Off-Campus Learning Enrollment for Second Semester Now Open – Enroll Today! –
about 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
wood county schools distance learning academy logo
The JMS Social Studies Fair is scheduled for Thursday, December 16th. Interested students need to stop by Mrs. Ferrebee’s room (18) to pick up the informational packet. Sign ups close Tuesday,November 30th.
about 3 years ago, Shannon Ferrebee
about 3 years ago, JMS
Kudos to the students of the Wood County Schools' Elementary Honor Choir for an excellent performance! Enjoy the recording of the live streamed event.
about 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
wcs elementary honor choir advertisement
Pardon the late text, however I stated the wrong date in my message concerning fundraiser items! The sale was over November 1 and the date I need to turn in forms is this Friday, November 5! Sorry for the confusion!
about 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff: I would like to thank everyone that has participated in our Extravaganza Fundraiser. Please make sure your fundraiser forms are turned into the office by Friday, November 12, in the morning. We need to turn all the forms in that afternoon so we have our items ready! In addition, I want to mention a couple quick items, as we get ready for the holiday season. You will find two surveys on our website, one for people interested in helping out with our Holiday Helping Hands and one survey for those that are in need this holiday season. You can find both of these surveys on the Jackson website under the News tab. If you can complete these items for us as we want to help our school community for the holidays. Please have the surveys completed by November 19. If you do not have internet access you can pick up a form in the office during school hours. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
about 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff! I would like to remind everyone that this week we will be having Jackson Spirt Week. Meme Monday, Tacky Mom Tuesday, Wonder Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and Fabulous Freaky Friday. You can see what each of these days are specifically by looking at the Facebook page or the website. We look forward to everyone participating in our Spirit Week! Each day we are also participating in our Thankful Fall Food Drive. Each Developmental Guidance class will be bringing in items. The DG class with the most items brought in will win a party for their class! I hope you have a great evening and look forward to a great Spirit week! Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Jackson Middle School Student Council is excited to be hosting a Halloween Spirit Week from October 25th through the 29th! Here is a look at our spirit week days: Monday will be Meme Monday!- Dress like your favorite meme! (Make sure your meme is school appropriate!) On Tuesday, we will celebrate Tacky Mom Tuesday!-Break out your last-minute outfit to make a mom run for Walmart on this day! From bed-head, to messy buns, to mismatched socks... Let's take tacky to a new level on this day! Wednesday is Wonder Wednesday!-From Wonder Woman to Superman, it's time to break out your favorite superhero shirt or gear! Join us on Thursday for Throwback Thursday!-Do you feel like you belong in a different era or would like to try a blast from the past? Today is your day to step out of any era you choose! Fabulous Freaky Friday-Go fabulous or go freaky on this day! Today is your day to wear your school appropriate costume! (Stipulations will apply on this day! For example, students will not be allowed to wear full facial masks. Teachers have to know who is sitting in their classes on this day.) On top of all of this fun, we will be hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive to collect items to provide Thanksgiving Meals for our families in need! The Developmental Guidance Class that brings in the most items will win a donut party!
over 3 years ago, JMS Student Council
Halloween Spirit Week Brought to you By JMS Student Council
At Jackson Middle School, we are thankful for all of our families, and because of this, we would like to make sure that our families in need are full during Thanksgiving! Jackson Middle School Student Council is sponsoring a Thank-full Food Drive from October 25th-29th, the same week as our Halloween Spirit Week, in efforts to put together holiday meals! Please check out the attached flyer for a list of items that we will be collecting! The Developmental Guidance Class that collects the most items will win a Donut Party!
