Vaping Prevention VIDEO Contest · Grades 6 through 12
All Wood County, West Virginia, students are eligible to enter this contest.

1st Place · $200 Walmart gift card
2nd Place · $100 Walmart gift card
3rd Place · $50 Walmart gift card
Honorable Mention · $25 Walmart gift card
Description and Eligibility
This contest challenges students to create an original Public Service Announcement (PSA) video as part of an anti-vaping campaign. The goal is to promote awareness of the dangers of vaping. Participants are encouraged to be creative!
This contest is open for all 6th through 12th grade students in Wood County Schools. Students can participate in the contest on their own or as a group; however, submissions must be entered under ONE student name ONLY. All students included in the video must have a parent signature on the entry/permission form.
Entry Rules and How to Enter
All submissions must be no more than 30 – 60 seconds in length and must have a title.
All submissions must address at least one health danger with vaping, and/or at least one benefit of being vape free.
Submissions may NOT include youth or individuals vaping or using tobacco products, and no vaping or tobacco products or paraphernalia may be displayed.
Submissions may NOT include any copyrighted music, audio/video clips, characters, logos, or other protected material.
Videos may include personally composed or open-source music. Open music resources can be found on iMovie features or Pixabay.
To Enter: The entrant must download and complete the submission form with parent signature for the entrant and with parent signatures for any other participant in the video.
Use the buttons below (or QR codes) to upload the completed Entry Form and the video no later than midnight, Friday, October 25th. Please specify the name of the video on the video title line on the form and the same title must appear at the beginning of the video.
A panel of judges will review all eligible submissions with prizes going to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and Honorable Mention. Winners will be announced during Red Ribbon Week and at a Wood County Schools' Board of Education Meeting. Winning videos may be shown in schools, on the Wood County Schools' website, or other local media.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
This Vaping Prevention Campaign is a collaboration of Wood County Schools and the Wood County Prevention Coalition who provides the prizes in the form of Walmart Gift Cards.