Go out and show your support for our Lady Jags basketball team on Monday, Sept. 30 at Williamstown where we play Martin. Presently, Lady Jags are 2-0. If you can't make it Monday, Lady Jags play again on Wednesday, Oct. 2 at Gihon and go up against Williamstown. As a reminder, $5 for adults, $4 seniors, $1 student with children 3 and under free.
3 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
Attention interested students and families: We will hold an information meeting on Thursday, October 3 at JEC at 5:30 pm regarding the upcoming school / county Science Fair. Mrs. Walker will be able to answer questions and guide you on your future Science Fair Project.
3 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
We hope you'll join us! On Thursday, October 3, 2024, The West Virginia Department of Natural Resources is presenting an educational program on native West Virginia animal species for grades Pre-K-2 for the students and their guardians at Jefferson Elementary Center in the little gym. The program will last approximately 60 minutes and there will be hands on opportunities for the children and guardians to touch and feel various animal furs and skins as well as a live animal.
3 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
Come out and participate as PTA plans future activities for our students. Your ideas matter!
3 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
As a reminder, Lawrence Greene will be at JEC TODAY at 5:30 PM offering a free African drumming presentation to students and families in the auditorium. Also, an LSIC (Local School Improvement Council) meeting will taking place as well. Enjoy the show and contribute ideas to improve your community school. Hope to see you there!
3 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
drum 1
drum 2
Lady Jags will have their first basketball game of the season on Tuesday, Sept. 24 at JEC at 5:45 against Gihon. Please come out and show your support to our 2024-25 Girl's basketball team. **This will be the only game held at JEC this season due to gymnasium upgrades this year. As a reminder, admission for all visitors (including athlete's family) per game is: $5 adults, $4 seniors, $1 students and free for 3 and under.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
Lady Jags
Lawrence Green will be at JEC on Sept. 26 working with students during the day on African drums and rhythm. As an added bonus, he will be offering a FREE presentation to students and families at 5:30 PM on Sept. 26 in the JEC auditorium. *JEC received a generous grant from the Parkersburg Area Foundation and is offering hands-on steel drum instruction in the classroom. We will also hold a LSIC meeting to gain input from families with regard to improvements in the teaching and learning environment. Hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
PSA: Today, students at JEC were taught the emergency drills for a Shelter in Place and a Weather Drill. Weather drills are important in the event of inclement weather. This drill prepares students on what to do and where to go if our area were to have extreme weather , winds or a tornado. Shelter in Place drills train students on where to go and what to expect in the event of a Shelter in Place. This drill prepares students (for example) if we have a situation in our area where the air would become unsafe. Students are aware that doors would be sealed and taped off with ventilation systems turned off in the event of a real Shelter in Place emergency. All students and staff were prepared in advance and drills practiced. Everyone did a fantastic job and know the importance of moving quickly, quietly and orderly to ensure the safety of everyone around them.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
PSA: Today, students at JEC were taught the emergency drills for a Shelter in Place and a Weather Drill. Weather drills are important in the event of inclement weather. This drill prepares students on what to do and where to go if our area were to have extreme weather , winds or a tornado. Shelter in Place drills train students on where to go and what to expect in the event of a Shelter in Place. This drill prepares students (for example) if we have a situation in our area where the air would become unsafe. Students are aware that doors would be sealed and taped off with ventilation systems turned off in the event of a real Shelter in Place emergency. All students and staff were prepared in advance and drills practiced. Everyone did a fantastic job and know the importance of moving quickly, quietly and orderly to ensure the safety of everyone around them.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
Picture day is coming! October 2. Flyers going home.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
pic day
Don't forget - if you registered your Prek to 2 student- tomorrow at 5pm!
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
Dear Wood County Schools’ families: Thank you for your courage, patience, and understanding this week as our school personnel and law enforcement agencies worked together to keep our schools safe. We are fortunate for the relationship between our school system and law enforcement. Wood County Schools would like to express gratitude and appreciation for the law enforcement agencies throughout our county and state who provided support to Wood County Schools this week. Thank you to the Parkersburg Police Department, Wood County Sheriff’s Department, Vienna Police Department, Williamstown Police Department, and the Capitol Police. -- Christie M. Willis -- Superintendent
4 months ago, Wood County Schools
Wood County Schools is aware of an online threat targeting various school systems across West Virginia. We take every threat seriously and are actively monitoring the situation. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and we are working closely with local law enforcement to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken. We will continue to keep our community informed as we gather more information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
4 months ago, Wood County Schools
LSIC Local School Improvement Council meeting to be held at 5:30 in the JEC library on Sept. 12. LSIC's give parents the opportunity to be involved in their child's educational process and work alongside the principal, teachers, service personnel and community to improve student and school performance. Hope to see you there. Election to be held to select participants to serve as voting members for a 2 year term.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
On Thursday, October 3, 2024, The West Virginia Department of Natural Resources is presenting an educational program on native West Virgina animal species for grades Pre-K-2 for the students and their guardians at Jefferson Elementary Center in the little gym. The program will last approximately 60 minutes and there will be hands on opportunities for the children and guardians to touch and feel various animal furs and skins as well as a live animal.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
Phones and Internet at JEC have been restored. Thank you for your patience!
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
Sept 9: JEC phones and Internet are presently down. Please be patient as we work to have it restored.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
JEC Creative writing club tryouts Sept 9-13 for grades 3-5. Inquire with Ms Hylton.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
writing club
Girl’s Basketball try-outs open to grades 3-5 on Sept 4 & 5 from 3:05-4:30. Must have a signed permission slip to participate in addition to shorts, sneakers, water bottle and a positive attitude! Good luck, future Lady Jags.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center
lady jags
Due to enrollment numbers in kindergarten, we will begin dismissing Kindergarten ONLY from Door 2 effective Monday, Aug. 26. Door 2 is located near main horseshoe exit.
4 months ago, Jefferson Elementary Center