Here is the 2hr delay schedule for Parkersburg South
If there is a snow day tomorrow, Wood County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay. PSHS students will be required to sign in to their TEAMS meetings at 10 a.m. We will follow the 2 hour delay bell schedule.
Next two weeks county expectations for learning. November 23/25 will be remote learning where Schoology will be used to share assignments and teachers will be available to help students. November 30- December 3 will be full remote learning by Gov. mandate. Students will log in to classes through Teams following the bell schedule. We hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
SENIORS!! Don’t forget to order your cap and gown before December 20th. This is a substantial discount!! You are only required to purchase a cap and gown, not the entire Patriot package. Make sure you scroll through the website. Cap and gown price is $30.
Pre-Order Meal Delivery Bus Hub & Curbside
Tuesday, November 17th - Friday, November 20th
Meal pre-orders for Nov. 17-20 are now open at
As we transition our students to remote learning in orange during the week of November 16th, WCS will be providing students' with meals curbside at your school for walkers and drop offs as well as providing meal delivery via bus routes.
School buses will travel to their afternoon stops carrying pre-ordered meals (Breakfast and Lunch) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Bus routes are 3 1/2 hours before the normal afternoon drop off time. Meals will need to be reheated. There will be instructions for reheating. For information regarding bus times, please call 304-420-9636 extension 101.
If you are picking up curbside at a school. Pickup times are from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Please complete the pre-order form for the the Week of November 16th (Tuesday - Friday) for all bus deliveries and curbside . Deadline for pre-order is 2 p.m. on Monday, November 16th.
You will need to place an order separately for each student. If you are requesting for bus delivery and your student currently rides a bus, please place the bus number that your student rides home.
This program is solely for the pick-up of meals; meals will not be consumed on site. We encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of COVID-19 by not congregating at the pick-up locations.
Allergy Disclaimer: During this remote and curbside feeding situation, Wood County Schools Child Nutrition Department will be operating under a special waiver for distribution of meals. This option does not allow us to identify students by names and therefore we are not able to identify special food allergies.
Please contact the Child Nutrition Department if you have any questions, 304-420-9631 extension 103.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Due to the orange rating on the Saturday WVDE map, we are moving to full remote learning for the week of November 9-13. Please log into your Schoology Mon/Tues/Thurs for live instruction via Schoology online from your teacher during your scheduled class time. Remember, Wednesday is a holiday and that is the reason for no instruction on that day. Please monitor the school Facebook page, this app, and Schoology for any further changes. All students should be part of a group that information is shared through by the class they are in (seniors, jr. )If you have any further questions, please call the school at 3044209610. Hot spots are still available from the county to assist with logging in during these remote learning days.
The re-entry plan that will begin on 11/30 for High School is available at the link below. For high school, we have 2 options; 4 days in school and Friday with Schoology or all 5 days learning through Schoology. If you would like to have your child learning using option 2 with all 5 days remote learning with Schoology, there will be a form to fill out. Please call the school (304)420-9610 to obtain that form.
Congrats to our king Landon Fransisco and Queen Ellie Foggin!
This is an update that contact tracing from the positive COVID-19 individual identified at Parkersburg South High School is complete. At this time, ten (10) individuals have been quarantined.
Parkersburg South High School students will return to classes on the Group A/Group B (blended learning) schedule on Monday, November 2, 2020.
We appreciate your on-going support and commitment to the health and well-being of the Wood County Schools Community.
Congrats to our Senior Homecoming Court! Our 2020 King and Queen will be crowned at 1/2 time of our football game this Friday!
Remember not too late to order your school photos!
All South Parents: Last week, students received the parent login code and instruction sheet for you to set up your own Schoology account for all your kids. You can look at grades, assignments and such to track your child's progress. If you need the access code, contact any of your child's teachers and they can give you the access code, in case your child has lost your paper. If you have any questions, call. We are happy to help!
This is a reminder that the 2020-2021 school year will begin on Tuesday, September 8th for students with last names beginning with L-Z. On Wednesday, September 9th, students with last names A-K will report to school. Due to Monday being Labor Day, students with last names A-K will report Friday, September 11th as well. Please visit the Wood County Schools website, and then click “2020-2021 Re-entry Summarization” for more details. Our re-entry schedule has not changed since being published. Students will attend school on a Blended-Model of instruction for 3 weeks, which is our Yellow Schedule, or until proper procedures, protocols, and new standards have been taught and implemented.
