LSIC Agenda/Minutes
Williamstown Elementary
February 5, 2025
Call To Order (Cumpston)
Laurel Joy - P
Rayanne Newton – A
Valerie Jones - P
Destiny George - A
Paul Jordan - A
Miranda Wilson - P
Ashlee Adams- A
Courtney Miller (Chair) - P
Charles May - P
Angie Joy - A
Pam Bedekovich - P
Allison McMullen - P
Review of the Minutes from November 14, 2024, Meeting
Old Business
Shade Structure Grant
If our PACF grant application is denied, we will apply next year and offer sun safety education at the end of the school year.
New Business
Update on new Partnership with Hall Financial
Indoor Recess Games
Fourth and fifth grade will arrive next week. We will work on grades 2 and 3 next.
Staff Education Luncheon in June
Preparing a list of priority projects to share with PTA
Math Obstacle Course – Increase Parent Engagement Opportunities
PACF Grant
Waiting for a quote from the playground company and will then finish the grant application. It is due in Mid-March. We can reapply for addition grants during each grant cycle. This opportunity was shared with me by Mrs. Flowers (one of our teachers).
Additional Grant Opportunities for STEAM – Courtney
Update on security cameras – Upgrade in progress. All dead areas will be covered after the camera upgrade. This will include inside/outside the building.
Update on radios for all staff – Tentative date April
Any concerns or suggestions to improve school safety?
Courtney shared that in Morgantown the school system contracts security guards to work at each school during arrival and dismissal to direct traffic. She also said that, if possible, she would like to see more adults out front at parent drop off. Ms. Cumpston explained extra duty pay and all the areas that need to be covered. She also shared teacher workdays. There are one or two staff members that stand outside on the sidewalk and entryway. Ms. Cumpston also explained that she is always standing inside the door greeting kids and monitoring students in the bathroom area.
Team will be working on a lockdown procedure that is more detailed than our current protocol. Ms. Cumpston explained that we need to develop a plan to teach children where to go in a classroom and what to do if there is lockdown and they are in the hallway, playground, or bathroom.
LSIC Showcase
April 17, 2025, 6:00-7:00 PM @ WHS
Ms. Cumpston shared that this year our gifted students will be preparing and presenting at the showcase. Ms. Cumpston also explained that each year she plans to showcase different programs and aspects of the school. LSIC members were asked to attend this event.