Good evening, This is a message to all 6th grade parents and students. There are many changes when you come to middle school; one of those is being responsible for your IPad. One of the most important parts of being responsible with this device is making sure it is completely charged for each school day. Parents, if you could help remind students to charge their devices at night we would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your time and effort! Have a great evening and Go Generals!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Kisner
Are you a WCS student and wish to express your creativity? Enter the Vaping Prevention Contest and let the creative juices flow! Contest prizes value up to $200.00! Follow this link to get started...
over 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
PTA Spirit Wear orders are due tomorrow, 9/2! Forms are on this website as well as Facebook.
over 2 years ago, JMS
JMS Parent/Teacher Association will be having an opening meeting on Sept. 15 at 5:15pm in the cafeteria!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Wood County Schools' internet provider has a fiber line down between Charleston and Parkersburg. Their crews are on site and there is no ETA on when the line will be repaired. With that being said, there is a possibility that the internet may be out tomorrow at all WCS locations if the line is not repaired in time. Details will be shared as soon as we get them.
over 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
View Wood County Schools' middle school arrival and dismissal times.
over 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
arrival and dismissal time table for middle schools
We want to welcome all our students back tomorrow! Daily schedule is attached! Class begins at 7:55!
over 2 years ago, JMS
daily schedule
Spirit wear order forms!!
over 2 years ago, JMS
order form
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff. I would like to remind all our parents and students that tomorrow evening from 4:45 – 6:45, we will have open house at Jackson Middle School. We will open the main doors at 4:45 tomorrow afternoon. Students should find their HR teacher on the front windows of the cafeteria, then they can report to their HR to get their schedule. Each teacher will be in their rooms to help with directions around the building and to talk with students and parents. Open house will be at your own pace and students and parents can go through a student’s schedule and find each room if they like. Parents will also be able to complete the electronic Acceptable Use Policy for their student, either by using the QR code with their phone or on a computer in the library. We will have NJHS students around to help with both of these items. Completing the AUP early will allow your student to receive their IPad on Thursday or Friday of this week. We must check the items off before we can issue the student device. I would also like parents to know our PTA group will also be at open house tomorrow evening. I want to remind everyone that Thursday will be our first day of school and students need to be at school by 7:55 am. All students will enter through the cafeteria doors, 6th graders will report to the cafeteria, and all 7th and 8th grade will report to the gym. 6th graders will remain in the cafeteria until their HR teachers get them in the morning. Have a great evening and we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening! Go Generals!
over 2 years ago, JMS access the QR code you will have to go to our website: or Facebook page. The QR image will not transmit over the SMS system. Thanks.
over 2 years ago, JMS
Parents of incoming 6th graders! If you could complete this form ahead of time or when you get to the school, this will allow us to give your child their IPad to take home today! If we don't have this we will assign them an IPad, they just can't take it home until we have this form completed. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, JMS
This is for all parents! The attached QR code allows you to complete your student's acceptable use policy! Please go to this link and complete the information. Students will not be able to take their IPad home until this information is completed. If you need a paper copy you will need to come to the school to get one. Go Generals!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff! Just a reminder of our Tour de Jackson for incoming 6th graders tomorrow from 1pm – 3pm. Students will get to tour the building, get their locker and work on the combination, view their schedules, get finger scanned for lunch, and get your IPad! Students will come in the cafeteria doors, please locate your HR teacher’s name on the table and have a seat. We will start promptly at 1 pm. I also want to encourage all our students and parents to come to Open House on August 16. Open House for Jackson will be from 445-645 and students and parents can come and visit the school as they please. Students should report first to their HR so that they can get their schedule and then they can go around the school at their own pace to visit teachers and rooms. If you have questions feel free to call Jackson at 304-420-9551. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff! This is Mr. Kisner with a quick message for all students! Homeroom lists are currently on the front windows of the cafeteria for anyone that wishes to see your homeroom teacher. All students will report to their homeroom on open house, August 16, and the first day of school on August 18. I will share more information later on concerning those events. I also want to mention that Tour de Jackson will occur for incoming 6th grade students this Thursday, August 11, from 1-3pm. Parents will drop students off at the cafeteria and can pick them up there at 3 p.m. I encourage any 6th graders coming in to attend this event! Have a great evening and Go Generals!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Wood County Schools' Summer Food Service Program begins June 13th and will be available through August 5th. To learn more about this important program, follow the link below.
over 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
This message is for out going 8th graders! Please see the announcement concerning PHS summer school!
over 2 years ago, JMS
summer school
Interested in our Off-Campus Learning Options? Enrollment is now open for the 2022 - 2023 academic school year. Enroll today!
over 2 years ago, Wood County Schools
This is a reminder to parents of any of our students that may take medication at school, please contact the nurse to pick up those medications. Any meds not picked up by tomorrow afternoon will be disposed of per Wood County School Policy. Thank you for your help.
over 2 years ago, JMS
Jackson parents, staff, and students, Tomorrow, 5/31, is the last day of school for all students. Jackson will have some concessions tomorrow for anyone in the afternoon. Have a great evening and enjoy your summer! Go Generals!
over 2 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff: I want to make a few announcements concerning the JMS Olympics for Thursday and Friday. We will do all we can to have events outdoors, however if heavy rain or storms force us inside, we do have a modified schedule to go by and students will need to pay attention to directions so that events may occur. Please note that students may get wet if it does begin to rain, or if it is raining lightly the Olympics will continue outdoors. Backpacks are not allowed to be worn, however students may have a string bag or a fanny pack to carry belongings in. Concessions will be sold throughout the day and a concession menu can be found on the Jackson Facebook page or on the website. All purchases must be made in cash. All students will also still have an opportunity for lunch during the day in the cafeteria. The opening ceremonies will begin around 8:30 am and should end around 10:00 am. Closing ceremonies on Friday will begin about 2:00 pm. Please note that we will allow spectators during the these ceremonies if items are outdoor! However, we will not allow spectators inside the building. We do thank those that have volunteered and you should have gotten an email or a paper indicating when and where you should report. If you need to know, please call the school before 8:15 and we can try and help you. Have a great Olympics and if I hope you have a terrific summer break. One last time….Go Generals!
over 2 years ago, JMS