Greenmont Staff, Thank you all for a terrific Halloween day with our kids! Tomorrow at 8:30 am we have the awards assembly. We will recognize kids for class awards, honor rolls, attendance and PTA walk a thon. If I missed a group please text me. Our reward activity is outside in the afternoon and is split up with 4/5 from 1:00-1:30, KG/1 from 1:45-2:15, and 2/3 from 2:30-3:00. There are a couple of bouncy houses and time on the playground, which means other classes will clear those areas while that group is being rewarded. Please have students pack up early and be ready for dismissal. Thanks again for everything! P.S. As tomorrow is Pajama Day, feel free to wear your pajamas all day including the awards and reward times.
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Spooky is what Spooky does…. Thursday’s Red Ribbon Week day is SCARE AWAY DRUGS- wear your Halloween costume! A reminder that class Halloween parties begin at 2:00pm for grades K-5 and parents must sign-in before entering. Pre-K party starts at 1:40pm. The costume parade will be inside as students have said they wanted more time for the parties and less time outside. Friday is PAJAMA DAY FOR PREVENTION- wear your pajamas!
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
We would love to hear from you! Share feedback on the 2025-2026 proposed school year calendar.
4 months ago, Wood County Schools
calendar icon in multi colors
Red Ribbon Week has been a blast and continues Wednesday with TURN YOUR BACK ON DRUGS- wear clothes backwards! Thursday is THE day as it’s Halloween with SCARE AWAY DRUGS DAY- wear your costume!
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Greetings Greenmont Red Ribbon Enthusiasts! Tuesday’s Red Ribbon Week day will be FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS DO DRUGS TWINS DAY! Staff and students will dress as their TWIN! Don’t forget that Wednesday’s Red Ribbon Day is TURN YOUR BACK ON DRUGS so wear your clothes backwards!
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Grizzly Nation! We kick off Red Ribbon Week tomorrow with TEAM UP AGAINST DRUGS DAY! We ask all students and staff to wear their favorite team clothing! Tuesday is FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS DO DRUGS TWINS DAY!
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Grizzlies! Thank you to everyone that helped make the PTA Fall Festival a huge success! We are truly fortunate to have such a supportive community at Greenmont Elementary!
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Attention Grizzlies! Saturday is our PTA Fall Festival full of games, a Trunk-Or-Treat, food trucks (you pay), bouncy houses, a petting zoo, hay rides, food and fun! The event is from 12:00pm-2:30pm and we hope to see everyone there!
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Grizzlies! Our school’s book fair starts this week and we couldn’t be more excited about all of the awesome things that will be for sale. We are still in need of a few volunteers for Monday and Tuesday if you are able to help. Thank you once again for supporting our school.
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Greenmont Parents! There will be an informational parent/student SCIENCE FAIR meeting on Tuesday, October 22 in the makerspace at 3:15 pm. The science fair is open to students in any grade level from KG through 5th grade while only students in grades 3-5 can go on to the WCS Science Fair. The Greenmont Science Fair will be held on Tuesday, December 3.
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Grizzlies! A reminder for parents for MORNING DROP-OFF and AFTERNOON PICK-UP. There is no fluffy way to say this so here goes....... DROP-OFF... Please pull all the way up the sidewalk and have your child exit onto the sidewalk and not the street. If you are unsure, this means your child(ren) should exit the car only from the passenger side of the vehicle (the right side in the USA). Please do not park across the street and have your child walk across the street as this is not safe and delays other people. If you want to walk your child to the building you may, but please park in the parking lot by the KG doors. Sadly, it is only a matter of time before someone is not paying attention and runs a student over as they cross the street. Lets face it parents, nobody wins at the real-life game of Frogger. PICK-UP.... Our staff finishes their day shortly after they dismiss students. Our staff works very hard all day and is not a day-care service when you are late. If you are going to be late your child needs to attend the YMCA after school program which has a fee of $20/day. You may get forms from Stacy in our main office. If you have to be late, please have a family member or family friend pick up your child. If this becomes a common theme, this becomes an issue as you are not providing for your child's well-being. Please call the office with any questions. Thank you.
