Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)
Parent and Community Leaders’ Roles in LSICs
Parents and community leaders are the voice of the community’s education stakeholders.
Local School Improvement Councils (LSICs) give parents the opportunity to be involved in their child’s educational process and work alongside the principal, teachers, service personnel, and community to improve student and school performance and progress.
LSICs give parents and community leaders the opportunity to be involved in the school’s vision for excellence and the school strategic improvement process.
Parents elect three fellow parents, guardians, or custodians of students enrolled at the school to serve as voting members of the LSIC for a two-year term.
The principal will appoint three at-large members of the community, one of whom resides in the school’s attendance area and at least one of whom represents business or industry, who will serve a
one-year term.
Voting members may be elected as the chair of the LSIC and/or two members to help set the agenda for each meeting. The chair will serve a one-year term. The chair is responsible for notifying each member in writing five business days in advance of any council meeting.
Voting members complete training in the role and governance of LSICs provided by the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE).
All parents, guardians, or custodians of students enrolled in the school and all community members may be non-voting members of the LSIC and attend all meetings.
Parents, guardians, custodians, and community members engage in an annual Stakeholder Meeting regarding the school’s academic performance. This is an opportunity for attendees to make specific suggestions on how to address issues which are seen to affect the school’s academic performance which may include but are not limited to: parent and community involvement, the learning environment, student engagement, attendance, behaviors, supports for at-risk students, curricular offerings, resources, and the capacity for school improvement.
For a printable version of this information, download the Parent and Community Leaders’ Roles in LSICs (PDF)