The Parkersburg News and Sentinel is seeking nominees for Teen of the Week!
Go to to make your nomination. Nominees should be:
* between the ages of 13-19
* live in the Mid-Ohio Valley
* can be a public, private or homeschool student
* have an interesting hobby or passion
Though sports are part of a well-rounded student, the Teen of the Week focuses on academic and social activities which make the teen a standout among their peers! Academic achievement, unique hobbies and interesting activities will be highlighted!
Good Afternoon Greenmont,
As you know, tomorrow is September 11, which is Patriot Day. We are asking all staff and students to wear red, white and blue in honor of those lives lost on September 11, 2001. In honor of Patriot Day, our flag will be flown at half staff for the day.
Happy Labor Day! All schools and offices will be closed on Monday, September 4th, in observance of the holiday. We will see you back on Tuesday during normal hours.
Greenmont Grizzlies!
We've had a great start to our school year thus far. As we move forward, please remember to call our school with any questions or concerns as well as message teachers as soon as you need assistance.
We appreciate your help with a few things... Please pull up as far as you can during drop-off. If your child is slow to get out of the car, please pull into the KG end parking lot. At drop-off, please don't have your child get out of the car onto 58th Street. Please be sure your child exits the car on the passenger side of the vehicle onto the sidewalk as to not get run over by another vehicle. At pick-up, please be sure to be on time as our staff's day ends around the time kids are dismissed. If you have an issue being on time to pick-up, please make arrangements to have your child picked up or to go to the after school program run by the YMCA.
If we can be of any assistance in helping you or your child, please let us know.
***Storm Delays***
Good morning! This is Christie Willis, Superintendent of Wood County Schools. Buses are running their routes this morning. However, due to storms there are several buses delayed or unable to cross low lying creek areas.
The following buses will be delayed: 49, 149, 154, 157, 162, 163, 172, 173, 175, 192, 199, 205, 210, 214, 216, and 236.
No tardies will be issued today due to weather. Please be cautious on the roads and be safe!
Students return to school tomorrow! Safety will be top of mind. What can you do as a member of the community to ensure that our students arrive safely to school? Listen to our newest WCS Voices podcast episode featuring WCS Director of Transportation, Chad Bloss, and our Coordinator of Safety & Security, Don Brown, as we discuss simple strategies for making sure our students arrive safely at school.
Dear Hungry Grizzlies!
Wood County Schools will continue with free breakfast and lunch for all students this year. Our breakfast at Greenmont is grab-and-go which means students will be offered a breakfast in a bag and eat in their classroom. Students are not required to take a breakfast. The lunch menu for this week as we return is as follows:
Wednesday- Calzone w/ marinara sauce, fruit, vegetables and milk.
Thursday- Taco In A Bag with refired beans, fruit and milk.
Friday- Hamburger with fries, vegetable, fruit and milk.
Also, students are permitted to have a water bottle in class but it must have a sealed lid. Prek/KG students are provided an afternoon snack by WCS. If your 1-5 child wishes to bring a HEALTHY snack (no chips or junk food) consisting of fresh fruits or vegetables, they may but are not required to do so.
Please call our school with any questions or concerns @ 304-420-9544.
Calling All Grizzlies!
A reminder that our Open House/PTA Ice Cream Social is Monday, August 21, 2023 from 4:00pm-6:00pm. This is a casual event and allows families to meet our staff and tour the school.
Our first day for students is Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Prek/KG students please refer to communication previously sent home or contact our new secretary, Ms. Stacy Allender, as your schedule is different than grades 1-5. All other students may enter our school beginning at 7:30am and are considered tardy at 8:05am. Our morning meeting with students begins at approximately 7:50am and we hope to have all students in attendance.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our school Monday between 11:00am and 7:00 pm @ 304-420-9544. We hope to see you all soon!
SCREENING FOR CHILDREN ENTERING SCHOOL - Screening will be conducted by school nurses and other professionals during regular school hours in Wood County Schools for students entering school for the first time. In addition, students entering parochial or other non-public schools will be screened. Screening will be done to identify problems in the following areas: language, speech, hearing, and vision. Parents of public school students who do not wish to have their child participate in this screening should inform the principal of the school attended by the child. For more information, contact Wood County Schools Special Education Office at (304) 420-9655.
Greetings Greenmont!
We are working hard to get our school ready for our students and families at the Open House/PTA Ice Cream Social on August 21 from 4pm-6pm. We hope everyone gets a chance to come and meet their new teacher, tour the school and see old friends and neighbors.
