Ms. Cynthia Oxender

C & I Assistant Principal
I am pleased to serve as the Jefferson Elementary Center C & I Assistant Principal/ My background includes: serving as a previous reading resource teacher, federal grant reviewer for the United States Department of Education, teaching college level classes and possessing teaching certificates in Reading, Elementary Education, Special Education and Autism, Pre-school Special Needs, Library Media, and Middle School English. In previous roles at other schools, the students liked to call me "Ms. O."
In my spare time I like to travel, read and work out. I am a lifelong learner and the next class I'm taking is aerial fitness and bungee yoga! My adult daughter is a corporate lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio where she resides with my two grandpuppies.
I live in Marietta, Ohio - just a stone's throw away and the short drive to work gives me a chance to think about how I will best serve students and staff when arriving to my home away from home - Jefferson Elementary Center! If I can help answer a question or address a need - stop by my office or call and help will be provided.