Good morning. All Wood County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for Thursday, January 28, 2021. We will continue to re-evaluate road conditions throughout the morning. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good afternoon. According to the WVDHHR map released at 10:00 a.m. today, all students in Wood County Schools, including students in High School, with last names L-Z will resume in-person instruction and learning tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19. More communication will be sent this evening. Enjoy the Holiday.
about 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good Evening. This is a reminder that students with last names L-Z will attend school in-person beginning Tuesday, January 19. We will be utilizing a very similar blended learning format as we did 1st semester. However, by our Governor’s Executive Order, High Schools will not be able to return to in-person learning until we reach the orange status on the WVDDHR daily map. To learn more about our re-entry plan and other learning options you may have, please visit our website at . Please stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful weekend.
about 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Good evening. On January 19, 2021, students will return to in-person instruction in our schools.  However, I fully understand that some students and families are uncomfortable about returning to school in-person.  To provide more opportunities for our students,  WCS is requesting all students wishing to be instructed in an off-campus learning model, outside of our schools for the second semester, complete the form attached in this correspondence or visit the Wood County Schools website for more information.   Depending on the number of students wishing to be instructed off-campus, we may have the ability to offer families and students different choices rather than just the WV Learns- Virtual School program.  Once again, if you wish for your child to be instructed off-campus second semester, please complete the enrollment form.  The form is due by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, January 8, 2021. Thank you and have a great evening.    Click here to complete the form
about 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Good Evening, Today, Governor Justice announced that school districts in WV will be in remote learning until January 15, 2021. Beginning January 19, students in grades pre-K through 8th will be instructed in our schools through in-person learning regardless of the color on the WVDHHR map. High Schools will still be governed by the WVDHHR map, but local decisions will be made for in-person learning based on the color of the map. If your child is utilizing WV Virtual School for instruction, nothing will change for the next few weeks. Please visit the Wood County Schools website for more information related to our re-entry on January 19, 2021, or click on the following two links - Please stay safe and healthy Have a Happy New Year!
about 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Good Evening. This is Will Hosaflook Superintendent of Wood County Schools Today, Governor Justice announced that school districts in WV will be in remote learning until January 15, 2021. Beginning January 19, students in grades pre-k through 8th will be instructed in our schools through in-person learning regardless of the color on the WVDHHR map. If Wood County is Green, Yellow, Gold, or Orange on the daily map, High School students will attend school in-person as long as we do not reach the “Red” status. If your child is utilizing WV Virtual School for instruction, nothing will change for the next few weeks. Please visit the Wood County Schools website for more information related to our re-entry on January 19, 2021……. or click on the following two links - Please stay safe and healthy Have a Happy New Year
about 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
This is a reminder that the 2020-2021 school year will begin on Tuesday, September 8th for students with last names beginning with L-Z. On Wednesday, September 9th, students with last names A-K will report to school. Due to Monday being Labor Day, students with last names A-K will report Friday, September 11th as well. Please visit the Wood County Schools website, and then click “2020-2021 Re-entry Summarization” for more details. Our re-entry schedule has not changed since being published. Students will attend school on a Blended-Model of instruction for 3 weeks, which is our Yellow Schedule, or until proper procedures, protocols, and new standards have been taught and implemented. Also, please do not confuse yourself with the WVDE color-coded map. The map is used as one of many tools to drive local decisions for our school system. As mentioned in previous communications, we will closely monitor the data each day to make well-informed and deliberate decisions, while keeping safety as the top priority for our students and employees. Over the last six months, we have worked diligently and methodically to create a well-rounded plan for re-entry. I’m sure we have not thought about every issue that may arise - please be patient as we work through making adjustments, changing protocols or procedures, and seeking feedback from our stakeholders to make this school year a great success. Although not a requirement, I am asking each student to bring their own mask and bottle of water on the first day of school. This will help expedite first day procedures and practices for our schools as they begin teaching expected behaviors for the year. Students will receive a Wood County mask on the first day and will be expected to possess and use it on a continual basis as we navigate through a new normal for our school system. We are so excited to see your children in our schools once again. We have greatly missed their presence the last six months. As always, make sure to Wear a mask, Watch your distance, and Wash your hands. To view our first WCS Newsletter, please click Have a safe and wonderful Holiday weekend.
