Here is the 2020 bus routes again for your viewing.
If your child is riding a bus, please review this document and let them know what bus they are riding, as some routes and buses have changed for this school year.
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
It was wonderful having students back in school today! We had some internet issues, but we are working through them. Thank you parents/guardians for raising such well-behaved students as we work our way through all the new changes of 2020!
On another note: The Tech Center will be OPEN tomorrow, so students who go in the morning will need to get on the bus by 7:45 AM.
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
Here is the cell phone policy at WMHS. This policy, along with others, can be found in the Student/Parent Handbook.
Cell Phones, I-Pods, Headphones, or Earbuds:
The school is not responsible for any electronic entertainment device brought to school. Students grades 6-8 are only allowed to have these devices before and after school. They are not to have any non-school issued electronic devices in their possession during the school day. Students grades 9-12 may have electronic devices in their possession, that a teacher can allow for educational uses at their discretion. Students are allowed to use the devices during their lunch time. Students ARE NOT allowed to use electronic devices, headphones, or earbuds in the hallways between classroom exchanges. Teachers reserve the right to prohibit cell phones in their classroom.
Any electronic device not following school procedures will be confiscated by the teacher and turned in to the office. Students will have to check their electronic devices in with administration daily until they have met the required disciplinary action. Students who bring the above items to school do so at their own risk. The school does not investigate items reported stolen since it is suggested that the items be left at home.
about 4 years ago, Jill Bryant
The Tech Center and CIWP is not going to be ready to start school at this point, so we will have to house them in our school until they can begin attending. Students that are scheduled for the Tech Center or CIWP in the morning may sign in later to come to school.
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
A Message from Principal Ward:
We are excited that the new school year begins tomorrow, September 08. A reminder that students L-Z will report on Tuesday and Thursday, and students A-K will report this week on Wednesday and Friday.
I know all this is very overwhelming, so here are a few basic reminders.
Students are to be dropped off at the main doors or the library doors out front, please do not drop off students in back in the mornings. (Beginning at 7:30, the tardy bell is at 8:20).
When picking up your child, you may pick them up in the front OR back of the school, please be sure to share that expectation with them. (Dismissal bell is 3:00 PM)
Students may NOT bring their own personal devices to school. This is to keep our wi-fi protected and try to control the best we can content being viewed on devices.
Parents are NOT permitted to bring fast food to students during lunch time. They need to either bring their lunch with them or eat the school provided lunch.
Although not a requirement, I am asking each student to bring their own mask and bottle of water on the first day of school. This will help expedite first day procedures and practices for our schools as they begin teaching expected behaviors for the year. Students will receive a Wood County mask on the first day and will be expected to possess and use it on a continual basis as we navigate through a new normal for our school system. (copied from the Superintendent message)
Tomorrow the Yellowjackets fly!!!
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
This is a reminder that the 2020-2021 school year will begin on Tuesday, September 8th for students with last names beginning with L-Z. On Wednesday, September 9th, students with last names A-K will report to school. Due to Monday being Labor Day, students with last names A-K will report Friday, September 11th as well. Please visit the Wood County Schools website, and then click “2020-2021 Re-entry Summarization” for more details. Our re-entry schedule has not changed since being published. Students will attend school on a Blended-Model of instruction for 3 weeks, which is our Yellow Schedule, or until proper procedures, protocols, and new standards have been taught and implemented.
Also, please do not confuse yourself with the WVDE color-coded map. The map is used as one of many tools to drive local decisions for our school system. As mentioned in previous communications, we will closely monitor the data each day to make well-informed and deliberate decisions, while keeping safety as the top priority for our students and employees.
Over the last six months, we have worked diligently and methodically to create a well-rounded plan for re-entry. I’m sure we have not thought about every issue that may arise - please be patient as we work through making adjustments, changing protocols or procedures, and seeking feedback from our stakeholders to make this school year a great success.
Although not a requirement, I am asking each student to bring their own mask and bottle of water on the first day of school. This will help expedite first day procedures and practices for our schools as they begin teaching expected behaviors for the year. Students will receive a Wood County mask on the first day and will be expected to possess and use it on a continual basis as we navigate through a new normal for our school system.
We are so excited to see your children in our schools once again. We have greatly missed their presence the last six months. As always, make sure to Wear a mask, Watch your distance, and Wash your hands. To view our first WCS Newsletter, please click
Have a safe and wonderful Holiday weekend.
WMHS: Clarifications for the week of Sept. 08
With Monday being Labor Day, students L-Z will maintain their normal days of Tues. - Thurs. A-K students who normally go to school on Mon - Wed will adjust for the WEEK OF SEPT. 08 and attend on Wed. and Fri. to allow students and staff to have 2 face to face class sessions.
Note: WMHS stands for Williamstown Middle/High School for future reference. :)
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
Here is the video link from tonight's meeting with Mr. Ward.
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
Thank you for everyone that attended tonight's meeting. Here is the link to the bus routes and other information the county has provided.
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
Just a reminder the 6th and 7th grade virtual meeting starts at 6:00PM! Zoom limits the amount of people to 100 so please keep it open for those parents.
The virtual meeting for 6th and 7th grade orientation will be this Wednesday, Sept. 02 at 6:00 pm. The link will be listed below to join. Jason Ward is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: My Meeting Time: Sep 2, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 837 7539 2582 Passcode: WqU978
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
We will be available for i-Pad pickup this evening until 7:00 PM if you are unable to get in during your scheduled time. Just come to the front to doors 10 and 11 (library area) and we will have staff available.
Due to The Virus The Soccer Games at Nitro have been Cancelled. However, The Boys Team was able to schedule a game at Scott High on 9/3 6pm and the Girls team will now travel to Winfield on 9/3 at 6pm.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Givens
Fun video put together by our 6th grade team to share information to our 6th grade students.
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
Attention 7th Graders:
This fantastic virtual presentation was put together by our 7th Grade Team to help you get ready for the start of school next week!
about 4 years ago, Jason Ward
Here is the WHS Schedule Change Request Form if a student has a concern about their schedule. Once the code is scanned, a student will sign in using their Office 365 login to access the form, and submit their request.
The Counseling Department asks that you fill out this form instead of calling in, and they will contact you as they are able.