What items are included in the Bond?
Classrooms have not been designed. This will begin after the Bond passage.
Building design will follow the WVDE Policy 6200.
However, using local funds, the schools will offer
Middle School size gymnasiums.
Separate cafeteria spaces
Music room
Breakout/Intervention spaces.
Wood County Schools wants to keep school populations around 600 students in elementary schools.
All proposed new schools in the Bond are in alignment with the 2020-2029 Comprehensive Education Facilities Plan as established by the CEFP committees.
The county will present the Bond for building projects in May of 2022.
This will increase taxes. Maximum Rate 4.5% or Market Rate 2.91%
Athletic facilities –
Wood County Board of Education has taken ownership of these facilities and has a desire to make them safe, inviting, and up to standard with our neighboring communities.
Maintenance costs for the two grass fields equal the cost of one turf field over 10 years.
Wood County Schools does not own a baseball/softball field except for the Worthington ballfields for PHS Softball.
Why now?
The School Building Authority has pledged a significant amount of funding upon successful passage of the Bond (Up to $21 million).
Interest rates are at historic lows but beginning to rise.
Construction will not be less expensive in the future.
We need to level the playing field by creating schools that serve all students.
Wood County BOE has been and continues to invest local funds into facilities that we know all continue to be utilized in the future.
What happens if the Bond does not pass?
The schools listed will require an estimated $27.5 million of renovations/maintenance by 2030 and a loss of $21 million from the School Building Authority. Combined, the loss would be $48.5 million for new schools.
These funds will have to come from local sources.
The Wood County BOE will continue to implement the 2020-2029 CEFP (Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan), which will include the reduction of schools in our district. Consolidation into dated facilities will be inevitable.
Restructure of District lines
The plan is not related to the construction of new schools.
This is related to the balancing of student populations in our facilities.
Faculty and Staff positions
This is governed by WV Code 18a-4-8f.
Once the vote is collected, WCS will follow through with the process.