Dear JMS families, friends, clubs, and staff. On behalf of your selflessness, we have been able to assist 35 of our Generals this year for Operation Christmas.
In addition, Student Council is providing Christmas dinner for each family!
We cannot thank you enough!
1. All gifts must be dropped off tomorrow, December 18th, between 4pm-6pm near the gym doors. Please refer to your flyer sent home for more detailed information.
2. All gifts need picked up on Wednesday, December 20th between 4pm-6pm near the gym doors. We ask that you do not bring your children with you upon receiving.
All questions/concerns can be directed to Ms. George at
Wow! Thank you all! That was fast, as all kids have been adopted. We cannot thank you enough.
We are currently seeking for Christmas Help for 4 more Generals. If you’d like to help make their Christmas special, or if you already applied to assist but have yet to hear anything, please email Ms. George at
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff!
This is a reminder that our Butter Braid orders will be coming in tomorrow, 12/6. We will be allowing pick up of these items starting at 2pm until 4 pm at the cafeteria doors!
If you need to make arrangements to pick up on Thursday, please call the office to make those arrangements. We hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!
Good afternoon, Jackson parents, students, and staff! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and a safe break! Just a reminder that the Jackson Book Fair will begin tomorrow and run through the rest of this week. You may access the flyer and information concerning the book fair at the following link:
We hope you have a great evening and Go Generals!
Attention Jackson Families. We are once again trying to identify Generals in need of Christmas Help and Families willing to Help. If you find yourself in need of help, or the ability to help one of our very own Generals, please email Ms. George at ASAP. All information will remain confidential.
Last call for Butter Braid orders! Tomorrow will be the last day we can take orders! Please turn in order forms to the school via the Homeroom Teacher or Office or placed online. Items will be in and ready for pick up on December 6 (2-4pm). Proceeds go toward the JMS Reward Program, PBIS. Thank you for your support!
Reminder! Butter Braid orders are due tomorrow,Monday, November 6! As you finalize your sales, forms may be turned in to the school via the Homeroom Teacher or Office or placed online. Items will be in and ready for pick up on December 6 (2-4pm). Proceeds go toward the JMS Reward Program, PBIS. Thank you for your support!
Looking for tutoring options for you child? Look no further. Gov. Justice announces statewide partnership with Learn more...
Every year at this time we must fulfill a requirement of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986. It is our responsibility to notify in writing, parents/legal guardian, school staff and employee organizations of the availability of the Asbestos Management Plan for each facility. Please find the notification information for your facility on Wood County Schools' web page.
Reminder! One More Week of Butter Braid Sales! Orders are due Monday, November 6! As you finalize your sales, forms may be turned in to the school via the Homeroom Teacher or Office or placed online. Items will be in and ready for pick up on December 6 (2-4pm). Proceeds go toward the JMS Reward Program, PBIS. Thank you for your support!
Girls Basketball will have tryouts for 6th grade October 30th and November 1st from 5:30-7:00. Then 7/8th grade will have tryouts November 2nd and 3rd from 5:30-7:00. All individuals must have a completed WVSSAC physical turned in. If you need a physical form, you can download from WVSSAC website or pick up at the school.
Reminder, there is no school for students on Thursday, Oct. 26 (Parent-Teacher Conferences) or Friday, Oct. 27 (Professional Learning Day). Classes resume as normal on Monday, Oct. 30.
REMINDER: Parent-Teacher conferences will be held Thursday, Oct. 26. Contact individual schools for schedules or to make an appointment.
Good evening parents, students, and staff. This is Mr. Kisner with a few announcements. First, a reminder that this Friday, Oct. 20, is fall sports pictures and picture retakes! I also want to remind everyone that last week we sent home information on Parent/Teacher conferences. If you would like to schedule a conference, you should return the provided document or contact your student teacher for a time. Conferences will be held next Thursday, October 26.
Tomorrow, Jackson Park Drive beside the pool area will be closed down to one lane of traffic. Please make arrangements for this. Also, parents if you could remind your student to not carry their IPad inside a three-ring binder. If you do this, you could possibly damage the IPad. I hope you all have a great evening and Go Generals!
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff. This is Mr. Kisner with a quick announcement concerning traffic around the school for tomorrow, October 9. Jackson Park Drive will be closed as they will be putting in a gas line for the pool that will have to cross the road.
Again, this will cause issues in the traffic pattern around the school. They are hoping to have it done and the road back open in one day.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Go Generals!
Next week we will be helping out our local community food bank! Go Generals!
Good afternoon, this is Mr. Kisner with an important message concerning the traffic pattern around Jackson Middle School for next week. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; Jackson Park Drive will be closed partially due to construction at the pool area. Please note that if you generally drop off in the area of the tennis courts or pool, that area will not be available. Please also know if you come over the hill from Rosemar Road that you should find an alternate route.
Please also try to understand that with this detour, the traffic congestion on 34th Street will be very high. It may be best to exit along 15th Ave. toward 28th Street to help with traffic flow.
Again, this will make traffic highly congested Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. WCS transportation is also aware of this and will be using alternate routes to the school. Have a great evening and Go Generals!
Good evening, this is Mr. Kisner with an important message concerning the traffic pattern around Jackson Middle School for next week. Next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; Jackson Park Drive will be closed down due to construction at the pool area. Please note that if you generally drop off in the area of the tennis courts or pool, that area will not be available. Please also know if you come over the hill from Rosemar Road that you should find an alternate route.
Please also try to understand that with this detour, the traffic congestion on 34th Street will be higher. It may be best to exit along 15th Ave. toward 28th Street as well.
Again, this will make traffic highly congested next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. WCS transportation is also aware of this and will be using alternate routes to the school. Have a great weekend and Go Generals!
Wood County Schools is sponsoring a Vaping Prevention Poster Contest and a Video Contest giving students the opportunity to spread the message about the risks of vaping and nicotine addiction. Students are invited to create a video or a poster encouraging students to choose a healthy vape-free lifestyle. Learn more at