Good evening Jackson parents, students and staff: This is a reminder to all 7th and 8th grade students! Monday afternoon we will collect IPads, charging cables, and charging blocks! Please make sure your student brings their IPad, charging cord, and charging block to turn in. We will have MIS staff here to collect those items from our students. If a student does not have one of the items, they will receive an invoice for the items missing. We appreciate your help with this as we begin wrapping up the school year! Have a great evening and Go Generals!!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students and staff: This is Mr. Kisner with a couple announcements for all students. We appreciate all our students that were here each day and did your very best on the General Summative Assessment. We will do make-up testing through the last few days of school. In addition, I want to announce that students will be turning in IPads, charging cords, and charging blocks. We will begin this process with 6th grade on Friday, May 20. 7th and 8th grade will turn their items in on Monday, May 23. Please make sure students have their IPad, charging cord, and charging block to turn in on the assigned day. We will have MIS staff here to collect those items from our students. If a student does not have one of the items, they will receive an invoice for the items missing. We appreciate your help with this as we begin the process of collecting items. Have a great evening and Go Generals!!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students and staff: This is Mr. Kisner with a couple announcements for all students. Students will continue taking the General Summative Assessment tomorrow. Please make sure your IPads are charged and your students are on time for school to begin testing. In addition, I want to announce that students will be turning in IPads, charging cords, and charging blocks. We will begin this process with 6th grade on Friday, May 20. 7th and 8th grade will turn their items in on Monday, May 23. Please make sure students have their IPad, charging cord, and charging block to turn in on the assigned day. We will have MIS staff here to collect those items from our students. If a student does not have one of the items, they will receive an invoice for the items missing. We appreciate your help with this as we begin the process of collecting items for the end of the school year. Have a great evening and Go Generals!!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon, This is Mr. Kisner with a quick update for those students and their parents invited to the Salute to the Scholars ceremony this evening. Due to the weather, we will be holding the ceremony in the Jackson gym. Doors will open at 6 pm and the ceremony will begin at 6:30 pm. Students will sit on the floor in the chairs placed there, spectators will be in the bleachers. The ceremony should last about 20 – 30 minutes. Thank you and have a great afternoon.
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff; I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that testing will begin tomorrow, May 16! For testing, students need to make sure they have their IPads completely charged daily! This will be the device that they take the test on. If your student has a difficult time having their device charged, they may be asked to keep it at school. Students also need to make sure they get plenty of rest and have something to eat before testing each day. Please make sure you student is on-time for school and prepared for testing each morning! We will test on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If a student misses any of these dates, they will need to make up the test when they return to school. I also want to remind our 8th grade students that were invited to the Salute to the Scholars ceremony for tomorrow evening that we will begin at 6:30 and will be holding the ceremony on the football field, weather permitting. I will make the final decision about location depending on weather by 1pm. If it is changed to the gym, I will make a call to 8th grade at that time. We greatly appreciate you helping all our students do the very best on the General Summative Assessment. Have a great evening and Go Generals!!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff; I want to take this opportunity to inform everyone of our General Summative Assessment testing dates here at Jackson. For testing, students need to make sure they have their IPads completely charged daily! This will be the device that they take the test on. If your student has a difficult time having their device charged, they may be asked to keep it at school. Students also need to make sure they get plenty of rest and have something to eat before testing each day. 8th grade will take the Science assessment this Thursday, May 12. After that every student will test on May 16, 17, and 18. If you know your student will miss, please write a note indicating this so that we can make arrangements to have the assessment given at another time. I also want to remind our 6th and 7th grade students that were invited to the Salute to the Scholars ceremony for tomorrow evening that we will begin at 6:30 and will be holding the ceremony on the football field. Mr. Kisner will meet with each group tomorrow during intramurals. We greatly appreciate you helping all our students do the very best on the General Summative Assessment. Have a great evening and Go Generals!!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff; I want to take this opportunity to inform everyone of our General Summative Assessment testing dates here at Jackson. For testing, students need to make sure they have their IPads completely charged daily! This will be the device that they take the test on. If your student has a difficult time having their device charged, they may be asked to keep it at school. Students also need to make sure they get plenty of rest and have something to eat before testing each day. 8th grade will take the Science assessment on May 12. After that every student will test on May 16, 17, and 18. If you know your student will miss, please write a note indicating this so that we can make arrangements to have the assessment given at another time. We greatly appreciate you helping all our students do the very best on the General Summative Assessment. Have a great evening and Go Generals!!
