Promise Scholarship available Oct. 1, 2024 DEADLINE MARCH 1
PACF scholarship (opens December) application
Apply for WV Invests for FREE tuition at WV Community and Technical Colleges.
Order Transcripts
Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid- Opens Dec.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a publication of the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education required wages and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations in the United States. It is an invaluable tool to help in choosing a career path before entering college.
ACT ACADEMY Instructions
To streamline dissemination of information, this page will no longer be updated with announcements and updates. Despite many reminders being sent to check this page, it is not utilized by parents or students. We will continue to use Schoology Groups, Rooms, the WCS app and the school's Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to contact the school counselors directly via phone or email. We strive to help each student be successful. Contact information is on the "Welcome to the Counseling Department" tab.
Please see the attached flier for information about Academy Days.
We know this past week has been difficult for many of you. Levels of anxiety are high among our students, families, school personnel and our communities with the uptick in threats of school violence. When threats are made, it’s crucial to support students, families, and school staff by providing clear communication, emotional support, and access to helpful resources. The following resources can offer guidance and reassurance during these challenging times:
Ms. Justice is visiting classrooms in September to review transcripts and perform credit checks with students in grades 10-12. (Sophomores scheduled for 9/23) Seniors were required to review their credits with a parent/guardian and return the signed form to Mr. Blackburn. Please ask your child to show you their transcript and review their credits to assure they are on target to graduate with their cohort.
Remember that the school based College Fair is TOMORROW, September 5 at 9:00. Parents of juniors and seniors are invited to attend. Visit Strivescan.com to register. Parents, if you attend, please be advised that empty spots in the school parking lot and the weight room are reserved for college reps. We realize parking is an issue for our guests, and we apologize .
AP students must join their AP Classroom ASAP with the join code provided to teachers. The deadline to order and pay for test(s) is October 31 at 3:00 pm. Fee is $99.00 per test. Notate which test you are paying for in the memo line of your check, made payable to WMHS.
AP Govt is May 6 at 12 NOON sharp.
AP Calc is May 12 at 8:00 am sharp.

Counselors last day of this school year is Thursday, June 13th. If you have an issue with a student schedule, please make every effort to get that taken care of by this date. Appointments recommended, but drop-ins are also welcome.
Schedules for the 2024-2025 have been distributed and schedule changes are finished. IF a student failed a core course for the year, please reach out to your counselor to have your schedule updated. Summer school for credit recovery is available through PHS and PSHS. Applications are in the main office of all three high schools. Deadline to apply is June 10. First session starts on June 17.
Congratulations to the Class of 2024. We wish you all the best. Have a great summer, everyone! See you in August!
WVU medicine is conducting a Health Career Fair Day at the Wood County Technical Center. Click HERE to see the flyer for the event.

02.07.2024 Wood County Technical Center and Caperton Center tours available! See below!

Parents of seniors: this is a reminder that any scholarship application that is sent to the counseling department is uploaded to the scholarship folder in the resources tab of the Senior Schoology Group. There are three local/state scholarships that are NOT paper applications; Promise, GKVF and PACF. All seniors have been made aware of where to find these applications online. Deadlines for these are fast approaching. Here is an important update from PACF.
Happy New Year! The next few months will fly by. And for seniors, that can be simultaneously good and not-so-good. lol There is much to do, many deadlines, endings and beginnings. It's an exciting, albeit stressful, time. Know that we are here to help! First on the list of things to be aware of is the FAFSA. It opened with a "soft launch" this past weekend. They are monitoring the form's functionality so it will be periodically "down" for short periods of time. While it took a few minutes to log on this morning, I was eventually able to open the form. That being said....
We are hosting a FAFSA workshop on January 18 from 4-6 at the school! A representative from the WVHEPC will be on-hand to guide you through the form. You can complete it while you are here, and your confidential information will be protected. Some questions can be difficult/confusing to answer, so it's great to have a FAFSA expert on hand. Make sure you apply for an FSA ID at least 2-3 days before the workshop if you plan to do the FAFSA that evening. One parent and the student must have an ID. Do NOT use a student k12 email, and do not use the same email for the two IDs. Questions? Contact Ms. Justice.
Senior families. There is space available at tonight's workshop for financial aid/Promise/FSA ID. Doors open at 5:15- main floor, room 220. If you forgot to register, that's okay! Hope to see you!
November 1: The Counseling Department is pleased to announce that Dr. Andrew Beck will be featured at our next career roundtable discussion for high school students. He is an assistant professor at Marietta College in the Environmental Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and Geology Department. He has a very impressive resume, including being a team member for NASA's Dawn mission and part of the Antarctic Search for Meteorites Program. He was recently a staff scientist at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory where he conducted planetary science research and was a team member on several NASA missions and mission proposals. He remains actively involved with planetary research and exploration, currently serving as a team member for the JAXA/NASA Martian Moon exploration (MMX), set to launch in 2024. Dr. Beck also founded his own geology consulting firm and serves as a consultant for several Fortune 500 companies, advising them on mineralogy/petrology-related litigation. You can learn more about him on the MC website.
October 25: Join us for an informative session about the ins and outs of financial aid! Whether you are a student, parent or guardian, this event is designed to help you navigate the financial aid process, including the FAFSA, scholarships, grants, and loans.
Time will be allotted for students (and parents, when required) to create FSA ID accounts, which require authentication up to five days before starting the FAFSA, at StudentAid.gov. Students may also apply for the Promise Scholarships at this session.
Room 220, 5:30 pm. Enter through front doors (5th St)
Reminder-tomorrow, September 7, is the WVACRAO college fair. It will be held in the Middle School Gym from 9-7 for Juniors and Seniors. PARENTS are encouraged to attend.
Parents, if you wish to join your child's counseling department Schoology group, contact a counselor for a join code.
Parents of Seniors and Juniors! You are invited to attend our school-based college fair on September 7, from 9-11 in the middle school gym. MARK YOUR CALENDARS TODAY!
WELCOME TO THE 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR! We hope the year ahead is full of exceptional learning and loads of fun and happiness. Here are a few important announcements:
~High School students- if you took Health this summer, and were wanting to earn a FULL CREDIT, please remember that in order to get a full credit you needed to attend both terms, or complete two separate courses. Some of you earned .50 credit, not a full credit. Just something to be aware of so that you can finish the credit next summer or online this year with WV Virtual School.
~Payment for Dual Credit Early College classes at WVUP is due on August 16th. Pay using one of the following methods:
Online at wvup.edu/payment and choose the last option at the bottom of the screen.
Over the phone by calling the business office at 304.424.8223.
In person between 8 am and 4 pm, M-F.
Mail check or money order to the attention of the business office in advance of the deadline- be sure to include the student's last first and last name on the memo line.
For payment questions, contact the business office at 304.424. 8223.
~WVUP classes start on MONDAY, AUGUST 21. Note that this is BEFORE our first day of school.
~Schedules will be distributed next week. Watch for an announcement from Mr. Ward via the WCS app.
Congratulations to Macy Morgan and Kaden Spencer! Both earned the Adolph & Edith Harries and Eleanor Harries Tippens Scholarship. This is a FULL RIDE scholarship! Macy is attending Marshall University and Kaden is attending WVU. Both are pursuing engineering degrees. We are so happy for you and so proud of you! Go Herd! Go Mountaineers!
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for a student to be considered for an Early College Scholarship for Fall 2023 is Thursday, June 1, 2023. Click Here to open a blank form. You can also find the form online at wvup.edu/earlycollege.
SENIORS: Promise Scholarship has bend extended to May 1, 2023. If you haven't already, PLEASE APPLY!
FREE job training, FREE room and board, Charleston, WV. A representative from Job Corps will be at the school on Thursday, 3.09.23, to provide information about this program and how to apply. Job Corps offers hands-on career technical training in high-growth industries. (business, medical, trades, to name a few.)
Graduate benefits include job placement, career counseling, relocation counseling, and transition counseling with includes a transition allowance of up to $1,000 to assist you with transportation and housing services.
Come to the Counseling Center at NOON to learn more!!!
Ms. Justice met with juniors on March 24 (morning and afternoon) and again this morning to distribute transcripts and a credit checklist and to discuss scheduling. Parents, if your child did not attend one of these three sessions, have him/her contact me to arrange a meeting.
Today, five WMHS students attended BB2C's Discover Engineering Day. What a fabulous experience. WMHS is the only school in Wood County associated with Building Bridges to Careers, and we are very fortunate for all the opportunities they provide. This year, we have 13 seniors participating in internships through BB2C.
March 1 is the deadline for FAFSA, Promise Scholarship and PACF Scholarships.
Ms. Justice met with juniors today to go over their transcripts, graduation requirements and scheduling for next year. Mrs. Lee will be assisting students with their course request sheets.
DEADLINE for Early College Contracts to be turned in to Ms. Justice is March 6.
Ms. Justice is in Sophomore classrooms today discussing topics such as transcripts, graduation requirements, and college/career planning. Rising sophomores and juniors will be have the same presentation within the next few days. Mr. Ward will be addressing rising freshmen. Mrs. Sturm will work with middle schoolers.
On Wednesday rising 9-12 graders will attend an electives fair to learn more about course offerings at WMHS.
On 2.21.2023 seniors will hear a presentation on teen dating violence.
Career Exploration via ASVAB was conducted in Social Studies classes today for juniors. On Thursday, we will work with Sophomores in English classes. Students were shown how to access the online tool which matches their test results from the ASVAB and the career interest inventory to the job market. This valuable tool will show students if their career interest is a growing or declining field, where in the US the jobs are (and are not), and will also allow them to search for colleges related to their career choices as well as scholarships.
March 1, 2023, is the Application and FAFSA deadline for Promise!
What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About FAKE PILLS
Ms. Justice will be in Civics classes today to review financial aid information and resources for scholarships.
Attention parents and community members:
If you are interested in sharing information about your career with high school students, please contact Ms. Justice. It would involve approximately an hour of your time, at a time during the school day which is convenient for you.
Ms. Justice and representatives from the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation met with seniors yesterday during Civics classes to provide information on the local scholarships they offer.
Dual Credit contracts are due TODAY.
Twenty four juniors and seniors have signed up to attend the Medical Careers event at Washington County Career Center on December 2nd.
MANY seniors have not yet completed the FAFSA. Please get that done ASAP.
If you are interested in learning more about Mountaineer Challenge Academy, please let Ms. Justice know. They will be visiting after Thanksgiving break.
Have a great Thanksgiving break.
Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation scholarship online application is now open. More information is available in the senior counseling dept. schoology group. Below is an example of scholarships available by doing an online search. These are from CollegeForWV.com.
Image America Scholarship
Deadline: December 31, 2022
For: High school seniors
Link: https://bit.ly/2Wi48iY
Wealth Wise Scholarship
Deadline: December 31, 2022
For: Undergraduate and graduate students seeking a career in the finance industry
Link: https://bit.ly/2Ot8iQ5
New! NACE Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: January 1, 2023
For: Multiple scholarships for current college students
Link: http://bit.ly/1U4LWiT
New! Love Your Career Scholarship
Deadline: January 10, 2023
For: Current college students
Link: http://bit.ly/2eZRSv0
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship
Deadline: January 28, 2023
For: Current college students
Link: https://bit.ly/2AWrtiA
New! The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
Deadline: February 1, 2023
For: Multiple scholarships
Link: https://bit.ly/2KCJoMX
New! Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship
Deadline: February 19, 2023
For: Students currently attending an accredited school or will be within 6 months of application
Link: http://bit.ly/2DWdF6C
New! Civics Education Scholarship
Deadline: February 25, 2023
For: Elementary school students, middle school students, high school students
Link: https://bit.ly/2S9TXZp
Create a Greeting Card Scholarship
Deadline: March 2, 2023
For: High school students and current college students
Link: https://bit.ly/2pszvWe
New! Why Diplomacy & Peacebuilding Matter Scholarship
Deadline: April 3, 2023
For: High school students
Link: http://bit.ly/2t6cbAi
New! The Ayn Rand Scholarship
Deadline: April 27, 2023
For: Students 8th grade through 12th grade
Link: https://bit.ly/1EsCq4f
New! Washington Scots Charity & Education Fund Scholarship
Deadline: April 30, 2023
For: Students of Scottish descent
Link: http://bit.ly/2krDaS5
New! Pureland Supply Scholarship
Deadline: May 1, 2023
For: Students accepted in an accredited trade school, vocational school or community college
Link: https://bit.ly/2AWrz9W
New! Rover Scholarship
Deadline: May 1, 2023
For: High school seniors, current college students, graduate students
Link: https://bit.ly/2keXJDh
New! West Virginia Division of Highways Scholarship
Deadline: May 31, 2023
For: College juniors studying engineering, accounting, or a Juris Doctorate degree
Link: http://bit.ly/2AKLZiN
Career Roundtable Discussions continue this month and next with Fashion Design on Nov. 2nd, Graphic Design on Nov. 15th, and Interior Design on November 29. Look for a Child Life Specialist and an anesthesiologist to be scheduled within the next few days.
Juniors and Seniors have been invited to attend "Discover Medical Careers" at WCCC on December 2nd. Click HERE for more details. A bus will be provided if there is enough interest.
The counseling department has received a few copies of the booklet called "Teens Coping with Covid-19 in WV." The intention of this resource is to help normalize mental and physical health challenges that we have been facing since the pandemic began. If you would like to have one, let us know.
Tomorrow, November 1st, is the last day to pay for an AP Exam. The AP exams that will be given at WMHS are AP Environmental Science (Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 8:00 am) and AP Calculus AP (Monday, May 8, 2023 at 8:00 am). The cost is $88.00, payable by check to WMHS with the student name and test written in the memo line.
A representative from the WV Higher Education Policy Commission will join Ms. Justice in Civics classes on Monday, 10.24.2022 to complete the Promise Application and OTHER grant applications available through the WV Student Aid Management System, WVSAM is the new student portal to submit applications for financial aid, check the status of your application(s), upload documents and view your award information.
The Counseling Department is hosting individual career roundtable discussions. If you are interested in sharing information about your career, please contact Ms. Justice.
College for WV, a program of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, is hosting some virtual help with the FAFSA and understanding Financial Aid. They offer live webinars, recorded webinars and videos, as well as assistance via phone calls. Click HERE for more information!
The Counseling Department is hosting a series of roundtable discussions for high school career exploration. So far this year we have scheduled a juvenile probation officer, a pharmacist, and a commercial pilot, based upon student requests. If you are interested in talking to students about your career, please contact Ms. Justice.
We have only had 4 RSVPs for the Financial Aid Workshop on October 4. Please contact Ms. Justice if you want to attend.
All students should be checking their Counseling Department Schoology groups DAILY, and this webpage weekly.
Financial Aid and FAFSA workshop reminder- PLEASE RSVP ASAP and create your FSA ID ASAP. Here is a tip sheet to make the process easier, which also includes a link to the FSA ID page.
Parents of Seniors, please mark your calendars for October 4. The counseling department is hosting a representative from the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission to host a financial aid workshop followed by assistance with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In order to receive free federal and state grants, many scholarships including the Promise and WV Invests, or a student loan, you MUST complete the FAFSA. Please take advantage of the assistance offered by the financial aid expert who is willing to take you step by step through the process because it can be a confusing and complicated process. Workshop will take place in room 222 from 6:00 to 8:00. Please RSVP to Ms. Justice so that we can be sure we have enough computers available. You will receive instructions for obtaining an FSA ID prior to the event. It is important to have the FSA ID BEFORE the workshop as it usually takes 2-3 days to process and you can not complete the FAFSA with it.
Attention JUNIORS
You must sign up in the Counseling Center to take this test. You cannot be considered for the National Merit Scholarship unless you take this test in your Junior year. It's also great (and cheap) practice for the SAT. Cost: $18 Test is at 8am on Oct. 12th. Deadline to register and pay is September 7. Make checks payable to Williamstown High School with NMSQT in the memo.
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! We are looking forward to a great year ahead. We have a new counselor for grades 6-9. Her name is Lacie Sturm.
Please remember to get into the habit of checking the students' counselor Schoology Groups daily to stay informed of important news. Those aren't always updated daily, but there are weeks in the year that are extra busy with lots of information to disseminate so it's best to be in the habit of checking daily. We try to update this page every week or two. Upcoming events to be watching for:
September: PSAT-NMSQT for JUNIORS ONLY who would like to test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. More information will be presented next week! This test is OPTIONAL and there is a test fee.
October- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) workshop for parents and students. PROMISE Scholarship application opens and Ms. Justice will provide assistance with that in Civics class. There are links for FAFSA and PROMISE in the left-side column of this page.
Ms. Justice will be in the building on June 21 and June 22 to discuss any schedule changes that may need to be made. 8-11 and 12-2.
High School schedules will be distributed today from 9-11 and 1-3. We will be in the lobby outside the old gym. Enter through those exterior doors.
Class of 2022! Please check your Counseling Schoology group for important information about a scholarship with a deadline of July 15! Some of the requirements are:
· Be accepted as a full-time student at a college or university in West Virginia or Ohio for the upcoming academic year.
· Planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a STEM program that will support a career in Chemical Manufacturing (example majors include Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Math, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Material Science, Environmental Sciences, IT, and Sustainability).
· Applicants must complete and submit a scholarship application by July 15, 2022
· https://qrcgcustomers.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/account19410670/27598479_1.pdf?0.8630269229572232
In light of the school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, below are some resources for parents and caregivers. Please reach out to the school counselors, school faculty and/or school administration if you need assistance or additional resources. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families in Ulvade and all school students and staff across our country.
· HELP4WV: 1-844-HELP4WV
· SAMHSA Incidents of Mass Violence
· CDC Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
· NIMH Helping Children & Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events
Personal news from our middle school + freshman counselor: Mrs. Wiley is relocating to Tennessee due to Dr. Wiley accepting a promotion, so she will not be returning to WMHS next year. I will be joining my family there in a few days. I have enjoyed working with all of my students this year!! Take care and be well this summer. Remember Yellow Jackets, be kind always!!
From WVU regarding Kesem at WVU:
We work with kids in WV ages 6-18 whose parents or guardians have been affected by cancer. This can be current treatment, in remission, or unfortunately passed away from cancer.
Here is our camp video from 2019 for any parent/guardian interested, and I also attached a flyer. Our facebook page is also called Kesem at West Virginia University. This year, we are looking for campers to attend camp for this summer, which will be hosted on June 6th-10th at Emma Kaufmann Camp in Morgantown, WV. Caregivers can sign their kids up for camp at kesem.force.com/login and select WVU with the camp dates above.
We are always more than happy to meet with any guardians that have questions or want more information about our programming! We greatly appreciate you helping us find more families who can benefit from our services here in WV! :)
Lily Rhinehart
We received written apologies from Washington State Community College and Fairmont State University today. It was very unfortunate that WSCC did not show up and that FSU left off a student from their list of scholarship recipients. They are extremely regretful. We understand that things happen and want to pass along their apologies to the families of Mark Tucker (scholarships from WSCC) and Connor Elliott (scholarships from FSU.)
5.16.2022 Wood County Schools has added a cosmetology program. Lean more HERE
SAVE THE DATE: Middle school students will take the GSA the week of May 16- May 20. Make sure to attend school daily and be on time. You will need your FULLY CHARGED IPAD and headphones if you selected to use your own personal headphones. We have been advised that virtual students should contact the Wood County Schools board office to schedule your testing.
SENIORS have been asked to report scholarships from colleges/universities and other outside sources to Ms. Justice as soon as possible. Scholarships awarded by the college will be listed in the student's university account under financial aid award (or similar wording). Promise Scholarship is reported to the school by the WVHEPC, so there is no need to report that. We just need scholarships awarded by the college so that we may include those in the award ceremony program. Thank you in advance for your prompt response!
• All juniors will take the SAT here next Wednesday, April 13. The SAT is for all enrolled juniors at WMHS including virtual, homebound, or students with alternate schedules. All 11th graders should arrive early to school on Wednesday morning, no later than 7:45am to check in at the middle school gym for the SAT. Once testing begins, SAT regulations state latecomers cannot be admitted. Students must be on time for this important assessment which is required by the state of WV.
• BRING two #2 pencils & a drink and snack for breaks. Students are NOT allowed to have the following items in the testing room: phones, watches, ipads, and all technological devices should be left in lockers or at home. Any signs of technology or suspected cheating in the test room will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the SAT per CollegeBoard regulations.
• Please note the SAT expected test time is up to 4 hours.
• DO YOUR BEST! Get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. :)
• Student Information Passive Consent: Students taking the SAT School Day Test are asked to provide personal information on the answer sheets. Some information is required for scoring purposes. Other information is optional, but beneficial for students to send their score reports for free and receive information about college and scholarship opportunities. Parents/guardians who do not wish for their child to provide the optional information should instruct their child to leave those fields blank and send an email to shelley.wiley@k12.wv.us stating "I opt my child out of the SAT optional information fields."
Parents of Juniors:
College Board has asked us to share this message.
If you’ve checked your inbox today, you’ve probably already received the email we sent your teen about the SAT. In case you missed it, your teen’s counselor has got you covered too.
The SAT is designed to support the choices juniors will make about their life beyond high school. In fact, millions of students take the test each year as a step on their path to college. It's a globally recognized test that's the best way to show off the skills and knowledge colleges care about.
To get ready for test day, your teen can use the free, personalized SAT prep of Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy®.
Registration for May is open, and seats are available.
P.S. Think colleges in your state prefer ACT® over SAT scores? It isn’t true. Learn why.
At 1:00 on April 7th, we will distribute ASVAB results and teach students how to use the online career exploration tools. Results from the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) allow students to evaluate their strengths, estimate their performance in both academic and vocational areas, and identify possible careers (even ones they never considered). The goal of the ASVAB CEP is simple...to give students the opportunity to explore a variety of careers using information they have received from the assessment. The ASVAB CEP is a useful tool in career exploration and developing an educational plan.
Webinar Spotlight
On Monday, April 25 at 6pm, there will be a Financial Aid Webinar geared towards the class of 2023 that will be informative for the current Junior class. Students are encouraged to attend the webinar through either the Zoom link or on our Facebook account, which will have a live stream. The Webinars are also recorded for later viewing if the students or parents are unable to attend the live session.
Wood County Christion School is hosting a college fair on March 24 from 4:30-7:00 that will be open to all high school students in grades 9-12. There are currently about 15 colleges and universities in our region participating including several of the local schools (Marietta, WVU-P, Washington State, Marshall) and a number of Christian colleges and universities (Alderson Broaddus, Liberty, Cedarville, and others).
Seniors: If you are attending either of these two colleges, please plan to meet with the admissions personnel who will be here to help you with finalizing your plans. They will be able to answer questions about private scholarships, housing, scheduling, etc. They will be in the cafeteria.
Fairmont- Mach 31 Marshall- April 19
Scholarship applications sent to the counseling department are being added to the Scholarships folder in the resources tab of the Seniors, Class of 2022 Schoology group. Please check daily.
For current college education majors- check out this scholarship offered by WCPE.
SAVE THE DATE: The Junior Class will take the SAT here at Williamstown MHS on Wednesday, April 13th, 2022. This is provided for free once by the state for juniors only. Regardless of what your normal schedule is that day, make arrangements to be at school bright and early that morning. Don't miss it!
FLYER College for West Virginia will host a SAT Boot Camp for juniors and seniors on March 21st from 9:00 to 11:00 am. It will be held virtually on the Zoom platform and is open to the first 500 who register. The SAT Boot Camp is specifically geared toward test taking strategies to help students increase their SAT scores. Students who participate and complete a participation questionnaire will be eligible to win one of two $500 scholarships. The registration is live now.
We just received notice of the 5th Annual Memorial Health System’s High School Internship Program. Memorial Health System is committed to providing an environment where students can explore, learn, and grow their future with an internship experience for local high school students. This gives upcoming high school juniors and seniors in the Mid-Ohio Valley the opportunity to obtain a deeper dive into healthcare careers. Memorial Health System's goal is to aid in preparing students for their future by providing education through real world experiences, with students gaining insight into the requirements of various positions and making a connection with healthcare professionals.
This opportunity will provide students the ability to explore the wide array of clinical positions within our health system, while providing an interactive field experience to learn about the responsibilities of each position, the growth opportunities in each field, and the education and licensures required for each position. This field experience will help students decide if they have an interest in pursuing an education and a future career in these specified fields. Students will also gain an understanding of careers within surgery, perioperative areas, emergency department, rehabilitation, imaging, inpatient nursing, laboratory, respiratory therapy, and physician clinics. The goal of this partnership is to strengthen both workforce development and college readiness.
This year they are looking to expand the number of interns that can participate up to 40 upcoming JUNIORS and SENIORS. See this this flyer if you are interested in participating in this one-of-a-kind, hands on experience in healthcare.
GET YOUR DODGEBALL ON! Grab five friends (at least one of the opposite sex) to make a team of 6. Junior high teams are 7-9th, high school teams are 9-12th. Make sure you have an awesome (family-friendly) team name. Identify your team captain & get everyone's contact info. Then sign-up! TEAM PRIZES, DOOR PRIZES, PIZZA! SUNDAY, MARCH 27TH BEGINS AT 1 P.M. MARIETTA COLLEGE DYSON-BAUDO REC CENTER. See attached flyer for more information and registration link!
Representatives from WVUP will be at the school today at 9am and 6pm to distribute forms and answer questions about Early College/Dual Credit. All students interested in dual credit must attend. Parents may choose to attend either session. Please enter through the middle school entrance at the back of the school.
There will be a Teen Medical Explorers Academy from June 20 to June 23, 2022, at WVU Parkersburg. They are accepting 20-25 students aged 13 to 18 for a week-long immersion into health care careers and fun stuff with nursing and surgical technology. The students will learn standard first aid, dressings, hygiene, transferring patients, become certified in CPR, and guest speakers from different disciplines will be invited to speak. The MedFlight Helicopter is scheduled to visit one day! Students will receive a set of scrubs, hopefully a pair of crocs, a stethoscope, a cinch sac backpack, a journal, and will receive a nursing pin for completing the academy. See the attached flier for more information.
As we close out NSCW, here is a little info about the specialized training & unique role of school counselors. Did you know school counselors are the only professionals in your school with master's level mental health training? WV School Counselors
One of the most fun parts of our job is connecting you with resources, support, & cool things to help you along the way! Here are some excellent resources available to all students and members of our school community:
Wellness Tips for teachers & parents
Call 2-1-1 to find a TON of local resources in your area, including mental health supports and assistance with basic needs for your family.
WV Emotional StrengthsLine is a great resource when you just need to talk to someone.
CALL: 1-877-HELP304 (1-877-435-7304)
CHAT: https://www.help304.com/
TEXT: 1-877-435-7304
As always, in case of emergency do not delay to get help:
Dial 9-1-1 or report to the Emergency Room
Crisis Text Line: text "HOME" to 741741
Report to Westbrook Health Services crisis unit next to Parkersburg Kroger
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Happy National School Counseling Week!!! Get to know your school counselors by watching these video interviews recorded last year:
Gwen Justice 10-12
Shelley Wiley 6-9
Last week, students in grades 8th-11th were able to attend an Elective Fair showcasing the various options available to our high school students, such as career and technical education programs and community partners like Building Bridges to Careers and Washington State Community College.
This week, 8th grade students (the rising freshman class) met with Mr. Ward and Mrs. Wiley for a Welcome to High School discussion in preparation for course registration and PEP plan development. In February and March, middle school students will complete career and college exploration activities in advisory classrooms. Then all rising freshmen will complete an online PEP plan, to include personal academic and career goals, with Mrs. Wiley's guidance. Here is the presentation that was shared with grade 8 students: Welcome to High School
Sixty three sophomores are touring the Caperton Center for applied Technology and the Wood County Technical Center today!
Students in grades 10-11, please sign up for a meeting with Ms. Justice to talk about your Personalized Education Plan- academic and career goals- and much more. Check your Schoology group for more information.
Mid Ohio Valley Employment is hosting a recruiting event for an oil and gas company THIS FRIDAY, January 28, in Caldwell. Check out this flyer for more information.
We missed you this week! 'Just wanted to remind Seniors and their parents/guardians that scholarship announcements are being made in the Senior Counseling Schoology group. Applications that have been sent to the school have been scanned and posted in the Resources tab in the Scholarships folder.
Advisory classes are meeting with Mrs. Wiley in the auditorium to discuss Mental Health 101. Be sure to attend! 6th grade is this week and 7th and 8th grade is next week. See Middle School Counseling Corner for content.
12.22.2021 Scholarship applications received at the school are uploaded to the Counseling Schoology Group. Click on the Resources tab and then look for the folder named "Scholarships".
Happy Holidays from the WMHS Counseling Department! Enjoy your time with families. We wish you a safe, happy, healthy winter break and look forward to seeing you again in January!
Attention Sophomores! (And parents/guardians of sophomores) Do you have a talent in writing, dancing, singing, acting, painting, drawing, or in playing an instrument? Check out the video on this website to learn how you can spend three weeks on a college campus this summer AT NO COST TO YOU, to hone your skills and network with other talented people.
Applications for the Governor's School for the Arts are available here. The website describes the process in detail. PART I is student data that must be submitted online. Applicants mail PART II, a paper copy, directly to the West Virginia Department of Education in Charleston.
ATTENTION JUNIORS: This morning, we received notification from the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc. that they have shifted the focus of their National and State Scholarship Programs to award to high school juniors instead of seniors. Eligibility criteria include:
High school junior
Demonstrated critical financial need
Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0
Be a United States Citizen
The next Career Roundtable Discussion will be on Thursday, December 16 at 8:30 am. We will meet on the stage of the auditorium. Thank you to Pickering Associates for sending engineers to talk with us! Students in grades 9-12, if you want to join, please contact Ms. Justice immediately to sign up.
Signs of Suicide presentations are complete for high school and ongoing for middle school students:
Monday, Dec. 6 6th Grade
Thursday, Dec. 9 7th Grade
Wednesday, Dec. 15 8th Grade
Parents may opt out their child in writing and turning in the form to the middle school office. Middle school students will also receive a presentation from the Adolescent Health Initiative office at WVUP addressing depression. See the Middle School Counseling Corner for presentation content.
The PACF scholarship portal is now open! https://pacfwv.com/initiatives/scholarships/apply-for-a-scholarship
As a reminder, Greater Kanawha Valley Scholarship Foundation application has been open since November 15. Please apply! https://tgkvf.org/scholarships/overviewhow-to-apply/
Oxbridge Academic Programs has sent brochures to announce world studies programs they are hosting at Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Barcelona and New York.
For grades 8-9, the programs offered are:
The Oxford Prep Experience July 2-28 and The Cambridge Prep Experience July 9-22.
For grades 9-12:
Oxbridge in Paris July 6-August 2,
Oxbridge in Barcelona July 5- August 1
Oxbridge in New York (Columbia University) date to be determined.
For grades 10-12:
The Oxford Tradition, Oxford July 3-30
The Cambridge Tradition, Cambridge July 10-23 and July 24- Aug. 6
The Oxford Seminar, Oxford, July 30-Aug 6 and Aug. 6 to 13.
If you are interested, please contact Ms. Justice.
Staff from the Caperton Center for Applied Technology and Wood County Technical Center visited with Sophomores today to talk about technical education programs available. Sophomores need to complete this form to indicate interest or no interest in these programs. To learn more about what is offered, visit their website and watch their video.
Career Roundtable discussions continue. Tomorrow, November 30, is Social Work. On December 16 we will be meeting with Engineers- to date we have civil, electrical and mechanical engineers scheduled. If a student in grades 9-12 is interested in attending a discussion, please contact Ms. Justice ASAP.
Signs of Suicide presentations also continue this week. Today was for juniors and tomorrow will be for sophomores. We will meet with freshman on Wednesday. The schedule for Middle School is as follows:
Monday, Dec. 6 6th Grade
Thursday, Dec. 9 7th Grade
Wednesday, Dec. 15 8th Grade
Free Test Prep Sessions for SAT and ACT are listed below. All sessions are 7-9 pm and will be held in teacher’s classrooms. Also, check out the Counseling Department’s Announcements and Updates page of the WMHS page for links to additional resources for preparing for these college entrance exams. Once on the Announcements and Updates page, look on the left column for resources.
Tuesday, November 30: Science with Mrs. Lee
Wednesday, Dec. 1: Math with Mr. Lathey
Thursday, Dec. 2: English with Mrs. King.
The next suicide prevention discussions will be with our Juniors on November 29. If you would like your student to OPT OUT, please return this form to the high school office or middle school office with the “do not consent” section on the back filled out. Thank you for the opportunity to support and educate your student(s).
The ASVAB scheduled for this Friday has been postponed until after the first of the year.
We are in the process of scheduling more roundtable discussions for career exploration. If you have a career you want to learn more about, please contact Ms. Justice. Currently, we are working with a social worker and a group of engineers to schedule dates for those discussions.
Williamstown Middle High school has partnered with Prevent Suicide West Virginia, West Virginia’s statewide suicide prevention program, and Westbrook Health Services to support our students around this important topic. If you would like your student to participate in the special programming planned for each grade level in November/December, no action is required and the information provided in the attached form is for your reference. If you would like your student to OPT OUT, please return this form to the high school office or middle school office with the “do not consent” section on the back filled out. Thank you for the opportunity to support and educate your student(s).
The WVACRAO College Fair is today! The following colleges and the WV National Guard will be represented and most likely there will be a few others. WMHS Counseling Department is honored to be hosting this event at our school.
Alderson Broaddus
Bethany University
College Foundation of WV
Concord University
Davis & Elkins
Fairmont State University
Glenville State College
Marietta College
Marshall University
Shawnee State University
Shepherd University
University of Charleston
Washington State Community College
Waynesburg University
West Liberty University
West Virginia University
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
West Virginia University Potomac State College
Wheeling University
WV National Guard
WV Wesleyan
The Settler's Bank Scholarship application arrived today with a due date of Dec. 8. If you plan to attend Marietta College, this one's for you!
The Counseling Department is hosting the West Virginia Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers for a College Fair at WMHS on Monday, November 8 from 1-3 in the Middle School Gym. This event is for seniors only. We are very excited to be hosting WVACRAO and hope to make this an annual event.
TEAM Tuesdays! Together Educating, Advocating & Making a difference Monthly conversations for High School Juniors, Seniors & College Freshman with Disabilities
We are hosting small-group roundtable discussions for career awareness and exploration. If you're a student interested in a particular career, or if you are an adult interested in sharing your career with our students, please contact Ms. Justice.
Register for Family Career Awareness Day! This a FREE event for students in 7-12 grades & their families! What do you want to be after high school? How can you prepare NOW? Hear from panelists representing multiple fields & industries Discover new job possibilities for YOU Ask YOUR questions. The event is TOMORROW!
The FAFSA workshop is Tuesday, Oct. 26 from 5:00-8:00. Enter at the back of the school through Door #20 and proceed to Room 145. If you plan to arrive after 7, please notify Ms. Justice. Otherwise, the door will be locked at 7:00. Parents and students should have already created their FSA ID- if not, do this immediately. https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch Bring with you:
FSA ID(s)- student and ONE parent.
Social Security number
Driver’s license number
2020 tax records
Records of your untaxed income
Records of your assets
List of the school(s) you are interested in attending
Ms. Justice and Mr. Blackburn hosted a guest from Lincoln Tech in Civic classes today to talk about plans for after high school. It was a very informative presentation. Thanks, Rocky Smith! We hope you'll visit us every year.
REMINDER: Family Career Awareness Day is October 28th. Register HERE
The WHS Counseling Department is hosting a college fair for seniors on November 8 from 1:00-3:00. Many colleges will waive their application fees if you apply at the event.
PSAT for grades 8 & 9 has been postponed and rescheduled for 10.27.2021
The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE), the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (HEPC) and the West Virginia Community and Technical College System (WVCTCS) released a new resource today to assist students as they navigate through the college and career options available beyond high school. The Classroom 2 Career Navigator is a repository of information that aids counselors, students, families and the broader community in learning more about college, military, entrepreneurship and career pathways as well as on-the-job training opportunities available in the state.
The Classroom 2 Career Navigator website serves as a one-stop-shop that allows users to query a vast database and drill down through various levels of data to find content to meet a student’s specific needs. The tool generates results based on the interests identified by the user and compiles exhaustive detailed information. Through the partnership with higher education and WVCTCS, the Navigator utilizes existing platforms such as cfwv.com, West Virginia Invests, HEPC schools and the Advanced Career Education website. Additionally, links are available for all branches of the U.S. military outlining enlistment, career opportunities, and pay and benefits information in a centralized location.
Visit www.wvclassroom2career.com to view and use the navigator.
Choosing a college can be a daunting task.
This paper "encourages students and families to look beyond rankings and selectivity in the college search process, and instead seek a good fit, a school where students can engage and participate fully in academic and social life in order to thrive both during the college years and beyond.
Regardless of whether a student attends a college ranked in the top 5% or one ranked much lower, the research strongly suggests that engagement in college, how a student spends his or her time, matters much more in the long-run than the college a student chooses.
While some employers might check the name on your college transcript, most care far more about your track record in the field, basic communication and problem-solving skills, and the attitude and work ethic you bring to the table (NACE, 2017)"
Ms. Justice will be in Civics classrooms this Friday, October 8, to provide assistance with the Promise Scholarship application. A representative from the WVHEPC will be joining her and will be able to answer some financial aid questions, as well.
Seniors are encouraged to sign up for Txt 4 Success, a program offered by College Foundation West Virginia. The text messages sent to students serve as general college reminders and advice, such as key deadlines and regular check-ins to make sure students are transitioning well into college life. Students attending one of our partner institutions will receive additional messages specific to their college. Additionally, students who opt-in to the service can text at any time to have any of their college questions answered by a college access advisor.
PSAT Testing grades 8, 9, 10 Please mark your calendars for the testing dates coming up throughout October! Grades 10, 9, and 8 will be taking the PSAT. Wednesday, Oct. 13: Primary Test Day PSAT-NMSQT for Grade 10 in middle school gym Wednesday, Oct. 20: Primary Test Day PSAT Grades 8 & 9 in classrooms Tuesday, Oct. 26: Primary Test Day PSAT-NMSQT for registered juniors & Makeup Test Day Grade 10 Please make sure students arrive by 7:45am on their test day, bring pencils, bring their fully charged IPADS for the digital PSAT (grades 8 and 9 only), and come ready to do their best!
Middle School Advisory Presentations: Once a month, presenters from WVUP's Adolescent Health Initiative office visit our middle school students during their advisory period. The theme for October's presentation is drug prevention and the slides are linked HERE
New scholarship announced for a full ride to Davis & Elkins-$160,00 value. Flyer is posted in the Senior, Class of 2022 counseling group in Schoology. Deadline is fast approaching!
Family Career Awareness Day is Thursday, October 28 from 4-7 pm. This is a virtual event sponsored by Building Bridges to Careers-the agency which manages our Job Shadowing and Internships. Hear from panelists representing multiple fields and industries. This event is interactive...you will be able to ask questions. This event is FREE! FREE! Register HERE
The Counseling Department is hosting a FAFSA workshop on October 26th with drop-in hours from 5:00-8:00 PM. Representatives from the WV Higher Education Policy Commission will be here to provide assistance in filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is required for federal and state aid, as well as some local scholarships. It is also required for application to WV Invests, which provides two years FREE tuition at WV Community and Technical colleges, regardless of income, to those who meet other eligibility requirements- one being a 2.0 G.P.A. Please RSVP before Oct. 21st to Ms. Justice at gjustice@k12.wv.us to secure a spot at the workshop. If we don't have enough interest, the workshop will be cancelled, so please RSVP soon.
The Marshall University Alumni of the Mid Ohio Valley Scholarship has been added to the resources tab of the "Seniors, Class of 2022" Schoology group.
WVUP Early College Scholarship: the deadline for a student to be considered for an Early College Scholarship for Spring 2022 is Monday, November 1, 2021. Application is available in students' grade level Counseling Department Schoology groups.
Weekend SAT
There are only two open SAT® dates remaining in 2021:
Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline
November 6 October 8 October 26
December 4 November 4 November 23
REMINDER to AP STUDENTS. Exams cost $96 per exam with payment due on Nov. 1.
Bring check made out Williamstown High School to Ms. Justice on Nov. 1. - indicate each exam you are paying for in the memo line. There is a $40.00 cancellation fee for unused/cancelled exams. If you cannot be at school on Nov. 1, contact her beforehand to make an arrangement. If you want to test you MUST join your AP Classroom on the College Board website. Your teacher has your join code.
Below are the test dates for the AP exams which will be administered at WHS.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022 8:00 am Environmental Science
Monday, May 9, 2022 8:00 am Calculus AB
Thursday, May 12, 2022 12:00 pm Physics 1
New ACT study guides are available in the counseling center, as well as needs-based fee waivers. See Ms. Justice
Dual Credit students: if you have unpaid Fall 2021 balances you will not be able to access your midterm grades in OLSIS or request transcripts. This is a reminder to get your fees paid. Letters will also be sent by WVUP during the middle of this week.
Marshall University is visiting our school on November 17 and is waving the application fee for any WHS student who applies that day.
The Society of Yeager Scholars seeks exceptional applicants for a four-year full scholarship at Marshall University.
Yeager Scholars will be provided with full tuition and fees, room and board, a stipend for textbooks, a personal computer, and support for a study abroad experience, an approved internship, or undergraduate research. The Yeager Curriculum includes four interdisciplinary seminars, a focus on written and verbal communication, and study abroad at the University of Oxford in England.
The qualities for admission into the Society of Yeager Scholars are:
A recommended minimum composite score of 30 on the ACT or a minimum of 1360 total on the SAT from a single test date
A minimum 3.5 high school cumulative, unweighted GPA
An excellent record of academic achievement in high school
A record of notable and dynamic contributions in extracurricular activities at your school and/or in your community
Demonstrated leadership abilities and actions in and outside the classroom
Ambition, maturity, and self-discipline
Wide breadth of creative and intellectual strengths
The application will close Dec. 15, 2021.
A GKVF Scholarship Booklet is available in the counseling center, which includes their list of available scholarships, instructions and information. We have one copy, so it must remain in the counseling center. Click the link below for some highlights.
This scholarship application should open on December 1st. Do not procrastinate, as some of the scholarships require essays and/or documents to be uploaded. Please click the links below to learn more!
Parkersburg Area Community Foundation Scholarship Information
The deadline for a student to be considered for an Early College Scholarship for Spring 2022 is Monday, November 1, 2021. Application is available in the resources of the Counseling Dept. grade level groups in Schoology.
Chalk The Walk
Thank you to the Art Department for helping us commemorate National Suicide Prevention Month. Several art students wrote uplifting, positive and hopeful messages for the Williamstown community on the sidewalks around the school.

As you know, September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. The Counseling Department is working in conjunction with Westbrook Health Services to provide presentations to the student body called "Signs of Suicide." Due to high demand, Westbrook has scheduled WHS for dates in November and December. In the meantime, the Art Department has agreed to "Chalk the Walk". Art students will color the sidewalks around the school with messages of hope and positivity. The community is welcome to add to this project. (Please help us keep the messages positive.)
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Check out the school counselor Schoology groups for supportive mental health content. #youmatter #askforhelp #preventsuicidewv
JUNIORS: Please register here if you are a junior and you wish to take the PSAT NMSQT again to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship Program. You took it last year as a sophomore, so 11th graders DO NOT have to take the test again unless you are interested in the NMSP. Interested juniors must PAY $18 to take the test on October 26 at WHS. The DEADLINE for juniors to register for the PSAT-NMSQT is Monday, September 13 at 3pm. Pay Mrs. Chaddock $18 by cash or check (made out to Williamstown High School) before the deadline to complete your registration. SIGN UP HERE
The first scholarship bulletin from Studentscholarships.org has arrived. It's in the Scholarships folder in the Resources tab of "Seniors, Class of 2022" Schoology Group.
All West Virginia students, parents, teachers, and school counselors are invited to meet with admissions representatives from U.S. Service Academies, ROTC Scholarship programs, and the Dept. of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB)
Meet with representatives from: U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Coast Guard Academy U.S. Merchant Marine Academy U.S. Military Academy U.S. Naval Academy Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) *Dept of Defense Medical Examination Review Board
Click the link below for more information!
To help students qualify for the merit-based Promise Scholarship and needs-based Higher Education Grant amid residual concerns stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission approved the following temporary changes:
For students in the high school graduating class of 2021: The standardized testing deadline to qualify for the Promise Scholarship has been extended from August 2021 to October 2021. Colleges and universities statewide are continuing to offer free ACT On-Campus exams; dates and times are posted atwvhepc.edu/act-on-campus-exams/.
For students in the high school graduating classes of 2021 and 2022: These students will now qualify for super-scoring to achieve the minimum standardized testing scores necessary to qualify for the Promise Scholarship. This allows students to take their top scores from sub-sections of different ACT or SAT tests they’ve taken and combine them for a higher overall score.
For students in the high school graduating class of 2021 receiving the Promise Scholarship for the first time in 2021-22: The test score requirements have been lowered as follows:
ACT composite score – 21(regularly 22);ACT English score – 19(regularly 20);ACT Reading score – 19(regularly 20);ACT Science score – 19(regularly 20);ACT Math score – 19(regularly 20).
SAT composite score – 1080(regularly 1100);SAT Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing score – 510(regularly 530);SAT Math score – 510(regularly 520).
For students who received either the Higher Education Grant or the Promise Scholarship for 2020-21 and are renewing it for the 2021-22 award year: The grade point average required for renewal is waived for this upcoming award year only.
Additional information about the Promise Scholarship and Higher Education Grant are available atcfwv.com.
The FAFSA – which is the first step to unlocking these and more funds for college – is available through the U.S. Department of Education atfafsa.gov.
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Check out the school counselor Schoology groups for supportive mental health content. #youmatter #askforhelp #preventsuicidewv
JUNIORS: Please register here if you are a junior and you wish to take the PSAT NMSQT again to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship Program. You took it last year as a sophomore, so 11th graders DO NOT have to take the test again unless you are interested in the NMSP. Interested juniors must PAY $18 to take the test on October 26 at WHS. The DEADLINE for juniors to register for the PSAT-NMSQT is Monday, September 13 at 3pm. Pay Mrs. Chaddock $18 by cash or check (made out to Williamstown High School) before the deadline to complete your registration. SIGN UP HERE
The first scholarship bulletin from Studentscholarships.org has arrived. It's in the Scholarships folder in the Resources tab of "Seniors, Class of 2022" Schoology Group.
All West Virginia students, parents, teachers, and school counselors are invited to meet with admissions representatives from U.S. Service Academies, ROTC Scholarship programs, and the Dept. of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB)
Meet with representatives from: U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Coast Guard Academy U.S. Merchant Marine Academy U.S. Military Academy U.S. Naval Academy Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) *Dept of Defense Medical Examination Review Board
Click the link below for more information!
To help students qualify for the merit-based Promise Scholarship and needs-based Higher Education Grant amid residual concerns stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission approved the following temporary changes:
For students in the high school graduating class of 2021: The standardized testing deadline to qualify for the Promise Scholarship has been extended from August 2021 to October 2021. Colleges and universities statewide are continuing to offer free ACT On-Campus exams; dates and times are posted atwvhepc.edu/act-on-campus-exams/.
For students in the high school graduating classes of 2021 and 2022: These students will now qualify for super-scoring to achieve the minimum standardized testing scores necessary to qualify for the Promise Scholarship. This allows students to take their top scores from sub-sections of different ACT or SAT tests they’ve taken and combine them for a higher overall score.
For students in the high school graduating class of 2021 receiving the Promise Scholarship for the first time in 2021-22: The test score requirements have been lowered as follows:
ACT composite score – 21(regularly 22);ACT English score – 19(regularly 20);ACT Reading score – 19(regularly 20);ACT Science score – 19(regularly 20);ACT Math score – 19(regularly 20).
SAT composite score – 1080(regularly 1100);SAT Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing score – 510(regularly 530);SAT Math score – 510(regularly 520).
For students who received either the Higher Education Grant or the Promise Scholarship for 2020-21 and are renewing it for the 2021-22 award year: The grade point average required for renewal is waived for this upcoming award year only.
Additional information about the Promise Scholarship and Higher Education Grant are available atcfwv.com.
The FAFSA – which is the first step to unlocking these and more funds for college – is available through the U.S. Department of Education atfafsa.gov.
