Vaping Prevention Poster Contest · Grades 3 to 12
All Wood County, West Virginia, students are eligible to enter this poster contest.

1st Prize — $200 Walmart gift card
2nd Prize — $100 Walmart gift card
3rd Prize — $50 Walmart gift card
Honorable Mention — $25 Walmart gift card
Poster Contest Guidelines
Posters should be 8.5” x 11” and may be digitally created or hand drawn with markers, pens, colored pencils, or crayons. Either landscape or portrait orientation is acceptable.
Student’s name should not appear on the front of the poster. A form with the student name, poster title, school, grade, and teacher should be taped to the back of the poster.
Each poster should have a theme or title that fits with the poster artwork. The poster should contain a clear message about the dangers of vaping and should encourage students to be vape free. The message must include either one fact about the negative health effects involved in vaping, or one positive benefit of being vape free.
Judging Criteria
How clearly is the message presented?
Does the entry contain at least one fact about the negative health effects of vaping and/or at least one positive benefit of being vape free?
Does the entry grab attention?
Does the entry have a strong message?
Is the poster visually engaging?
How original and inventive are the entry’s visuals and/or language?
Is the entry eligible with minimal grammatical errors?
Poster Entry Deadlines
Please submit your poster to your school's counselor by Tuesday, October 22.
Each school will choose a minimum of three to five posters from their school to submit to the county for judging by members of the WCS Drug Prevention Council (Send to Cathy Grewe at the Board of Education).
The five best school posters must be sent to the county office by Friday, October 25th. County winning posters will be displayed in Wood County Schools and on the school website. County prizes will be awarded at the board of education meeting on Thursday, November 7th.
Great Prizes
County level winners will receive prizes for each level: elementary, middle and high. At each level, there will be:
1st Prize — $200.00 Walmart Gift Card
2nd Prize — $100.00 Walmart Gift Card
3rd Prize — $50.00 Walmart Gift Card
Honorable Mention — $25.00 Gift Card
This Vaping Prevention Campaign is a collaboration of Wood County Schools and the Wood County Prevention Coalition who provides the prizes in the form of Walmart Gift Cards.