Grade 2 handed out Christmas STEM packets and goodies to their students today. Grades K & 1 will be available next week while grades 3-5 will provide an online Christmas Around the World activity.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Xmas stem
See our NEWS section for a quick video to update your student’s iPad. This will help provide important updates so that your iPad will function properly. If your iPad is locked/disabled, please contact the school.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Dear 2nd grade parents and families, We are having a Title I parent engagement take-home activity on Friday, Dec. 18, 10 AM - noon. There will be a table set up at the main entrance of JEC. Please stop by to pick up your child's packet and a hot chocolate treat bag. We look forward to seeing you!
about 4 years ago, Julie Gibson
Teachers are actively teaching - is your child ‘in class?’ Overview of LIVE instructional meetings M-Th DAILY: Kindergarten: 10AM-11AM / Reading Intervention 2PM-230PM Grade 1: 10AM-11AM Reading / 1PM-2PM Math. *Mrs. English 9AM-11AM (reading & math) / Reading Intervention 2PM-230PM Grade 2: Willhide & Korkan 11AM OR 2PM/ Powers 11:30AM OR 1:30 PM/ Whitehair (Summers) 11AM OR 1:30PM / Reading intervention varies Grade 3: 9AM-12PM/ Reading intervention in PM Grade 4: 9AM-1PM/ Reading intervention in PM Grade 5: 9AM-3PM/ Lunch & Reading intervention built-in schedule ** Special Education, Reading Resource and Title 1 schedules can be obtained by reaching out to the school. These LIVE sessions are the direct instructional method being utilized for FULL REMOTE delivery. Students need to participate in these LIVE class sessions to receive the instruction and to be able to complete assignments in Schoology. LIVE sessions also provide the opportunity to ask questions and seek assistance. In the event you miss a session or need a review, the sessions are recorded and posted. Teachers also hold office hours for extra help on Fridays.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Mid-term reports will be emailed / sent out tomorrow (Dec. 14). Grades close Jan 22, 2021. *If you have not utilized your Parent Access Code to receive emails / grades, please contact the school or your child’s teacher. Students should continue to login to their LIVE class instructional sessions Mon-Thurs. until Dec. 23 (as well as keep up on Schoology and iReady assignments). Fridays is for Schoology assignments only (no live meetings). All classes in grades 3-5 begin online LIVE instructional sessions at 9am. Grades K-2 sessions are posted on their classroom Schoology page. If you need help with the Schoology platform, accessing/ submitting assignments or logging into LIVE instructional meetings, please contact the school and we will schedule to get you the specific help you need.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Wood County Schools will continue with full remote instruction the week of Dec 7.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Map Dec 7
Hello! In case of a "snow day", all early morning Schoology conferences and Team meetings will begin at 10AM. We will still have online learning and students will be expected to be at the meetings with their teachers. No students will report to school on snow days.
about 4 years ago, Julie Gibson
This is Mrs. Gibson, principal at Jefferson Elementary Center. This week from 10 AM - 1 PM we plan to be at the following locations: in front of Jefferson Elementary, Piggly Wiggly, Frenchy's store and Go Mart. We want to help you solve tech issues such as using your parent access codes to log-in t o Schoology, downloading the Wood County Schools' app, signing in to Clever and help with pre-ordering meals for the week of Nov. 30. Please stop by any of these locations and let a JEC staff member assist you!
about 4 years ago, Julie Gibson
Students who complete their weekly iReady reading OR math minutes will be eligible for a freebie certificate. Work hard Jaguars!
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Have you signed up in Schoology using your Parent Access code? This is an important communication tool between school and home. Contact your child’s teacher or the school for help today.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Internet directions
Parent access directions
Do you need help with the iPad? Schoology? Online class meetings? Submitting work? Let US help YOU! We understand- and we are here to help YOU help your child be successful in school (and remotely). Reach out to the school and we will provide the support you need to navigate schoolwork- TOGETHER!
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
All students should be engaged in full remote delivery of instruction again this week through Schoology Conferences or TEAMS meetings. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact your child’s teacher or school and we will GLADLY assist you!
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Please see the schedule of instruction for: Nov 16-19 Full Remote Instruction and Nov 23-25 Non-Traditional Instruction Days.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Nov 23-25
Nov 16-20
Lifetouch photos have arrived (for those taken in Oct). Please contact the front office to pick up your child's school pictures. Photos scheduled for Nov. 18 have been canceled due to Full Remote Instruction taking place. Lifetouch will be rescheduled at a later date TBD.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Pre-Order Meal Delivery Bus Hub & Curbside Tuesday, November 17th - Friday, November 20th Meal pre-orders for Nov. 17-20 are now open at As we transition our students to remote learning in orange during the week of November 16th, WCS will be providing students' with meals curbside at your school for walkers and drop offs as well as providing meal delivery via bus routes. School buses will travel to their afternoon stops carrying pre-ordered meals (Breakfast and Lunch) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Bus routes are 3 1/2 hours before the normal afternoon drop off time. Meals will need to be reheated. There will be instructions for reheating. For information regarding bus times, please call 304-420-9636 extension 101. If you are picking up curbside at a school. Pickup times are from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Please complete the pre-order form for the the Week of November 16th (Tuesday - Friday) for all bus deliveries and curbside . Deadline for pre-order is 2 p.m. on Monday, November 16th. You will need to place an order separately for each student. If you are requesting for bus delivery and your student currently rides a bus, please place the bus number that your student rides home. This program is solely for the pick-up of meals; meals will not be consumed on site. We encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of COVID-19 by not congregating at the pick-up locations. Allergy Disclaimer: During this remote and curbside feeding situation, Wood County Schools Child Nutrition Department will be operating under a special waiver for distribution of meals. This option does not allow us to identify students by names and therefore we are not able to identify special food allergies. Please contact the Child Nutrition Department if you have any questions, 304-420-9631 extension 103. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
about 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Yearbook ordering is available.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
Yearbook order
Important: Nov 9-13, 2020
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
If in quarantine- Learning continues online Families- Isolation- means a positive Covid test and the assumption the individual is ill. Quarantine- means there was possible exposure to a positive Covid individual. Individuals are placed on quarantine as a precautionary measure. In the event a classroom and teacher are placed on quarantine, learning will continue via Schoology, Conferences and Teams. Please ensure you know what time each day your child should be logged into their class. Teachers are busy helping your students practice logging into Teams or Conferences (within the Schoology platform) to ensure instruction and learning continues. It is imperative that we work together between school and home to ensure our students are getting the best possible education we can give them during these unprecedented times. If you are uncertain how to login, the time your child should be logging in each day or questions in general, please contact your child’s teacher or myself: Clowers@ *Please share this information with families of JEC students and encourage them to become part of the ‘Jefferson Elementary Center~ Parkersburg’ Fb group and download the WCS app for important school info.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
WCS will open elementary students to attend Monday - Thursday (4 days a week in-person) effective Monday, Nov. 9. Friday will continue to be a remote day for all students. If you decide that you’d prefer for your child to remain home and attend 5 days a week remotely through Schoology, please contact the school at 304-420-9554 no later than Wed., Nov. 4. *Please note, that this option does not allow for teacher assistance until Friday’s (as they will be involved in direct instruction M-Th).
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers
STEM activities go home this week. This is part of a Title 1 Parent Involvement event. Please participate with your child and send photos/ videos to your child’s homeroom teacher through Schoology. We can’t wait to see you RISE TO THE CHALLENGE.
about 4 years ago, Tina Lowers