over 3 years ago, JMS Student Council
JMS Thank-full Food Drive Brought to you By Student Council
Good evening, Jackson parents, students, and staff, I hope you all are having a good evening. I want to mention a couple items for this week. First, our Parent Teacher Organization will be having a meeting tomorrow, Oct 20, at 330 pm. They are meeting right in front of the school at this time. I encourage anyone that would like to be part of the PTO to come out and support them at this time, bring a chair! I also want to mention that the end of the first nine weeks is this Friday, Oct 22. Grades are closing quickly and students need to make sure they have all work turned in. Report cards will be issued on Nov. 1. Next week we will be having Spirt Week here at Jackson! I will have an announcement concerning events for each day! Please also check out our Jackson Middle School Facebook page for a flyer concerning these events! Have a great evening and GO GENERALS!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr Kisner with a quick announcement for the week. On October 14, Fall sports will be taking group pictures. Anyone wanting re-takes or makeup individual pictures will also have them done this day. If your student needs a picture packet they are in the hall in front of the office. Just a reminder that there will be no school for students on October 15, as teachers have professional learning and faculty senate on this day. Have a great evening, Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr Kisner with a quick announcement. First, if your student has a water bottle they can bring to school to fill at water fill stations please have them bring them. We have too many students asking for cups from our nurse and we just cannot provide that many. Also I want to mention that there will be no school for students next Monday, October 4. Have a great weekend and go Generals!!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr. Kisner with a quick reminder for everyone that tomorrow, September 20, is the 1st nine weeks midterm. All parents may check student progress and grades via Schoology for the midterm. If you have any questions, you can message your student’s teacher on Schoology or call the school and we will get back to you as soon as possible. I hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening, Jackson parents, students, and staff, This Friday, September 10, we will be having individual picture day for students. All students should have gotten a picture packet, if not they can get one outside of the main office. Any students that are doing virtual or distance learning may come any time after 8:30 to have their picture taken. We will have an additional day later on for make-ups. Thank you and have a great evening…Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
WCS is looking at the availability of internet access in homes. Please fill out this survey.
over 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
If you could please answer the survey concerning WC students internet needs. You can find the survey at the following link: Thanks for helping us collect this important information!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening, Jackson parents, students, and staff; This is Mr. Kisner with a few announcements for tomorrow. First, all students will report to Developmental Guidance tomorrow morning. Our 7th and 8th graders will be going to the STEAM Academy starting tomorrow, and all students will be taking the Math benchmark assessment tomorrow. At the end of the day, all students will get to hear about our various clubs here at Jackson. I also want to mention that the PTO Spirit wear orders are due tomorrow. Please make sure you turn in any orders by tomorrow so that the PTO can place spirit wear orders in a timely manner! Finally, our Blessings of Hope Food program will once again be offering a supply of nutritious meals and snacks for children needing food over the weekends. If you believe your child needs additional food and could benefit from this program, we encourage you to contact Mrs. McDonald or Ms. George. Your student will then bring home a form that we simply need filled out and brought back. I hope you all have a great evening, Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Tonight, the Wood County Board of Education voted to require face coverings for all students and staff while indoors and on buses beginning tomorrow, August 31, 2021. Please read the article and guidelines at
over 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
All students will report to developmental guidance after they go to their lockers in the morning. Please have your IPad charged as we will all be taking the IReady Benchmark in ELA. Students will stay in DG until 9:50, after testing they may read a book or work on IReady. We will then run a 2 hr delay schedule. Do your beat tomorrow, Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, It was great getting students back into the classrooms and starting the school year! I would like to mention a few items as we begin our first full week of school. First, thank you to everyone that has returned their Acceptable Use policy! We will be getting IPads out to students as soon as these forms are completed and information verified. If your student has not turned in an AUP, please do this as soon as possible. Also, we need to have everyone turn in their pink health form with updated information. This allows us to get the correct information in the system. Also, please remember the building does not open until 7:30AM for students to enter. Staff do not arrive to let students in until this time, therefore students cannot come into the building until then. Please remember when weather changes, students will still have to wait until this time for staff to enter the building at 7:30. The last thing I would like to mention is 4th block. This is lunch, intramurals, and developmental guidance. Students should plan on putting books and iPads in their lockers during this block. They will need IPads only for developmental guidance and can easily go to their locker between these three areas. Students shouldn’t take any books to intramurals or lunch. If a student needs homework help, they can go during intramurals. They just need to report to room 17 in the 6th grade hallway. I hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS