Parent Educator Resource Training Center
Since 1983, the West Virginia Department of Education's Office of Special Programs has coordinated the WV Parent-Educator Resource Center (PERC) Project. The purpose of the project is to build partnerships between parents and educators to ensure that children receive the highest educational opportunities and achievement possible. Local education agencies in 17 counties participate in the project by establishing centers to work with families of children in the school system, educators, and others
A team consisting of a parent of a special needs child and an educator staffs each PERC. Although basic services are listed below, how each PERC provides these services depends on the individual community strengths, resources and needs. All PERCs have certain common functions and responsibilities including:
Providing information, resources, and training for parents on important issues such as parenting skills, problem solving, educational planning for their child, behavior management, home learning activities, and other topics to strengthen home-to-school partnerships; Assisting families on an individual basis to better understand their children's educational needs and to discover opportunities and options for meeting these needs; Connecting families with appropriate community services; and Offering information, resources, and training to educators to increase the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to encourage and strengthen family involvement and positive school-to-home partnerships.
PERCs are housed within various locations throughout the state, usually in a centralized, accessible location such as a school, community center, board of education office or library. Local education agencies provide the financial support for their PERCs by blending fiscal resources such as special education, Title I, state and local funds and grants. In addition, local community-based organizations, service agencies, businesses and other service organizations may provide other supports for the PERCs.
Learn more about the Parent-Educator Resource Center by contacting Suzy Howell or Bev Shelton at (304) 420-9590.

Suzy Howell

Beverly Shelton