Strategic Plan

Mission Statement
Vienna Elementary will provide an environment with a challenging curriculum and differentiated, engaging instruction that nurtures the natural curiosity of each learner. Motto: Believe, Achieve, Succeed....Every Day!

· We believe learning is a critical component of child development.
· We believe learning should be fun and inviting to students.
· We believe all students have unlimited potential.
· We believe students learn best in a friendly, caring and cooperative environment.

· Increase Student Growth in Mathematics
· Increase Student Growth in ELA
· Improve Student Writing Skills
· Address the needs of our identified
at-risk students.
Vision Statement
Our Vision is given a safe, healthy, caring environment that recognizes the diversity and creativity of each learner, each student will achieve the skills needed to be successful in life.
Goal 1: Increase Student Growth in Mathematics
Vienna Elementary third through fifth grade students, through scaffolding, achievement data analysis, a focus on Power Standards and mastery of critical concepts will demonstrate annual growth by class, of at least 2% proficiency for mathematics as measured by iReady Benchmark Assessments.
Goal 2: Increase Student Growth in English/Language Arts
Vienna Elementary will improve student reading comprehension through daily skill grouping activities, a focus on vocabulary acquisition and prompting strategies, to obtain 2% growth to grade level or above, as measured by iReady Benchmark Assessments.
Goal 3: Improve student fundamental writing skills
Vienna Elementary School students in grades one through five will improve fundamental writing skills, through practice with complete speech, critical thinking activities and graphic organizers, with discernible development and structure to a 5% increase in student proficiency toward grade appropriate writing objectives.
Goal 4: Wood County Schools will promote individual student growth and performance by incorporating high quality student-focused support services.
Vienna Elementary School's identified at-risk students will make progress toward age and grade appropriate mastery of reading fluency and comprehension skills to close the grade level gap by a minimum of 5%, as measured by iReady Benchmark Assessments and confirmed through General Summative Assessment results.