Good evening. On January 19, 2021, students will return to in-person instruction in our schools. However, I fully understand that some students and families are uncomfortable about returning to school in-person. To provide more opportunities for our students, WCS is requesting all students wishing to be instructed in an off-campus learning model, outside of our schools for the second semester, complete the form attached in this correspondence or visit the Wood County Schools website for more information. Depending on the number of students wishing to be instructed off-campus, we may have the ability to offer families and students different choices rather than just the WV Learns- Virtual School program. Once again, if you wish for your child to be instructed off-campus second semester, please complete the enrollment form. The form is due by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, January 8, 2021.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Click here to complete the form
Good Evening,
Today, Governor Justice announced that school districts in WV will be in remote learning until January 15, 2021. Beginning January 19, students in grades pre-K through 8th will be instructed in our schools through in-person learning regardless of the color on the WVDHHR map. High Schools will still be governed by the WVDHHR map, but local decisions will be made for in-person learning based on the color of the map.
If your child is utilizing WV Virtual School for instruction, nothing will change for the next few weeks.
Please visit the Wood County Schools website for more information related to our re-entry on January 19, 2021, or click on the following two links -
Please stay safe and healthy
Have a Happy New Year!
Good Evening.
This is Will Hosaflook Superintendent of Wood County Schools
Today, Governor Justice announced that school districts in WV will be in remote learning until January 15, 2021. Beginning January 19, students in grades pre-k through 8th will be instructed in our schools through in-person learning regardless of the color on the WVDHHR map. If Wood County is Green, Yellow, Gold, or Orange on the daily map, High School students will attend school in-person as long as we do not reach the “Red” status.
If your child is utilizing WV Virtual School for instruction, nothing will change for the next few weeks.
Please visit the Wood County Schools website for more information related to our re-entry on January 19, 2021……. or click on the following two links -
Please stay safe and healthy
Have a Happy New Year
Please join us on Zoom tonight!
Title 1 Schoology help parent zoom session Wednesday, Dec. 2nd at 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 267 069 0638
Passcode: 1CHpPv
We want to help you with remote learning. Please take this short survey so we know what you need!
Pre-Order Meal Delivery Bus Hub & Curbside
Tuesday, November 17th - Friday, November 20th
Meal pre-orders for Nov. 17-20 are now open at
As we transition our students to remote learning in orange during the week of November 16th, WCS will be providing students' with meals curbside at your school for walkers and drop offs as well as providing meal delivery via bus routes.
School buses will travel to their afternoon stops carrying pre-ordered meals (Breakfast and Lunch) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Bus routes are 3 1/2 hours before the normal afternoon drop off time. Meals will need to be reheated. There will be instructions for reheating. For information regarding bus times, please call 304-420-9636 extension 101.
If you are picking up curbside at a school. Pickup times are from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Please complete the pre-order form for the the Week of November 16th (Tuesday - Friday) for all bus deliveries and curbside . Deadline for pre-order is 2 p.m. on Monday, November 16th.
You will need to place an order separately for each student. If you are requesting for bus delivery and your student currently rides a bus, please place the bus number that your student rides home.
This program is solely for the pick-up of meals; meals will not be consumed on site. We encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of COVID-19 by not congregating at the pick-up locations.
Allergy Disclaimer: During this remote and curbside feeding situation, Wood County Schools Child Nutrition Department will be operating under a special waiver for distribution of meals. This option does not allow us to identify students by names and therefore we are not able to identify special food allergies.
Please contact the Child Nutrition Department if you have any questions, 304-420-9631 extension 103.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Madison received a donation for us to start a food pantry! Please contact Kayla Loyd or the office if you need assistance.
Starting Monday, Nov. 9th- All Pre-K -5th grade students will come to school Monday- Thursday. Friday will continue to be a remote learning day. If you have questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Porter by Friday.
Please read for important information:
To celebrate Red Ribbon week we will allow students to wear their Halloween costumes or Halloween spirit wear on Oct. 28th and 29th! Students must still wear their face masks. Please no face makeup, props, or Halloween costume masks allowed.
If students want to dress in a book character and have the book they’re from they will receive an extra ticket in our remote learning challenge!
Tuesday and Wednesday is Picture Day! Picture code is 53117XA
Our virtual book fair starts today- Nov. 1st @
Shop under find my school!
Reading books is the key to learning!
Picture Day forms are coming home this week! Picture Day is Oct. 20th and 21st. You can return the form on the day of pictures or order online. Please contact the school with questions.
How to best wash cloth masks.
School Picture Day is coming soon! Oct. 20th and 21st
We will send forms home with students next week!
Thank you PTA and donors for helping give our Mustangs their own water bottles!
Parents, please make sure to ask your student for your Schoology code. Tomorrow is a remote leaning day. All students have assignments in Schoology. Teachers have posted office hours in the Homeroom folder for you or your student to join Teams
and ask questions during that time.
We are sending home a pamphlet with important information on our PBS system and remote learning. Parents please use this link to digitally respond that you have read the PBS pamphlet:
Schoology parent access information will be coming home next week. If you have schoology questions remember to call the help desk after school! Student’s are completing their I-ready diagnostics at school not home this week.
Schoology parent guide