As we try to prepare our school, we are going to be making our playground safer by installing playground mulch this Friday morning beginning at 8:00am. If you have time or simply want a workout, please bring a shovel or rake or pitchfork and help spread some mulch with other volunteers.
Greenmont Grizzlies!
Our Open House/PTA Ice Cream Social is Monday, August 21 from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm. We look forward to seeing our students and their families back in our school any time between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm August 21!
Good Morning Greenmont,
Our school was recognized by the WVDE via the Wood County Schools BOE at last night’s board meeting for the 2022 Balanced Scorecard.
Greenmont was one of 123 schools in our state and one of 8 Wood County schools that earned Math or ELA progress or Math or ELA achievement (four possible areas).
Greenmont was the ONLY school in Wood County to earn ELA Achievement, Math Achievement, ELA Progress and Math Progress! This was a huge accomplishment for our school community. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication that goes into making successes like these possible.
Now Available: Explore the rich history of Wood County Schools through New Era School: A dialogue with Esther Carroll
A one-room school building located on the Mineral Wells Elementary School campus serves as a connection to our past. This building, known as New Era school, has been transformed into a museum that showcases the educational community of the nineteenth century. Within the museum, there is an extensive collection of carefully selected materials that chronicle the history of schools in Wood County. The museum is accessible to the general public, offering both individual and group tours, including school trips. In the latest episode of the WCS Voices Podcast, Esther Carroll, a retired library media specialist from Wood County Schools, shares her insights. Ms. Carroll oversees the museum's operations and is responsible for curating historical primary sources and various media. Accompanying the podcast is the melodious mountain dulcimer music performed by Jerry Rockwell.
Dear Grizzlies,
It is on a sad note that I must let everyone know that our do-it-all and be everything-to-everyone secretary, Anne Clark, has decided to retire at the end of this week.
Anne has been with us at Greenmont for over eleven years and has decided to begin the next chapter of her life by spending more time with her family here in Wood County. If anyone wants to call or stop by this week, you may catch Anne in-between meetings or preparing our school for the next school year and secretary. It is very hard to say good bye to awesome workers, but we are losing a part of our family when Anne leaves l this week.
Thank you Anne for many amazing years helping our school be the best version of itself. Best wishes always Anne!
It’s been a great end of the year at Greenmont! Thank you all for everything you do to make our school the best in our great state!
Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for a letter from next year’s teacher as well as report cards for grades 3-5, suggested summer learning, and suggested supply lists at Greenmont. Have a wonderful summer!
Happy Thursday Greenmont!
As tomorrow is the final day of school, we will have one last COOK'S CHOICE FOR THIS YEAR........ HOT DOGS!
Grizzly World!
Due to a stroke of luck, we have a handful of yearbooks left (not many)! These yearbooks are selling faster than ever as they have been meticulously crafted. If you want to earn a piece of Greenmont history, please don’t waste any more time and send payment tomorrow in the amount of $17! That’s right, only $17 will get you a Greenmont yearbook only if you’re one of the first 14 people to pay tomorrow morning. $17…. It’s like two fancy foo-foo coffee drinks these days. Get in on the action while you still can! Step up to the plate and take a swing at history! See you all tomorrow!
Tuesday is the Reward Activity for the 4th Nine Weeks. Please remember to have your child wear socks as the activity involves skating.
If you have not sent in your child's permission slip, please write a note to Mrs. McDonnell approving the activity.
Wednesday @ 9:00 AM is the Talent Show... PAWS Reward in afternoon
Thursday @ 8:30 Awards Assembly
Greenmont Field Day Alert!
Parents are welcome to attend Monday’s Field Day, but all parents must sign-in at the front office first and get a visitor’s badge.
*Field Day begins at 9:00 am and is basically all day
*Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes
*Sunscreen can be provided by parents
*Students may wear a hat
*Students may wear sunglasses if students wish
*Please bring a towel
*Please bring a change of clothes.
*If students are bringing a lunch, everything in their lunch must be disposable.
Special thanks to all of the staff and parents that planned this year’s field day especially Mrs. Greer.
This is a memorable day for Grizzly Nation as the graduating fifth grade has crushed the staff in a volleyball match for the ages!
According to our awesome research department this is the first student victory versus the staff since 2001! A victory 22 years in the making! Congratulations fifth grade! WOWZA!