Student Drug Testing FAQs
Policy 5145.2 requires that all students in Wood County Schools who participate in an extracurricular activity or drive on campus are required to submit the “Student Drug Testing Consent Form” prior to participation in that extracurricular or co-curricular organization. Below is a list of frequently asked questions.
Q: Why is drug testing important for our students?
The primary goal is to provide students with the incentive to refrain from using or possessing illegal drugs while educating students of the harm caused by illegal drug use. With this policy, the intent of Wood County Schools is to promote a safe and healthy environment for our students where participation in school activities is free from the effects of illegal drug use, and to assure the safe operation of student-driven vehicles on campus.
Q: Who is being tested?
Students who:
Are involved in any extra-curricular or co-curricular organization including but not limited to academic teams, band, choir, and cheerleading, and athletics.
Drive on campus.
Are an “Opt-in Student” which means the parent or guardian elects to include the student in the random pool.

Q: Can a student participate in an extracurricular or co-curricular activity or sport if the student refuses to be included in the drug testing pool?
No. Each student and his/her parent or guardian must read the Student Drug Testing Policy and submit a Student Drug Testing Consent Form signed and dated by both the student and parent/guardian before being eligible to practice or participate in any extracurricular/athletic activity, being issued a driving/parking pass, or being enrolled in a technical simulated workplace program.
Q: When can a student be tested?
Drug testing will take place twice a month to a randomly selected group of students.
A student may also be tested based on observations from a coach/administrator/sponsor that cause reasonable suspicion.
Q: What type of testing is being used and what drugs are included in the test?
A private urine drug screening is used with specimens collected in private bathrooms at each school. An employee of the WV Drug Testing Lab and a school employee will be present outside the restroom.
Drugs tested include: marijuana, alcohol, opioids, performance-enhancing, etc.
Q: What happens if a student tests positive? Who is notified?
For an activity student: The Superintendent or designee notifies the student, the principal, the head coach/sponsor, and the parent/guardian.
For a driving student: The Superintendent or designee notifies the student, the principal, and the parent/guardian.
For an opt-in student: only the student and parent/guardian are notified.
Q: What are the consequences?
Activity student:
1st Offense – The student and parent/guardian must meet with the principal and receive counseling from a qualified counseling entity within five days; the student must also agree to a second drug test within two weeks.
2nd Offense – The student is suspended from participation from activities for 13 calendar days and must complete a county approved substance abuse education/counseling program; the student will also be tested monthly for the remainder of the school year.
3rd Offense – Complete suspension from participation in all extra-curricular activities for one calendar year.
Driving Student:
1st Offense – The student and parent/guardian must meet with the principal and driving privileges will be suspended until the student receives counseling from a qualified counseling entity; the student must also agree to three additional drug screenings within the next calendar year.
2nd Offense – The student will not be permitted to drive or park at school for 90 school days and submit to another drug test at the student’s expense.
Q: What about confidentiality?
All aspects of the drug testing program including taking specimens, notifications, and record keeping will be conducted to safeguard the personal and privacy rights of the student to the maximum degree possible.