Out of school and need to talk to a counselor? There is always help available! For general help and support use the WV Emotional StrengthsLine:
CALL: 1-877-HELP304 (1-877-435-7304)
CHAT: https://www.help304.com/
TEXT: 1-877-435-7304
For counseling help in specific situations:
• Crisis Text Line: text "HOME" to 741741
• Nationwide Children's Youth Hotline: 1-614-722-1800
• Teen Hotline: 1-614-294-3300
• Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
If you have a mental health EMERGENCY, please use these resources to get help right away:
• Dial 9-1-1 or report to the Emergency Room
• Crisis Text Line: text "HOME" to 741741
• Report to Westbrook Health Services crisis unit next to Parkersburg Kroger
• Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Your safety and well-being matter! Take care this summer!
There are Sign Up Sheets on Mrs. Wigal's door for Student Council Elections (Room 132) all week this week. Students who are interested in being a part of Student Council need to sign up. This includes students who are in the 8th grade going into the 9th grade next year. She will be holding elections on June 3 with speeches if necessary, on June 3rd.
Today's Mindful Moment from the Headspace app:
We don't have to try to be kind. Kindness is innate. It will always be here. We just have to stop being unkind.
Have a great weekend!
ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL FAMILIES: save the date for GSA testing! Williamstown students grades 6, 7, and 8 will test the week of May 17. Please be sure to get plenty of rest, attend school every day on time, and bring your EARBUDS or HEADPHONES which are necessary for the tests.
Monday, May 17 – Reading
Tuesday, May 18 – Writing
Wednesday, May 19 – Math
Thursday, May 20 – Science (grade 8 only)
Accommodated students may test on alternate days as needed. Virtual and remote students will receive testing details at the student k12 email address based on the choices in the Wood County GSA Family Survey. Students, let’s show what you can do and finish out the year strong! To learn more about GSA, go to https://wvde.us/assessment/west-virginia-general-s...
Great Summer Job Opportunities for Upcoming High School Graduates and/or College Students!
A local manufacturing company (DIMEX) is looking for Summer help at their Marietta area location:
Support Positions
Job responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Perform “offline” packaging such as taking plastic stakes out of a bulk box, counting them, putting a specific number in a bag and sealing the bag. Duties may also include packing product at the end of the line.
Pay: $13/hour
Employer is willing to accommodate reasonable work schedules
Those interested should apply at:
Mid-Ohio Valley Employment (“MOVE”)
197 Front Street
Marietta, Ohio 45750
PH: 740-373-6683

Reminder: WV Scholars Program offers a FULL RIDE to WV Wesleyan. Deadline to apply is April 30 and you must apply in your JUNIOR year.
This month, all juniors have the opportunity to take the SAT here at Williamstown. REMOTE & VIRTUAL STUDENTS, you may pick up a "SAT Student Guide" which includes a practice test from the main office. All other juniors should have received these from your English teacher. Full length practice tests are available at: https://www.khanacademy.org/sat
If you are a junior attending school in person, NEXT Tuesday, APRIL 13 will be the test date for brick and mortar students.
If you are a junior in remote/distance learning or in WV virtual school, APRIL 27 is the designated date for you to take the SAT (this will be a smaller group).
If you are not sure which test date applies to you, contact shelley.wiley@k12.wv.us ASAP to ensure we have a test ready for you on the appropriate day.
Please be aware that the CollegeBoard SAT School Day answer sheet has a pre-test section including optional questions about the student's coursework, high school activities, college plans, and contact information. Parents who do not consent for their child to provide certain personal information should instruct your students to leave these optional fields blank in the answer sheet completion process for the SAT. Please be aware that providing personal information can benefit your child, enabling him/her to send free score reports to colleges and to obtain valuable information about colleges and scholarships.
REMINDER: The deadline for the Promise application has been extended to July1. Please complete the FAFSA and Promise as soon as you can.
ACT at PHS or PSHS If you are registered to test, there are instructions for test day in your Schoology group.
ATTENTION JUNIORS: Save the date (see below which one applies to you) for your SAT School Day test in April. One test per junior is provided by CollegeBoard so there is no need to register.
If you are a junior attending school in person, APRIL 13 is your test date for brick & mortar students.
If you are a junior in remote/distance learning or in WV virtual school, APRIL 27 is the designated date for you to take the SAT.
High School Internship at MMH for upcoming juniors and seniors.
Williamstown Lions Club and Waverly Lions Club scholarship applications are now in the tower outside the Counseling Center.
Williamstown Lions Club and Waverly Lions Club scholarship applications are now in the tower outside the Counseling Center.

Here is another awesome opportunity offered by Building Bridges to Careers!
Discover Healthcare Heroes Day
Learn more about programs at the Caperton Center for Applied Technology and the Wood County Technical Center: Scheduling season begins next week!!
Healthy Grandfamilies is a free initiative to provide information and resources to grandparents who are raising one or more grandchildren. Designed as a series of 10 discussion groups and follow-up services, each discussion group provides valuable resources along with childcare for attendees and refreshments. Participants will receive a certificate of completion and three months of follow-up services for family support. Click on the link below.
Morris-Tippens Scholarship application is now available in the tower outside the
Counseling Center. Deadline April 1.
Three new scholarship applications have been added to the tower outside the Counseling Center, in addition to a new bulletin from StudentScholarships.org.
From WVUP:
WVUP will be hosting a series of Division Showcases in March to share more about our programs.
Similar to the experience that a student would get with an on-campus group visit, our division chairs and faculty/students/staff will have a semi-structured panel style discussion about their programs, potential careers with their degrees and answer questions from the audience. These panels will be shared live on Facebook and Youtube and recorded and added to our website for any students who may have other evening engagements.
If you could please help us spread the word to your students, by adding us to your announcements and including the attached graphic to your online learning platforms that would be amazing!
Please let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful weekend,
-Kenna Warren
Kenna M Reynolds Warren
Admissions Counselor, DSO
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
B:304.424.8387 |C:304.249.4798 |
300 Campus Drive, Parkersburg WV 26104
Want to schedule a face to face meeting? View my on-campus availability and schedule an appointment by clicking https://calendly.com/wvupkenna. Click or tap if you trust this link."
*NOTICE: Due to the outbreak of COVID 19 and state guidance on social distancing, West Virginia University at Parkersburg is conducting most business with limited on-campus staffing. For updates about WVU-P's response to COVID-19, please visit http://wvup.edu/coronavirus/.

From WVUP:
WVUP will be hosting a series of Division Showcases in March to share more about our programs.
Similar to the experience that a student would get with an on-campus group visit, our division chairs and faculty/students/staff will have a semi-structured panel style discussion about their programs, potential careers with their degrees and answer questions from the audience. These panels will be shared live on Facebook and Youtube and recorded and added to our website for any students who may have other evening engagements.
If you could please help us spread the word to your students, by adding us to your announcements and including the attached graphic to your online learning platforms that would be amazing!
Please let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful weekend,
-Kenna Warren
Kenna M Reynolds Warren
Admissions Counselor, DSO
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
B:304.424.8387 |C:304.249.4798 |
300 Campus Drive, Parkersburg WV 26104
Want to schedule a face to face meeting? View my on-campus availability and schedule an appointment by clicking https://calendly.com/wvupkenna. Click or tap if you trust this link."
*NOTICE: Due to the outbreak of COVID 19 and state guidance on social distancing, West Virginia University at Parkersburg is conducting most business with limited on-campus staffing. For updates about WVU-P's response to COVID-19, please visit http://wvup.edu/coronavirus/.
New scholarship arrived today! If your parent was employed by Valley Supply prior to its asset sale and are now employed by Robertson Heating Supply, this is for you! If no applicant meets that criteria, then they will consider applicants who are pursuing post-secondary education in the fields of HVAC PVF (Pipes, Valves and Fittings) or plumbing. Contact Ms. Justice if you would like an application.
Seniors interested in taking the ACT on Tuesday, March 30th at PHS or PSHS, look for the sign-up form in the Counseling Department's "Seniors, Class of 2021" group in Schoology. This is for SENIORS ONLY. March 30 is during Spring Break, so there is no school that day. HARD DEADLINE is FEBRUARY 17, 2021
The deadline to apply for Promise and to complete your FAFSA is FAST APPROACHING!
THIRTY-FIVE of you have met the GPA eligibility but have NOT APPLIED! It is quick and easy. Please do it TODAY.
PLEASE get the FAFSA done ASAP, too!!!
Both of these tasks are important for your future and are time-sensitive. Filling out the FAFSA is not a contract to go to college. It is simply an application for FREE MONEY in case you DO decide at some point in the future to go to college OR a certificate/technical program.
Happy National School Counseling Week!!! Check out the video links to see some interview clips with our school counselors, Gwen Justice and Shelley Wiley. Words of the week: resiliency and courage :)

Sophomores! Are you curious about career/tech programs offered at the Wood County Tech Center or Caperton Center for Applied Technology? Watch this video and let Mrs. Justice know if you would like more information or would be interested in the possibility of a tour.
Five new paper scholarship applications have been added to the tower outside of the counseling center. See the announcement in the Senior Class of 2021 Schoology group for descriptions. Plese, only take an application if you meet eligibility requirements.
56 seniors have met the GPA eligibility for PROMISE as of the end of junior year. (You must still have earned a 3.0 GPA at the end of your senior year, as well as a 3.0 GPA in your core classes. G.P.A alone does not qualify you- you still need eligible test scores.)
3 seniors are very close to meeting the GPA eligibility.
Only THIRTEEN of these 59 have completed the PROMISE application.
75% of the senior class has NOT COMPLETED THE FAFSA.
43 of you need to get your PROMISE application done ASAP.
75% of you also need to get your FAFSA completed ASAP.
If you have not yet applied for PROMISE, do it TODAY. You have through July to QUALIFY, but only until March 1 to APPLY.
