Professional Staff Development Council

The Professional Staff Development Council (PSDC) is composed of elected teachers and administrators, in each programmatic level as directed by WV code §18A-3-8, dedicated to enhancing professional growth for professional employees in Wood County. Requests for funding of conferences, Professional Learning Communities (PLC), and associated materials are reviewed and voted on monthly by the PSDC committee.

Please submit individual PSDC requests in TeachPoint/Vector Solutions (use district ID "woodcounty" without the quotes in addition to your username and password) prior to the PSDC meeting.

PLC requests shall be submitted to PSDC advisor using the PLC request form. PSDC typically meets the first Monday of each month.

Questions? Contact Ashlee Beatty or Jason Wyers at 304-420-9670 ext. 112 or 160.

Individual Request

  • Requests for conference funding for the school year will be considered at the scheduled PSDC meeting, which is generally on the first Monday of each month.

  • Request must be submitted in TeachPoint/Vector Solutions.

  • One request from any professional employee may be funded per fiscal year.

  • The conference may be funded up to, but not exceeding $1000 per person. The PSDC cannot fund substitutes.

  • A maximum of $3,000 per conference, per school, may be considered.

  • Limits may be placed on the number of requests funded per school.

  • All funding must have approval prior to attending the conference.

  • Requests will be considered as long as PSDC funding is available.

  • If a professional employee is going to be chaperoning students for a conference, the request must include an agenda of the professional development sessions that the teacher will be attending.

  • Reimbursement forms must be submitted within a month of conference attendance.

  • Expenses will be reimbursed in compliance with Policy 4151.4, Travel Regulations.

  • PSDC suggests reducing costs by carpooling and the use of county vehicle(s).

  • By accepting funding from the PSDC, awardees agree to present information during district Curriculum Development or Professional Learning day, if requested.

  • Conference requests may include virtual professional learning opportunities.

Professional Learning Community Request

  • Requests for PLC funding for the school year will be considered at the scheduled PSDC meeting, which is generally on the first Monday of each month.

  • A Professional Learning Community (PLC) must submit request, in writing, to the PSDC Advisor. The request must include all expenditures including, but not limited to, stipends and supplies.

  • All funding must have approval prior to hosting the professional learning community.

  • Requests will be considered as long as PSDC funding is available.

  • Limits may be placed on the number of requests funded per school.

Professional Staff Development Council Members

Ashlee Beatty, Advisor*
Jason Wyers, Treasurer*



Term End

Jaime Moss, President



Holmes Marty, Vice President



Duane Nutt, Recording Secretary



Brittni Bolinger



Jordan Brown



Ashley L. Smith



Tana Stanley



Matt Null

Principal - Elementary


Jeff Kisner

Principal - Secondary


Michele Hardin

Special Education


Becky Bennett



Kevin Mace
