Wood County Schools is hiring! We currently have 20 professional positions open, five support service positions open and up to 60 summer learning positions open. Apply today! https://woodcountyschoolswv.com/careers

Surfer dude “Breeze”, Elvis and iReady Ready made special visits to classrooms over the last few weeks who attained a 90% or higher pass rate on iReady. Classes were awarded a certificate for extra recess. Congratulations!

Way to spell! Congratulations to our 4th and 5th grade school Spelling Bee participants and finalists! 🐝🔡
4th-5th grade winner was Abby Gibson and runner up Kylen Ellison.

Congratulations to our 2nd and 3rd grade Spelling Bee participants and finalists!
2nd-3rd grade winner was Logan Reber and runner up Zion Enoch

Mrs. Boyd's class has been doing a weather unit and ended the week by making anemometers to measure windspeed. What a great project! (Mrs. McCoy)

Wood County Schools: Distribution of Wi-Fi hotspots to qualifying families will end at 3 p.m. April 15. Information on end-of-year collection of hotspots will be released in the coming weeks. All hotspots must be returned by the end of the 2021-22 school year.

Blennerhassett Elementary Spring Picture Day is Monday April 4th. Pictures may be ordered at mylifetouch.com
A new flyer will go home tomorrow with this updated information. The original flyer contained an invalid scool ID.
Have a great day!

Summer school registration is now open! Sign up today for Wood County Schools' Summer Learning Program. Sign up here >>> http://woodcountyschoolswv.com/summer2022

Wood County Schools Summer Learning 2022 registration begins Monday, March 28!
Use the link www.Wood county schools.com/summer2022 to view the programs and to sign up when registration opens March 28!

Summer School Registration Begins Monday, March 28! Register your child at woodcountyschoolswv.com/summer2022.

Friendly reminder, tomorrow 3-15-22 is the last day to order a Blennerhassett Elementary yearbook.
ID Code : 2872122

Congratulations to our boys basketball team! 3rd place in the County tournament. Way to go! 🥳

We had some special visitors from PSHS who came to read to our BES students for Read Across America!

Wi-Fi Hotspot Distribution: Qualifying elementary, middle, and high families: Hotspots are available to families who indicated a need on a district survey in September OR for families currently without any or unreliable internet access.
Pickup at MIS Department at 1600 Beverly Street (near PSHS Campus). Questions? Call 304.420.9510 x0.

First grade learned about styles of danced through an Artsbridge program featuring Susie Gunter and some of her dance students, including our very own 1st grade dancer Zoey Barker.

Blennerhassett Elementary will celebrate Read Across America Week Feb 28- March 04, 2022.

2021-2022 Blennerhassett Elementary yearbooks can be ordered at ybpay.com
ID Code: 2872122
Order deadline is 03/15/2022

Kindergarten registration information

Thanks to LSIC we now have new mats in our gym!

NEW LOCATION! The Wood County Schools' Social Studies Fair on Saturday, February 19th, will now take place at Williamstown High School. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. Judging is from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Public viewing begins at 5:00 p.m. Awards will begin at 6:00 p.m.