There is a free Financial Aid Webinar at 6:00 PM on January 12
Attention sophomores: Summer is looking even better! If you have a talent in writing, dancing, singing, acting, playing an instrument or painting or drawing, and you would like to be part of an exhilarating online experience, consider the Governor’s School for the Arts. It might be just how you want to spend an unforgettable summer! Check Schoology for full information.
The informational video is located here: https://www.facebook.com/wvgsa2019/videos/1280732465415604/
Who is interested in pursuing a degree in pharmacy? Contact Ms. Justice for information about Marshall's School of Pharmacy Early Assurance Program. Must have a 3.4 unweighted G.P.A. and a 24 composite ACE or 1160 composite SAT. You may also find full program requirements at this website:
WVHEPC launches "Cool Cash for College" Contest to Boost PROMISE Scholarship Applications
Thanks to an initiative by The Education Alliance, in collaboration with the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, current high school seniors who fill out a PROMISE Scholarship application and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be enrolled in a contest, “Cool Cash for College." Seniors who complete both of these steps by March 1, 2021, will be entered into drawings for prizes that include Apple AirPods, wireless printers, mini refrigerators, and gift cards.
At this time last year, more than 7,200 high school seniors had filled out PROMISE applications; currently, more than 2,700 seniors have completed the application – a difference of more than 4,500. More than 5,300 seniors had completed the FAFSA at this time last year, compared to just over 3,600 today.
Educators are asked to encourage high school seniors to participate in this contest. For assistance with applications, students and families are encouraged to call the state’s financial aid hotline at 877-987-7664. Students are also encouraged to sign up for West Virginia’s text-message college counseling program, Txt 4 Success.
PROMISE Scholarship Information
The WV Higher Education Policy Commission (HEPC) would like to clarify two misconceptions regarding the 2021 PROMISE Scholarship application for the class of 2021.
Students must submit both the PROMISE Scholarship Application and 2021-2022 FAFSA by March 1, 2021. The HEPC will not be implementing the new WVSAM system for the 2021 PROMISE application year. Schools should not wait to utilize the new WVSAM system before they ask students to submit the 2021 PROMISE application. Current PROMISE applicant numbers are drastically down so please encourage all 2021 graduating seniors to submit the PROMISE Scholarship application at cfwv.com/promise and FAFSA at fafsa.gov as soon as possible. Submissions should be received no later than March 1, 2021.
Class of 2021 seniors should submit the 2021 PROMISE Scholarship application whether they currently have a qualifying ACT/SAT test score or not. 2021 applicants have until August 2021 to meet the ACT/SAT test score requirement. All applicants must meet the March 1, 2021, deadline to be guaranteed an award for fall 2021. Students should NOT wait to submit the application until an eligible ACT/SAT test score is achieved.
If you have questions or need assistance with the PROMISE application or FAFSA, please contact the HEPC office at promise@wvhepc.edu or 304-558-4618.
WV PTA Scholarship! Apply now!
MARSHALL'S NSF S-STEM PROGRAM:Provides scholarships to new students, especially women, majoring in computer science, engineering and technology. Beginning in the fall of 2021, each selected student will receive $7,500 per year, a new laptop and travel costs for fieldtrips and conferences. Must intend to enroll at Marshall and major in one of the programs at the college of engineering and computer sciences. Financial need must be demonstrated with a FAFSA report. Required with application: personal essay and two letters of recommendation.
Deadline: march 1, 2021 Website: https://www.marshall.edu/cecs/nsf-s-stem/
WVUP ASCEND Program - A "last dollar" scholarship to cover tuition gaps - ascend stands for accelerating student completion encouraging new dreams - students in the program receive tuition assistance, textbook assistance, a monthly kroger gift card, and many other opportunities. Only for WVUP students enrolled in specific majors full-time - see website for details -
Yeager Scholarship at Marshall
Link: https://www.marshall.edu/yeager/ Deadline: January 15, 2021 Requirements: applied and accepted to Marshall University for 2021-22, high academic achievement, recommended test scores: 30 act, 1370 sat, two letters of recommendation and essay required.
VFS- Scout of the Year - up to $5000. Must be an active Eagle Scout or Girl Scout and received the Eagle Scout Award or the Girl Scout Gold Award. Deadline: march 1, 2021 Online application
Dual Credit Payment:
The amount owed will be in your OLSIS account once you are registered.
It can be accessed under Student Records, the Student Accounts, then Account Detail for Term. You will need to select Spring 2021.
If anyone needs assistance, you can contact the college's Business Office.
2021 Statewide High School Graduation Dates can be found HERE
12.09.2020 New Scholarship Bulletin from Studentscholarships.org! Click HERE!
Interested in Fine Art, Graphic Design, Game Design, Video Production or Animation? If you can assemble a basic portfolio of visual art, they will award you an Art Scholarship to West Virginia Wesleyan College.
Food for Thought!!
West Virginia currently has 653 open computing jobs.
The average salary for a computing occupation in WV is $75,109, which is significantly higher than the average salary in WV ($42,370.).
The existing open jobs alone represent a $49,045,861. Opportunity in terms of annual salaries.
West Virginia had only 190 computer science college graduates in 2018. (Only 14% were female).
The Parkersburg Area Community Foundation Scholarship Application is now open! Please get started on it ASAP.
Do not forget The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation Scholarship Program! Apply HERE!
Last but certainly not least...the Promise Scholarship Application is available! Apply today, even if you have not yet qualified! You can qualify through July, but the application period is short!
Please do not miss out on FREE MONEY for college! It takes work and an investment of time, but they payoff is WORTH IT!
11.30.2020 Instructions on how to access FREE resources from ACT!
Discover Law Enforcement Day! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 FROM 10:00-11:30 AM. Hear from local law enforcement agencies about career pathways and law enforcement jobs in the Mid-Ohio Valley. Network and connect with professional in your area of interest. Job shadowing opportunities will also be discussed. Register HERE
Marshall University's College of Engineering and Computer Sciences received an NSF S-STEM grant to support WV College students, mainly female, to study STEM at Marshall with scholarship of $7500/year for four years. The scholarship program starts in the fall of 2021 and MU is looking to recruit students to the program (10 students in 2021 and another 10 students in 2022). Please see the attached brochure and application to learn more about this amazing opportunity.
You can locate additional information at https://www.marshall.edu/cecs/nsf-s-stem/ and can apply for the program online at https://tinyurl.com/y5agn4kq. Teachers can upload a letter of recommendation at https://tinyurl.com/y2sa9b57.
The application is due March 1, 2021.
CLICK HERE to see the brochure!!
Paper Application!!
If you missed Family Career Awareness Day 2020, BB2C has made the recording of the virtual event available on their website. This event is for EVERYONE, from parents who are job-seeking to students who are exploring future careers. Listen to a panel discussion with local employers.
If you already attended or do attend FCAD 2020, BB2C asks that you complete this survey to help them to continue to develop quality programs that benefit so many in our community.
Also on this FCAD page are videos highlighting different career opportunities that can be found locally, including many from local companies. You will also find Career Pathway Stories from local professionals, who talk about what they do and what their path looked like to get to where they are in their career.
Watch a video(s) about these local career opportunities:
OOGEEP OIL & GAS CAREERS (Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program)
LOCAL 168 JATC (Electrical Workers Union)
STUDENTS, if you find a career that interests you, talk to a school counselor or BB2C Student Ambassador Kassandra Gaston about applying for job shadowing in grades 10-12, or an internship your senior year.
11.16.2020 Learn more about Job Shadowing, Internships and other programs offered through BB2C. WHS is the only school in WV served by BB2C, thanks to the Fenton Foundation!
ACT test preparation booklets are available in the counseling center. Also, we have fee waivers for those who are eligible. Upcoming Test Dates:
December 12, 2020 Late Fee registration Nov. 7-20
February 6, 2021 Regular Deadline Jan. 8 Late Fee registration Jan. 9-15
Upcoming SAT Test Date:
December 5, 2020 Late Nov. 17, (mailed registrations) Nov. 24 (online or by phone)
The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation Scholarship Program opens NOVEMBER 15! TGKVF administers over 500 funds and more than 100 of those are designated for statewide scholarships. In the 2020 – 2021 academic school year, TGKVF funded 362 scholarships for a total of $830,155.00.
Apply HERE
The local ironworker union is accepting Apprentice applications- Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Applications will be given out at the Iron Workers Union Hall, 303 Erickson Blvd. Parkersburg, WV. You must fill out the application in person at the Union Hall. If you have questions you may call Bradley Winans, Apprenticeship Coordinator, at 304-485-6231
Here are the minimum requirements:
1. Must be 18 years old
2. Must be capable of doing work of the Iron Worker trade.
3. Must be a high school graduate or have equivalent certificate (GED/TASC)
4. Must have a valid driver's license.
5. Must have a passing score on the TABE test given by Workforce WV.
6. Must live in the jurisdictional area of the Iron Workers Local 787,Parkersburg
7. If selected for the Apprentice Program, the candidate must submit to and pass the substance abuse test offered by the Parkersburg-Marietta Contractors and Trades Educational and Development Fund. The Iron Workers Local 787 JAC will pay the cost of the test.
The jurisdictional area covered by Iron Workers Local 787 is as follows:
WV: Boone, Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Fayette, Gilmer, Mingo, Monroe, Nicholas, Pleasants, Pocahontas, Putnam, Raleigh, Ritchie, Roane, Summers, Upshur, Webster, Wirt, Wood and Wyoming Counties, and he southern portion of Randolph County.
Ohio: Athens, Meigs, Morgan, Noble and Washington Counties
STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP! The Felicia Buell Year Abroad Scholarship is in the amount of $5,000 to be applied toward the cost of tuition for any full school year program offered by the A American Field Service (AFS), a study abroad program for high school students. Open to all WHS high school students who would have at least one full year of high school remaining after the completion of the year abroad. See Ms. Justice for more information.