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
We are excited to share a special video that showcases the excellence, dedication, and pride within our Wood County Schools community. This video highlights the incredible work of our teachers, coaches, staff, and students, and reflects our commitment to providing a high-quality education for every child. Thank you for being part of our amazing district! Watch the video:
4 months ago, Wood County Schools
image of teacher and two student smiling for camera with arms crossed in school hallway
Grizzlies! Please come out and support our Lady Grizzly basketball team tonight as they host Vienna Elementary at 5:45pm. Our PTA Fall Festival is Saturday, October 26 from 12:00pm-2:30pm. Information is being sent home today or tomorrow with students. Our Book Fair is October 21-25 and classes shop during specials times. Red Ribbon Week is October 28-November 1. Halloween Parties are October 31 beginning at 1:40pm for Prek and 2:00 for K-5 . All parents and visitors must sign in with their ID. Halloween Party foods are healthy only and are limited to fresh fruits and vegetables, juice and water.
4 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Grizzlies, Our PTA Walk-A-Thon is ALMOST here! The walk-a-thon is Wednesday from 5pm-7pm. We want to thank you in advance for supporting our school. Our girls basketball team is also busy as we will have our first home game this Thursday beginning at 5:45 pm in our gym. Please come out and support our female athletes.
5 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Grizzlies, A reminder that we will have an LSIC/Safety Team meeting today at 3:15 pm in our library. We expect the meeting will last 30 minutes. Another reminder is that our Fall individual and class pictures are this Monday (September 23, 2024). Order forms for class pictures are going home today.
5 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Dear Wood County Schools’ families: Thank you for your courage, patience, and understanding this week as our school personnel and law enforcement agencies worked together to keep our schools safe. We are fortunate for the relationship between our school system and law enforcement. Wood County Schools would like to express gratitude and appreciation for the law enforcement agencies throughout our county and state who provided support to Wood County Schools this week. Thank you to the Parkersburg Police Department, Wood County Sheriff’s Department, Vienna Police Department, Williamstown Police Department, and the Capitol Police. -- Christie M. Willis -- Superintendent
5 months ago, Wood County Schools
Grizzlies! Forms are coming home today for the Greenmont PTA Walk-A-Thon being held on Wednesday, September 25 from 5-7pm. We will be needing several staff and parent volunteers during the Walk-A-Thon to help register students, count laps, serve food and/or quickly clean up at the end. If you would like to be a volunteer in any one of those areas, please return the volunteer form to your child's teacher NLT Monday, September 16. The monies raised from the Greenmont PTA Walk-A-Thon will continue to be used to support our students in many ways at our school. Thank you in advance for being supportive of our school! Go Grizzlies!
5 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Wood County Schools is aware of an online threat targeting various school systems across West Virginia. We take every threat seriously and are actively monitoring the situation. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and we are working closely with local law enforcement to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken. We will continue to keep our community informed as we gather more information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
5 months ago, Wood County Schools
Grizzlies! In honor of September 11 being Patriot Day, we are asking that all staff and students wear RED, WHITE and BLUE on this day (tomorrow) to honor those who lost their lives. We would also like to remind everyone that there is an open PTA meeting tomorrow at 5:30 pm in the library.
5 months ago, Brett Ubbens
Good Afternoon Greenmont! As you know, we are required to practice various safety drills each year including lock-in, lockdown, shelter-in-place, weather, evacuation and fire. Today we practiced all of these drills as a school and I am very proud of how well all of our students and staff executed these drills. We were please to have Wood County Schools Safety Director, Jeremy Bell, on hand and he gave us rave reviews for the way we executed each of the drills. Although nobody ever wants to have to have to use these drills for a real event, I am very proud of how serious our school takes these drills and for the fantastic results we have gotten. Please thank your child(ren) and our staff for a job well done. Have a wonderful weekend!
6 months ago, Brett Ubbens