Guidelines for a Safe Bus Experience
Following safety guidelines makes our community safer for all of us. Remember to follow all state of West Virginia laws regarding interactions with school buses. When riding a bus, follow these guidelines to keep you and the ones around you safe.
Put everything you carry to school into a backpack so you will not drop things while boarding or exiting the bus.
Wear bright colors, so you can be more easily seen by drivers.
Leave home on time so you arrive before the bus is due.
Walk on the sidewalk when possible.
While at the bus stop, wait quietly in a safe place well away from the road.
Do not run and play near the street while waiting for your bus.
Always speak quietly on the bus so the driver will not be distracted, and always be quiet when the bus comes to a railroad crossing so the driver can hear if a train is coming.
Never throw things on the bus or out the windows. Keep the aisle clear at all times. Feet should be directly in front of you and on the floor; book bags should be kept on your lap. Never play with the emergency exit. Sports equipment should not block the aisle or emergency exits. If there is an emergency, listen to the driver and follow instructions.
Large musical instruments are not allowed on the bus; If the instrument is small enough to fit in your lap or under the seat you may bring it; otherwise, you will need to make separate arrangements for getting your instrument to school.
Hands should be kept to yourself. Fighting could result in the loss of your bus-riding privileges.
If you leave something on the bus, do not return to the bus to get it. The driver may not see you and may begin moving the bus.
Working together, we can keep our students and our community safe from accidents!

Additional safety considerations
Make sure that drawstrings and other loose objects are secure before getting off the bus so they do not get caught on the handrail or the door.
Respect the “danger zone” which surrounds all sides of the bus. Always remain at least ten steps away from the bus.
Always cross the street in front of the bus. Never go behind the bus. If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver before you attempt to pick it up, so he or she will know where you are.
Never speak to strangers, and never get into the car with a stranger. Always go straight home and tell your parents if a stranger tries to talk to you or pick you up.
Hold the handrail while going up and down the steps.
When entering the bus, go directly to your assigned seat and remain seated until you get to school or to your bus stop.