Also, please do not confuse yourself with the WVDE color-coded map. The map is used as one of many tools to drive local decisions for our school system. As mentioned in previous communications, we will closely monitor the data each day to make well-informed and deliberate decisions, while keeping safety as the top priority for our students and employees.
Over the last six months, we have worked diligently and methodically to create a well-rounded plan for re-entry. I’m sure we have not thought about every issue that may arise - please be patient as we work through making adjustments, changing protocols or procedures, and seeking feedback from our stakeholders to make this school year a great success.
Although not a requirement, I am asking each student to bring their own mask and bottle of water on the first day of school. This will help expedite first day procedures and practices for our schools as they begin teaching expected behaviors for the year. Students will receive a Wood County mask on the first day and will be expected to possess and use it on a continual basis as we navigate through a new normal for our school system.
We are so excited to see your children in our schools once again. We have greatly missed their presence the last six months. As always, make sure to Wear a mask, Watch your distance, and Wash your hands. To view our first WCS Newsletter, please click
Have a safe and wonderful Holiday weekend.
Good evening,
Each Sunday evening, from this day forward, I will provide all stakeholders an update from the WVDHHR and WVDE Covid-19 metrics data for Wood County. The metics data will be used to govern activities and other requirements in our school system for the upcoming week. This week, Wood County has a 2.74 average seven day trend, which includes 16 probable and confirmed positive cases the last seven days. We will continue to analyze the data of the metrics, and make necessary adjustments on protocols and procedures in our schools based on current trends. For the upcoming week of August 31, Wood County is “Green” on the metrics; therefore, all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are allowed to participate. However, three counties in WV - Kanawha, Monroe, and Logan are orange or red in the metrics and will not be allowed to participate in any activities this week. As you can see, this is a community driven metrics, which has serious implications for our school system. Please do your part and encourage others on the 3 W’s to help our students return in-person to our schools - Wear a mask, Watch your distance, and Wash your hands. Once again, please download our mobile app on our website and continually check the “News” feed to stay up to date on what is happening in our schools. Keep up the great work. Have a great evening.
Reminder - Ipad rollout begins Monday, August 31 at 9:00 a.m. For more information, please visit the "News" section on our website or click the following link.
Reminder - Ipad rollout begins Monday, August 31 at 9:00 a.m. For more information, please visit the "News" section on our website or click the following link.
Back to School Schedule - Code Yellow - Tuesday, Sept. 8 and Thursday, Sept. 10 students with last names L-Z attend school in person----- Wednesday, Sept. 9 and Friday, Sept. 11 students with last names A-K attend school in person. When students do not attend school in person, our new Schoology platform will be utilized to engage students. Due to September 7 being a holiday, we have modified the schedule for the first week of school to accommodate students with last names A-K on Friday, September 11. For more information, please visit the Wood County Schools website, or click for the schedule summary.
Reminder - On Monday, August 24-September 3, Wood County Schools will be providing breakfast and lunch for all students. Meals can be picked up each day from your student's home school. All meals must be pre-ordered starting today, August 19th at 9:00 a.m. through Friday, August 21 at 12:00 p.m. Please visit , then click menu and wellness to complete the form. You can also find the meal flyer under the "News" feed or
In preparation of the Wood County Schools iPad distribution on August 31 - September 3, please take time to review the student acceptable use policy(AUP). This will help expedite the iPad distribution process at our schools. For the K-2 AUP, click For the 3-12 AUP, click
As a reminder, the iPad rollout schedule is as follows:
Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be
distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads
from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule:
August 31: Students with last names A-K
September 1: Students with last names L-Z
September 2: Students with last names A-K
September 3: Students with last names L-Z
Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home. Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.
Technology Update: Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule:
August 31: Students with last names A-K
September 1: Students with last names L-Z,
September 2: Students with last names A-K,
September 3: Students with last names L-Z.
Parents must accompany students to pick up an iPad at the school in which the students are enrolled. Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home.
Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.