Wood County Schools will hold its first ever Job Fair for WCS positions from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28 at Grand Pointe in Vienna!
Learn about needed positions in Wood County Schools. Begin the application process for professional and service jobs.
Full-time and substitute positions available, including:
Bus Drivers
and More!
11 AM TO 6 PM
Wood County Schools will hold a job fair for WCS positions on Thursday, Sept. 28 at the Grand Pointe Conference Center in Vienna!
Learn about needed positions in Wood County Schools. Begin the application process for professional and service jobs. Full-time and substitute positions available.
Bus Drivers
and more!
11 AM TO 6 PM
*Student Test Scores*
In spring 2023, students in Grades 3 through 8 took the General Summative Assessment and students in Grade 11 took the SAT School Day assessment.
On Tuesday, September 12, students will receive a printed copy of their individual student score report which will contain information regarding each student's performance on the tested areas. To further assist parents/guardians in understanding their child's performance on the WVGSA or the SAT School Day, the West Virginia Department of Education is providing an individual video score report for each student in addition to the printed report..
A link to your child's individual video score report will be sent to your child's K12 student email address on September 12th. Please work with your student to access the link in the email. When you click on the link, you will be taken to a site where you will need to enter your child's date of birth to access the video report. Resources are also available at that site to help your student.
If you need assistance in locating the video score report link, or if you do not know your child's K12 email address or password, you may contact your child's school, or contact Cathy Grewe at the Wood County Schools Board Office at 304-420-9663 Extension 122.
The Parkersburg News and Sentinel is seeking nominees for Teen of the Week!
Go to http://tinyurl.com/2023-24TeenoftheWeek to make your nomination. Nominees should be:
* between the ages of 13-19
* live in the Mid-Ohio Valley
* can be a public, private or homeschool student
* have an interesting hobby or passion
Though sports are part of a well-rounded student, the Teen of the Week focuses on academic and social activities which make the teen a standout among their peers! Academic achievement, unique hobbies and interesting activities will be highlighted!
Happy Labor Day! All schools and offices will be closed on Monday, September 4th, in observance of the holiday. We will see you back on Tuesday during normal hours.
***Storm Delays***
Good morning! This is Christie Willis, Superintendent of Wood County Schools. Buses are running their routes this morning. However, due to storms there are several buses delayed or unable to cross low lying creek areas.
The following buses will be delayed: 49, 149, 154, 157, 162, 163, 172, 173, 175, 192, 199, 205, 210, 214, 216, and 236.
No tardies will be issued today due to weather. Please be cautious on the roads and be safe!
Students return to school tomorrow! Safety will be top of mind. What can you do as a member of the community to ensure that our students arrive safely to school? Listen to our newest WCS Voices podcast episode featuring WCS Director of Transportation, Chad Bloss, and our Coordinator of Safety & Security, Don Brown, as we discuss simple strategies for making sure our students arrive safely at school.
We are so excited to start another school year! We hope you join us on Monday from 4-6pm for our Open House as we "Blast into another year!" We have a lot of new staff this will be a great chance to meet everyone. PTA will be providing popsicle and signing up new members. Please join our PTA to continue to support so many of the fun activities they help to offer! The 1st Day for all 1st- 5th Grade students will be on Wed. Aug. 23rd. Kindergarten's first full day will be Aug. 28th and Pre-K's first full day will be Aug. 30th . All K- 5th grade parents will need to complete this AUP before students can receive their i-pad.: https://forms.office.com/r/yiuMCt50Fw
Please remember to use our entrance to enter the parking lot and not the exit. This has become a big issue and could result in an accident.
SCREENING FOR CHILDREN ENTERING SCHOOL - Screening will be conducted by school nurses and other professionals during regular school hours in Wood County Schools for students entering school for the first time. In addition, students entering parochial or other non-public schools will be screened. Screening will be done to identify problems in the following areas: language, speech, hearing, and vision. Parents of public school students who do not wish to have their child participate in this screening should inform the principal of the school attended by the child. For more information, contact Wood County Schools Special Education Office at (304) 420-9655.
