All students and teachers are welcome in the Parkersburg High School Library Media Center. It is open for reading, studying, research, and browsing before school, during school (including lunch), and briefly after school. Computers are available to complete school projects or assignments. Printing is free but must be used for school related documents only. The media center has print and digital resources in addition to computers for students and staff. Students are required to complete a pass on their iPads to be approved by the classroom teacher and accepted by the librarian. Classroom teachers are encouraged to schedule the use of the computers, table area, and classroom area of the media center. Let Mrs. Carson know how she can help.
Circulation time for books is four weeks; eBooks and audiobooks are available and can be checked out for four weeks and will return to the collection automatically. We have an ever-expanding collection of eBooks and audio books. Ask Mrs. Carson about the digital resources available to staff and students.
Library Links is a handout with information on databases and digital resources and includes usernames and passwords. Pick up a handout in the library. Stop in the library or contact Mrs. Carson via email or Schoology message for the password information.
Contact Mrs. Carson with questions.
Click on this link: Wood County School Libraries
Click on Parkersburg High School Library.
Search for books on the shelf, eBooks, or use WebPath Express for websites that are prescreened for valid and reliable information. You don't need to log in to search, but if you want to place a hold or check out an eBook, log in using the following criteria:
Your username is your nine digit school ID number and your password is your birthday with two numbers for the month and two numbers for the day. If you were born on February 14, your password would be 0214.
Desktop or Laptop PC
Go to
Click on Parkersburg High School.
Log in using your 9-digit student ID number and your birthday (MMDD). The Login button is in the upper right hand corner.
Click on the Catalog tab across the top and then “Destiny Discover” on the left side of the page.
Here you will find the books in the library, audiobooks, and eBooks available to open and read or checkout. The books automatically revert to the database when the checkout time expires. You can return ebooks early if you finish them.
Smart Phone or Tablet
Download the free app for your device or access the OPAC through the url listed above.
Choose Parkersburg High School.
Log in using your 9-digit student ID number and your birthday (MMDD).
Search for books, create lists, place holds, and read eBooks.
Destiny Discover is the free app that allows online reading. It is available in the Self Service app on your school-issued iPad or the app store on your personal device. After downloading the app, select WV and then select your school. The username and password for Destiny Discover is your 9-digit ID number and birthday MMDD.
Check out an eBook or audiobook or place a hold on a print book from the shelf. Once a digital book is checked out, you can read it whenever/wherever you wish.
**If you search “Follett” from your app store you may get different results depending on your device, but Destiny Discover is the most recent release.
**Updates to software and apps are occurring with some frequency. It should only be getting better!
As always, contact Mrs. Carson if you have questions.