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson 8th grade parents, students, and staff, This is Mr. Kisner with a reminder that next week is the last week to buy tickets for the 8th grade semi-formal. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $10. The semi-formal will be on May 7 at the Parkersburg Country Club from 7pm to 9 pm. Have a great evening and Go Generals!!
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Wood County Schools is hiring! We currently have 20 professional positions open, five support service positions open and up to 60 summer learning positions open. Apply today!
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
we are hiring
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff, This is Mr. Kisner with a few announcements for our 8th graders and their parents. This Monday, PHS counselors will be here to talk with 8th grade students about scheduling. We will also have the PHS ROTC coming to talk to any 8th graders that may be interested in that program. After Monday, the PHS counselors will be talking to students individually to look at scheduling for their 9th grade year. Parents may wish to talk to your student after Monday concerning options that they may be talking to the counselor about later on in the week. I also want to mention that there will be a parent meeting Monday evening at 6:30 pm in the Jackson gymnasium. Door 17 by the side parking lot will open at 6:15 pm. Students do not need to attend this meeting. This is a session for parents to talk to the PHS counselor and get information concerning scheduling. Again, this is for parents and students do not need to attend. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Wood County Schools: Distribution of Wi-Fi hotspots to qualifying families will end at 3 p.m. April 15. Information on end-of-year collection of hotspots will be released in the coming weeks. All hotspots must be returned by the end of the 2021-22 school year.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
8th Grade Parents There will be a meeting for 8th grade parents with the PHS Counselors on April 11 at 6:30 PM in the Jackson gym. Students do not need to attend this meeting as they will be getting the same information during the school day next week. The purpose of this meeting is for parents to learn about what classes are available to be taken next year.
almost 3 years ago, Teri King
Summer school registration is now open! Sign up today for Wood County Schools' Summer Learning Program. Sign up here >>>
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff, I hope you all have enjoyed your spring break and had a wonderful time. We look forward to everyone coming back as we begin the 4th nine weeks of the school year. I want to remind all our students to make sure they have their IPads charged for school tomorrow. We will be making sure students have their devices charged because we will need these devices as we look forward to the end of the year testing! Please help us make sure everyone continues to keep these items ready for the school day! We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Have a great evening, Go Generals!
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Due to students going to the Caperton Center tomorrow. Hats will not be allowed to be worn Friday, March 18. Thank you for your cooperation.
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Summer School Registration Begins Monday, March 28! Register your child at
almost 3 years ago, Summer2022
summer school registration
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff: I want to encourage everyone to take part in our Spring Spirit week as it continues this week! Tomorrow will be Tired Tuesday! Students can wear your pajamas to school this Tuesday! Students may also wear a hat on Tuesday, if they will donate a $1 to the Wood County Society! If students wish to wear a hat, they will need to donate their $1 during first period. I encourage you to continue in our Spring Spirit week the rest of this week. All the days can be seen on our school’s webpage or the Jackson Facebook page. I would also like to remind everyone that the end of the 3rd term is this Friday! Please make sure you have all your work caught up and turned in! I hope you have a great evening, Go Generals!
almost 3 years ago, JMS
Wi-Fi Hotspot Distribution: Qualifying elementary, middle, and high families: Hotspots are available to families who indicated a need on a district survey in September OR for families currently without any or unreliable internet access. Pickup at MIS Department at 1600 Beverly Street (near PSHS Campus). Questions? Call 304.420.9510 x0.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
2021-2022 JMS Yearbook Friday, March 4, is the final day to purchase the 2021-2022 yearbook, this year's yearbook, at the lowest price point of $30! The price will increase beginning March 5. Students can place orders online or turn cash orders into Ms. Linville in room 31.
almost 3 years ago, JMS
order form
Members of National Junior Honor Society will be sponsoring a personal hygiene product drive Monday, March 7, through Friday, March 11, to stock a JMS pantry. Requested items include ChapStick, deodorant, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products. Donated items can be either full or travel-sized. Please bring donations to developmental guidance, where NJHS members will visit daily to count and collect items. This is an Olympic event, and standings will updated and announced each afternoon. Good luck!
almost 3 years ago, JMS