We have been busy this summer at Madison preparing for another school year! We will post the class lists on Friday, Aug. 11th around 3:30pm
We had several staff changes this year:
Mrs. Minnite (Ms. Casper) moved to Pre-k
Angie Ball moved to 1st grade Aide
New staff to Madison:
2nd Grade- Emily Tracewell
3rd Grade-Megan Noland
3rd Grade- Chase Anderson
Library- Olivia Tucker
Sped/MC Teacher- Sarah Wood
Pre-k Aide- Tamera Wade
1st Grade Aide: Pam Raubenstrauch
Aide's-Jeffery Walk-up, Emily Valentine, Marcia McKain
Remember to join us for Open House on Monday, Aug. 21st 4-6 pm
Now Available: Explore the rich history of Wood County Schools through New Era School: A dialogue with Esther Carroll
A one-room school building located on the Mineral Wells Elementary School campus serves as a connection to our past. This building, known as New Era school, has been transformed into a museum that showcases the educational community of the nineteenth century. Within the museum, there is an extensive collection of carefully selected materials that chronicle the history of schools in Wood County. The museum is accessible to the general public, offering both individual and group tours, including school trips. In the latest episode of the WCS Voices Podcast, Esther Carroll, a retired library media specialist from Wood County Schools, shares her insights. Ms. Carroll oversees the museum's operations and is responsible for curating historical primary sources and various media. Accompanying the podcast is the melodious mountain dulcimer music performed by Jerry Rockwell.
End of Year Activities:
Monday, May, 22nd- 5th Grade Graduation @5pm
Thursday, May 25th Field Day- please make sure students have water and sunscreen is applied before school. 3rd-5th Grade- 9-11am/ K-2nd Grade 12:30-2:30 parents can volunteer to help!
Friday- Last Day! End of Year Awards Ceremony at 1:15 for all grades. See below for students academic awards! Parents can attend and take students home after.
Field trips: Please make sure your students have turned in their permission slips.
Monday- 1st and 2nd Discovery World
Tuesday- 5th grade Wilds
Wednesday- 4th Grade Dirty Birds game
Have you signed up for this summer’s Teaching & Learning Academy? Sessions are filling up quickly. Join guests Jessica Linville, Lisa Buckley, Jessica Espinosa, Jody Carder-Hamilton and Kezia Parsons as they discuss their upcoming sessions in episode 5 of the WCS Voices podcast. Listen now 🎧 Have you signed up for this summer’s Teaching & Learning Academy? Sessions are filling up quickly. Join guests Jessica Linville, Lisa Buckley, Jessica Espinosa, Jody Carder-Hamilton and Kezia Parsons as they discuss their upcoming sessions in episode 5 of the WCS Voices podcast. Listen now 🎧 https://woodcountyschoolswv.com/wcsvoices
WCS Teaching & Learning Academy - Summer 2023 - Learn about all the amazing sessions and keynotes this summer! The Teaching and Learning Academy by Wood County Schools is all set to commence this July, offering a remarkable week of professional development and featuring noteworthy keynote speakers. In this first part of a two-part series, educators from Wood County Schools provide insights into the upcoming academy, outlining the highlights of their sessions and giving a sneak peek into what to anticipate this summer. The academy is scheduled to take place from July 17th to the 21st at Williamstown Middle High School.
WCS Voices - Episode 3: Christie Willis and Michael Erb join the podcast to talk about first jobs, growing pains, memories from childhood, and to speak about the importance of public education teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Parents & Caregivers: Considering signing your child up for our summer learning? Listen to our WCS Voices podcast to learn more about all the exciting opportunities available this summer. Also, learn how to register. Listen now...
Introducing: "WCS Voices: Conversations on Education & Community" Podcast. Live now. First up: Summer Learning Opportunities -- A Conversation with Ashlee Beatty, Joanna Mulligan & Candace Lewis. Listen now...
Friday is our Leadership Day Program @ 1pm. Students are asked to wear a Madison shirt or blue shirt.
We also would like to hear from you in the School Climate Survey below: Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential.
Parents can access the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WVSLES_P_S23
Parent login code: P096216
Summer Learning Opportunities registration is now open! Follow this link to get started. https://woodcountyschoolswv.com/summer2023
March Reminders:
Thursday, March 16th Spring and Class Pictures
Friday, March 17th Hat Day $1 to Wood County Society
March 20th- 24th- No School Spring Break
March 28th- Track Tryouts 3rd- 5th Girls
March 29th- Track Tryout 3rd- 5th Boys
March 31st- Leadership Day Program at 1pm