School bond projects bring a wave of anticipation and excitement as our community eagerly awaits the transformative changes they will bring to their educational institutions. From state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest technology to upgraded infrastructure ensuring safety and efficiency, these projects promise a brighter future for students and educators alike.

New classrooms, expanded facilities, modernized learning environments, and enhanced athletic facilities are just a glimpse of the exciting developments on the horizon.

Beyond the tangible improvements, school bond projects symbolize a commitment to investing in the next generation, fostering a sense of pride and unity within the Wood County community. As construction progresses and the vision becomes reality, anticipation builds, fueling enthusiasm for the endless possibilities these projects will unlock for generations to come.

pie chart of wood county schools bond project summaries - timeline

click image to enlarge · timelines subject to change

small child sitting with thumbs up

Bond Projects

Bond Updates

✔︎ Lubeck School schematics now available with aerial and detailed views. 🆕

Plans for new Lubeck school long in the works - an interview by the Parkersburg News & Sentinel 🆕

✔︎ The Lubeck school building artist rendering has been released.

updated May 8, 2024