Kayla Loyd
Social Worker / Attendance

Mission Statement
My Mission as the Attendance and Home Services Social Worker is to reduce absenteeism and to be a positive support to our students and staff by providing services that strengthen home, school, and community partnerships, and supporting students and their families' emotional and physical well-being.
About Me
Hello, my name is Mrs. Kayla Loyd. I am the Attendance and Home Services Consultant at Van Devender Middle School(VMS). I graduated from Ohio Valley University with mybachelor’s degree in psychology. Since graduating, I havecompleted courses at Marshall University toward myAttendance and Social Services Certification and plan to obtain my master’s degree in social work. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of social service settings, such as, the child advocacy center and child protective services. I have gained valuable experience from each of my past jobsthat I utilize daily while serving the students, staff, and families at VMS. Along with my duties as the Attendance and Home Services Consultant, I am also the SAT/504 Co-Coordinator and Club Vandy Coordinator. For more information, please send me an email at kayla.loyd@k12.wv.us
Mrs. Loyd is responsible for overseeing and tracking student attendance at Van Devender Middle School. It is the goal of VMS to minimize the number of students who are chronically absent and ensure every student attend school every day. School attendance has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is important for success in school and in life.
VMS realizes some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances; however, we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically.
What to do if your student is absent
Prior to your student’s absences, you must call the school at 304-420-9645 (Automated number) and leave the following information:
* Your name/relationship to student
* Your students name
* Grade
* Reason for absence
* Contact information (Phone Number to verify absences if necessary)
If all information is not provided, absences might not be approved. If you are reporting multiple students absent or multiple days, you must leave a message regarding each student. The student needs to submit a parent/medical note no later than 3 days after the absences. If you wish to submit an excuse electronically, you can do so at https://wcswv.schoology.com/group/5219027226
If you wish to report your student absent online, you may do so at https://forms.office.com/r/msnSTR4Dm5 Please note that a parent or medical note is still required upon returning to school.
Family Needs
If you or your family are in need of basic needs, please visit the following link for information: https://wcswv.schoology.com/group/5219027226/materials#/group/5219027226/materials?f=238524459 or email Mrs. Loyd what you are in need of at kayla.loyd@k12.wv.us