
LSIC Agenda  and Minutes

Williamstown Elementary  

September 11, 2024 

Organizational/Opening Meeting  


Call To Order (Cumpston)  


Introduction of Members  

Laurel Joy -P 

Rayanne Newton -P 

Valerie Jones -P 

Destiny George  

Paul Jordan  

Miranda Wilson-P 

Ashlee Adams-P 

Alison McMullen-P 

Courtney Miller-P 

Charles May-P 

Angela Joy -P 

Pam Bedekovich 


Resources regarding the role and responsibilities of LSIC  

Sent in your invitation email. 


New Business  

Election of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary  

Courtney Miller – Chair 

Miranda Wilson – Vice Chair 

Lee Ann Cumpston – Secretary 


LSIC documents were shared in email prior to the meeting. 

I did discuss what the purpose of LSIC is and answered questions from attendees. We discussed coming up with a project that LSIC could focus on to improve learning at WES.  

Members were asked if they had any suggestions or ideas. 

Mrs. Newton suggested a Read-A-Thon 

Miranda Wilson suggested that we work together on the County PTA Reflections project/talent show.  An art show is planned for the spring with the theme of “Accepting Imperfections”. 

Pursuing grant opportunities was another discussion. 

Members were encouraged to email Courtney or myself with ideas. 


School Updates 


County will be purchasing additional radios 

See Say App 

Completed 3 Fire Drills 

Completed 1 Lockout Drill 

PBIS – STING and Color Run 


Fall Festival ($ to purchase additional benches for outdoor classroom) 

Popcorn Fundraiser 


Recognized at BOE for being in Top 10 percent of WV Elementary Schools 

Digital reports this year 


Mulch Next Week 

Construction finished next week 


Batman on Thursday 


Community input on academic achievement 




Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 (Subject to Change if Conflicts Arrive)

November 13, 2024 

February 5, 2025 

April 9, 2025 

TBD – LSIC Showcase Event 


After the meeting, Courtney shared with Miranda and I other grant projects that she has been involved with. She will be sending some pictures, and I will send those out to the group.