over 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Good evening, Each Sunday evening, from this day forward, I will provide all stakeholders an update from the WVDHHR and WVDE Covid-19 metrics data for Wood County. The metics data will be used to govern activities and other requirements in our school system for the upcoming week. This week, Wood County has a 2.74 average seven day trend, which includes 16 probable and confirmed positive cases the last seven days. We will continue to analyze the data of the metrics, and make necessary adjustments on protocols and procedures in our schools based on current trends. For the upcoming week of August 31, Wood County is “Green” on the metrics; therefore, all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are allowed to participate. However, three counties in WV - Kanawha, Monroe, and Logan are orange or red in the metrics and will not be allowed to participate in any activities this week. As you can see, this is a community driven metrics, which has serious implications for our school system. Please do your part and encourage others on the 3 W’s to help our students return in-person to our schools - Wear a mask, Watch your distance, and Wash your hands. Once again, please download our mobile app on our website and continually check the “News” feed to stay up to date on what is happening in our schools. Keep up the great work. Have a great evening.
over 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Reminder - Ipad rollout begins Monday, August 31 at 9:00 a.m. For more information, please visit the "News" section on our website or click the following link.
over 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Reminder - Ipad rollout begins Monday, August 31 at 9:00 a.m. For more information, please visit the "News" section on our website or click the following link.
over 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Back to School Schedule - Code Yellow - Tuesday, Sept. 8 and Thursday, Sept. 10 students with last names L-Z attend school in person----- Wednesday, Sept. 9 and Friday, Sept. 11 students with last names A-K attend school in person. When students do not attend school in person, our new Schoology platform will be utilized to engage students. Due to September 7 being a holiday, we have modified the schedule for the first week of school to accommodate students with last names A-K on Friday, September 11. For more information, please visit the Wood County Schools website, or click for the schedule summary.
over 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Reminder - On Monday, August 24-September 3, Wood County Schools will be providing breakfast and lunch for all students. Meals can be picked up each day from your student's home school. All meals must be pre-ordered starting today, August 19th at 9:00 a.m. through Friday, August 21 at 12:00 p.m. Please visit , then click menu and wellness to complete the form. You can also find the meal flyer under the "News" feed or
over 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
In preparation of the Wood County Schools iPad distribution on August 31 - September 3, please take time to review the student acceptable use policy(AUP). This will help expedite the iPad distribution process at our schools. For the K-2 AUP, click For the 3-12 AUP, click As a reminder, the iPad rollout schedule is as follows: Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule: August 31: Students with last names A-K September 1: Students with last names L-Z September 2: Students with last names A-K September 3: Students with last names L-Z Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home. Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.
over 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Technology Update: Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule: August 31: Students with last names A-K September 1: Students with last names L-Z, September 2: Students with last names A-K, September 3: Students with last names L-Z. Parents must accompany students to pick up an iPad at the school in which the students are enrolled. Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home. Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.
over 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Technology Update - Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule: August 31: Students with last names A-K September 1: Students with last names L-Z September 2: Students with last names A-K September 3: Students with last names L-Z Parents must accompany students to pick up an iPad at the school in which the students are enrolled. Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home. Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.
over 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Good morning, last evening the Wood County BOE approved the revised 2020-2021 school calendar. The calendar can be found on our website at then click "menu" then "COVID -19". Also, the WCBOE approved our draft re-entry to school plan, which is subject to change as new guidelines are being established each day. The draft re-entry plan can be found on our website in the "News" feed. Please take time to review the re-entry plan and provide feedback so changes can be considered. As of tonight, Wood County Schools will begin school September 8 in the "yellow" phase and will continue in "yellow" for the first three (3) weeks. On September 21/22, after analyzing community data related to COVID-19, we will make an informed decision to hopefully go "green" (5 days) beginning Monday, September 28. Please continue to follow all safety protocols to help our school system return to normal as quickly as possible. Stay safe and healthy. Have a great day.
over 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Good evening, To better prepare for the upcoming fall semester, Wood County Schools is seeking an accurate number of students who would like to participate in a full-time virtual school program.  Students would be a Wood County student choosing to take their classes online in a rigorous, web-based learning environment.  The virtual school teachers are West Virginia teachers teaching West Virginia content standards.  Students will still be able to participate in extracurricular (sports, clubs) and co-curricular activities (Band, ROTC) as would any other student.  This is not an easier pathway, but a different pathway to utilize during these uncertain times.  The program is for students in grades K -12 interested in a virtual school learning environment.  If interested in pursuing the virtual school option for your child, please visit our webpage, click “Menu”, “Parents and Students”, “Virtual School”. You can also email Jason Potts at for more information. Please stay safe and healthy - Have a wonderful evening.
over 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook