick up at the main doors during school hours today, tomorrow, next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday only, or when school resumes January 3. (Books for those students will be sent with siblings who currently attend as possible.) Those copies are reserved and being held in the main office. Extra copies are available and will be sold on a first come, first served basis until gone. They can be purchased from Ms. Linville in room 31 for $20, cash only. Thank you for your patience with this process and for your support of JMS. Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr. Kisner with a few announcements for this coming week. I want to invite everyone to participate in our Ho Ho Holidays Spirit Week being sponsored by our Student Council! There are lots of days that the students can participate in; including tomorrow’s Mean Green Monday by wearing your Grinchy green tomorrow!! You can find all the themes for each day on our website under News or on the Jackson Middle School Facebook page. I also want to mention that our fundraiser items will be delivered this coming Tuesday, Dec. 14, at a time to be determined. We will get those items out to students to bring home as soon as possible. If you need to arrange pick up please call the school. Thanks and have a great evening. Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, JMS
Jackson Bands’ Winter Concert will be tomorrow, December 9, at 6pm. Doors will open at 5:30pm.
about 3 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon, Jackson parents, students, and staff! I hope you had a great break, and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we come back to school! I want to let you know about a few things as we come back tomorrow. First, this week we will be having a book fair in the school library. Students will have the opportunity to check out the fair this coming week. I also want to mention that there are a couple changes in rooms. Mrs. Williams’ class will now be in room 17. Officer Jones’ first period and Mrs. Snyder’s classes will now meet in room 23. Sorry for the change, but this was the best time for us to make the change. Students will be re-directed if needed. Again, I hope that you had a terrific break and look forward to the rest of the year! Have a great evening and Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, JMS
The 2021-2022 Science Fair Winners are in! 3rd place overall goes to, Gabrielle Rodet. 2nd place overall goes to, Vic Chen, and 1st place goes to Smit Babariya. Gabrielle, Vic, and Smit, will all advance to county. Congratulations to all our Science Fair participants!
about 3 years ago, JMS
science fair
science fair