Vienna Elementary School begins the school day at 7:55. Doors open at the arrival of our bus, usually 7:30. Student arrivals after 8:00 are tardy and should report to the office, with a parent or guardian.
During Code YELLOW, parents are encouraged to drop students off between 7:45 and 8:00 so that students can report directly to homeroom.
Vienna Elementary School has a staggered dismissal time, with Pre-K being dismissed at 2:30, Kindergarten being dismissed at 2:40 and grades 1 through 5 being dismissed at 2:55.
During Code YELLOW, dismissal of grades 1-5 is spaced, in 3-5 minutes segments, so that classes do not exit at once.
Parent contact, in person, is always required for Pre-K through Kindergarten dismissal. Visual contact with a parent or guardian is always required for grades 1-5 at dismissal.