Enroll now for Pre-K and Kindergarten for next year. Current Blennerhassett Elementary Pre-K students are accounted for. If you do not have all required documents please let the school know you will be enrolling your child. Thank you and please share!
Blennerhassett Elementary Girls Basketball tryouts grade 3-5 will be Monday Feb 22 from 3-4.
Blennerhassett Elementary Boys 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade basketball will have try outs on the 1st day students return to school in person. The try outs will be 4-5 pm.
Blennerhassett Elementary Boys basketball tryouts are canceled for today.
When students return to school parents that choose to pick up students after school will have two options. Option 1 You may stay in the pick up line and students will enter the passenger side of the vehicle at main entrance. Option 2 Park and walk across the cross walk after the school buses depart at 2:52pm. Please stay between the two yellow lines on the side walk if you choose to pick up your student hand to hand. Pre-k dismissal will stay the same. If you would like your child to start riding the school bus home simply send a note with your child or contact your child's teacher. Have a great day!
Girls 3rd, 4th, 5th grade basketball tryouts will be held 2/18 Thursday only from 3-4pm.
Boys 3rd & 4th grade basketball tryouts will be held on 2/17 Wednesday from 4-5pm.
Boys 5th grade tryouts will be held on 2/18 Thursday from 4-5pm.
Pre-K registration begins February 8th. You may register your child for Pre-K during the following times 8:15 -11:15am and 1:30-2:30pm at the Blennerhassett Elementary main door. Please wear an appropriate face covering. A state-certified birth certificate and current immunizations are required for the application to be date/time stamped for placement. Questions please call 304-863-5128
Good morning. Our internet connection is slowly coming back online. Most schools now have internet access. Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Good Morning. Wood County Schools' internet is currently down. Hopefully, the connection will be reestablished as soon as possible. We will send another communication when we are back online. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Good evening. All Wood County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for Tuesday, February 2, 2021. We will continue to evaluate road conditions throughout the night. Thank you.
In the event school would be canceled, Code C. Instruction would begin at 10am on Microsoft Teams ELA / Math and 1pm Science / Social Studies. If you have specific questions please email your child's teacher.
Good evening. This is a reminder that students with last names A-K will report to school in-person on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week. Students with last names L-Z will report on Tuesday and Thursday.
Please stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful evening.
Good evening. This is a reminder that students with last names L-Z will report to school in-person tomorrow, Friday, January 29.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Have a wonderful evening.
Good morning. All Wood County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for Thursday, January 28, 2021. We will continue to re-evaluate road conditions throughout the morning. Thank you.
We are so happy to see the students back at Blennerhassett Elementary. The transportation department is sanitizing school buses between each run and buses are designed with safety in mind. If you decide to allow your children to ride the bus home, simply send a note with your child to school. I'm asking parents to be courteous of the Middle School and leave room for parents picking up students from the Middle School to come and go. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
If you are dropping off or picking up your children, please remain in your vehicle, have the students enter and exit the passenger side of the vehicle. All students being picked up will exit the main doors after buses depart 2:52pm. Parents need to stay in pick up line Blennerhassett Elementary staff members will escort children to vehicles.
Good afternoon. According to the WVDHHR map released at 10:00 a.m. today, all students in Wood County Schools, including students in High School, with last names L-Z will resume in-person instruction and learning tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19. More communication will be sent this evening. Enjoy the Holiday.
Good Evening. This is a reminder that students with last names L-Z will attend school in-person beginning Tuesday, January 19. We will be utilizing a very similar blended learning format as we did 1st semester. However, by our Governor’s Executive Order, High Schools will not be able to return to in-person learning until we reach the orange status on the WVDDHR daily map. To learn more about our re-entry plan and other learning options you may have, please visit our website at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com .
Please stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful weekend.
Good evening. On January 19, 2021, students will return to in-person instruction in our schools. However, I fully understand that some students and families are uncomfortable about returning to school in-person. To provide more opportunities for our students, WCS is requesting all students wishing to be instructed in an off-campus learning model, outside of our schools for the second semester, complete the form attached in this correspondence or visit the Wood County Schools website for more information. Depending on the number of students wishing to be instructed off-campus, we may have the ability to offer families and students different choices rather than just the WV Learns- Virtual School program. Once again, if you wish for your child to be instructed off-campus second semester, please complete the enrollment form. The form is due by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, January 8, 2021.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Click here to complete the form https://tinyurl.com/y5r337nx
Good Evening,
Today, Governor Justice announced that school districts in WV will be in remote learning until January 15, 2021. Beginning January 19, students in grades pre-K through 8th will be instructed in our schools through in-person learning regardless of the color on the WVDHHR map. High Schools will still be governed by the WVDHHR map, but local decisions will be made for in-person learning based on the color of the map.
If your child is utilizing WV Virtual School for instruction, nothing will change for the next few weeks.
Please visit the Wood County Schools website for more information related to our re-entry on January 19, 2021, or click on the following two links - https://5il.co/o8fs https://5il.co/o8fr
Please stay safe and healthy
Have a Happy New Year!