Why go to college? A higher education introduces students to new people and new experiences and usually leads to a higher salary and lower chance of unemployment. This CHECKLIST will tell you how to get ready for college—and how the government will help you pay for it. It contains a TO DO list for every year of high school, as well as what to do in middle school and elementary school.
Q: Who should use the checklist?
A: Students of all ages who haven’t attended college, and parents of students in elementary and secondary school.
Q: What is the checklist?
A: A to-do list, starting with elementary school, to help students prepare academically and financially for education beyond high school. Each section is split into subsections for students and parents, explaining what to do and which publications or websites might be useful to them.
Q: When should a student or parent refer to the checklist?
A: At the beginning of every school year, and then more frequently as college approaches. (Or, in the case of an adult student returning to school, as soon as possible!)
The Settler's Bank scholarship is fast approaching. (November 30) It is worth up to $8,000 over 4 years. If you are planning to attend Marietta College, please pick up an application on the scholarship wall in the Counseling Center ASAP.
Open to all high school students, 9-12
Want to know more about your desired major? Unsure of which major to choose? Join staff from WVU from 6-7:30 PM for Meet Your Major! You’ll have the opportunity to visit with an academic department and chat with current Mountaineers. Want to visit with more than one department? You’ll have that opportunity, too. Register HERE
LAST CALL for anyone wanting to take an AP Exam at WHS. If you plan to take an exam, contact Ms. Justice immediately. Payment must be received by 3:00 today. (11.04.2020) If you are taking an AP class through WV Learns, you must join a "test only" class section IN ADDITION to the class section you joined with your WV Virtual School instructor.
College Application and Exploration Week starts on Monday! Please visit the main hallway showcase to look for the display showing where WHS staff members went to college! Throughout the week, seniors will be posting notes on the glass in front of those telling us to which colleges they have applied.
For ALL students, the WHS Academic Boosters are giving away a total $175.00 in gift cards. Seniors will have also have a chance to win a college bookstore gift certificate worth $25.00, also provided by the Boosters. (Bookstores are great places to shop for hoodies and other college swag!) Look for activity sheets in the towers outside the counseling center. Once you complete a form, find the box for your grade level and place your sheet(s) inside. You may complete as many as you want, but only one of each. Boxes will be underneath the display case. We will draw for winners on Friday Nov. 13.
Dress up days:
Monday - College Colors Day- Wear your favorite college gear or school colors
Wednesday and Thursday- College Roommates - dress as twins! OR Dress for Success- wear your future career garb, or what you would wear in an interview. Students who only attend on Thursday may also choose College Colors.
Random prizes awarded for those participating in dress up days. Post a pic in your grade level school counseling group for a chance to win!
Questions about FAFSA?
1. CFWV is hosting a Q&A Hotline TONIGHT from 5:00-7:00. Dial 304-558-4619.
2. CFWE is hosting a WEBINAR at 6:00 on November 5th. ttps://wvcolleges.zoom.us/j/92362823232
To see the schedule of all Financial Aid Workshops, click here.
If you are wanting to take an AP Exam, the WHS deadline for ordering is Nov. 2. The cost is $95.00 per exam. You must join a class section in College Board's AP Classroom ASAP so that your test can be ordered. Your teachers have the join codes. If you are taking an AP class virtually, through WV Learns, contact Ms. Justice for a join code only IF YOU WANT TO TEST. (Your instructor should have already given you the code for AP Classroom, but Ms. Justice has to give you an exam section join code. You do not have to be enrolled in an AP course to take a test. Contact Ms. Justice for more information. Here is the link to the AP Testing Calendar
PLEASE BE AWARE that if you ARE enrolled in an AP class, you SHOULD have already joined the class section with the join code your teachers gave you. There are so many tools/help that you are missing out on if you are not using the College Board's AP Classroom. It is not too late! Get the join code and get started today!
Berea College wishes to share information with WV high school seniors. No Tuition, No Kidding! Berea College students receive a high-quality education without breaking the bank. Our No-Tuition Promise guarantees that no student pays tuition, a savings worth more than $176,000 over 4 years. Berea is committed to offering students of great promise a world-class education, funded internship and study abroad opportunities, and the support necessary to ensure their success beyond graduation. With our nationally ranked-education and our historic commitment to diversity, we are and always have been a college unlike any other. See Ms. Justice for more information.
Interested in a career in Education? Learn more about the Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholar Program. You may be eligible for a $40,000 scholarship!
If you plan to attending tonight's FREE ACT/SAT Test Prep Session - Testing Tips with Amber Mace (owner of Amber's ACT/SAT Prep), please respond to this email or email jenfolwell84@gmail.com to sign up.
WHS is participating school-wide in College Application and Exploration Week, which is November 2-6.
For ALL students, we have a variety of activity sheets that will be available in the towers outside the counseling center. You will place your completed sheets in boxes marked with your grade level. You may complete as many as you want. We will have one winner per grade level with the prizes being a $25.00 Amazon gift cards. In addition to the Amazon card, seniors will have a chance at bookstore gift card for the college of their choice. Thank you, ACADEMIC BOOSTERS for donating the gift cards!!
Seniors will also be asked to complete an “I Applied” card(s) to display in the hallway. Those will be distributed in Civics class and you can fill out one for each college you apply to!
Certificate Programs
Business, Accounting & Public Service Division
Education Division
Paraprofessional Studies PreK-12
Humanities, Fine Arts & Social Sciences Division
Nursing and Health Sciences Division
STEM Division
Chemical and Polymer Operator Technology
Electricity and Instrumentation
Residential and Commercial Electricity
Associate Degree Programs
Business, Accounting & Public Service Division
Education Division
Humanities, Fine Arts & Social Sciences Division
Nursing and Health Sciences Division
STEM Division
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Computer Information Technology
Electrical Reliability and Maintenance
Reliability and Maintenance Technology
Workforce and Economic Development Division
New Scholarship Application available!! Settler's Bank. $2,000. per year, renewable, DUE to the bank by November 30, 2020! Look for it on the Scholarship Wall in the Counseling Center.
This new format replaces the bulletin. The most recent updates will always be at the top of the list but all updates will remain so you may scroll to find things you may have missed.
(Virtual) Family Career Awareness Day is Thursday, October 29 from 5-6 with a replay at 7. Click here for more information
BB2C is implementing a new Parent Liaison group. Check it out! Tune in on Monday, October 12 to learn more about Job Shadowing and Internships. Our Student Ambassador, Kassandra Gaston, and BB2C Coordinator Hunter Warsinsky, will provide students with a presentation in the near future.
Seniors and Senior Parents!!
Please fill out the application for the Promise Scholarship, EVEN IF you have not yet qualified. You must also fill out a FAFSA. WVDE expects us to have at least 75% of seniors completing the FAFSA. OUR goal is 100%
Think college is not for you? THINK AGAIN!! You may not want to pursue a 4-year degree at a university. Please remember that you can attend a community/technology college for FREE to earn a 1 year certificate or 2 year associate degree to qualify for jobs in our LOCAL workforce. Learn more about WV Invests!!
The College Foundation of West Virginia has a free service to provide students with college and financial aid counseling through text messages. Students who are thinking of enrolling in college in 2021 may sign up to receive the texts. Plus, students can text our number at any time to receive free help from a college-planning professional! Seniors- I encourage you to sign up!!!
Students and Parents in grades 8, 9, 10 (and Juniors taking the PSAT NMSQT)
Please be prepared for the following testing dates during the next 3 weeks. Arrive to school EARLY (by 7:45) to report to testing locations before testing begins promptly at 8am for freshmen. 8th graders will eat first lunch (4th period) and test immediately after. Testing will be in the middle school gym.Be on time, get a good night's rest, and eat a nutritious breakfast so you will be ready to do your best!
Wednesday,Oct.14- PSAT/NMSQT:(A-K)10thgrade + registered juniors
Tuesday,Oct. 20-PSAT:(L-Z)8th+9thGrade
Thursday,Oct. 29- PSAT/NMSQT:(L-Z)10thgrade + registered juniors
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is now open for the 2021-2022 school year. You can apply HERE
The next Financial Aid workshop is TONIGHT at 6:00.
The WV Promise Scholarship application is available now. Please apply even if you are not currently eligible, as you have until summer to qualify, but only until March 1 to apply.
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards honors middle level and high school students for making meaningful contributions to their communities through volunteer service.
Applications are now open for 2021 awards!
Now through November 10, 2020, students in grades 5-12 are invited to apply for 2021 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards if they have volunteered within the past year. Top honorees earn cash awards and an invitation to the programs national recognition events. Qualifying honorees also receive President’s Volunteer Service Awards.
Applications are certified by Mr. Ward
Key Dates
November 10, 2020: Student application deadline
November 20, 2020: Certification deadline
February 9, 2021: Announcement of state-level judging results
May 2021: National recognition events
click here to apply
The next webinar in West Virginia's 2020-21 Statewide Financial Aid Workshop Series is TOMORROW, September 29th!! Time: 6:00 PM To join using Zoom: https://wvcolleges.zoom.us/j/92362823232
Virtual College Exploration
WVACRAO and CFWV.com are proud to present a Virtual College Exploration program, for all West Virginia students, October 12 - October 29. Registration is now open for students, parents, and counselors.
Financial Aid Workshop Series Schedule
Learn more about West Virginia's 2020-21 Statewide Financial Aid Workshop Series.
Txt 4 Success
The class of 2021 can now sign up to receive college tips and reminders via text message. Students can also text us at any time for college help, and a college access advisor will respond. Click here to sign up to receive texts.
Virtual Financial Aid Presentation
Have financial aid questions? Watch this virtual Financial Aid 101 presentation for more detailed information.
FAFSA Guardianship Booklet
A guide to the FAFSA and Guardianship Process, provided by Legal Aid of West Virginia. Learn more.