Reminders All students need to bring a water bottle every day. We will no longer be providing bottled water. If a student does not have a water bottle, they will be given a styrofoam cup to get a drink from the water fountain. We are still collecting $10 gift cards for staff appreciation week starting May 3rd. Thank you to all the families who have already sent in cards. 8th Grade Parents - Information was sent home with students regarding 8th grade formal, promotion, and picnic. We will also be sending home more information this week.
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Congratulations to our Entre-Ed, STEAM, and Broadcasting classes! You guys are doing great things! We are so proud of you!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
If your child has failed 2 or more of their core classes (math, English, science, social studies) it is highly recommended that your child attend summer school. Summer School registration has been extended through Friday April 23rd at noon act quickly! Need assistance registering? Call the office tomorrow morning 304-863-5128. Have a great evening!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Due to great popularity, registration for Summer School Learning Opportunities has been extended through this Friday, April 23rd at noon! Learn more at
over 3 years ago, Eric Murphy
BMS Junior Thespian Troupe 88963 presents Shrek Jr
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
BMS Parent Survey Good Morning, Please find the link and information for this years Culture and Climate Parent Survey. We would like to hear from all our parents on ways that we can improve our school and the learning environment for students. You are asked to complete an online survey about school climate—the learning and teaching/working conditions—to help guide school improvement efforts. We value your feedback. The results of this survey will be used to make changes in your child's school to ensure a supportive environment for teaching and learning. Parent participation in the survey is very important. If you have questions about the survey or have problems completing the survey, please contact your child's school. When you log onto the survey you will see explanatory information about the survey and the important information below as to your rights as a survey participant: Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. Access the Survey at: Enter this code to start the survey: P096401
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Winners of Art Expressions Exhibit - Wood County Art Show Jaylynn Stier 3rd place 7th grade Kira Mace 2nd place 8th grade Congratulations!!!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
The Bobcat Biz is open for business!! Our student created, student led school store is now selling shirts, water bottles, keychains, and more!! Order forms will be coming home with students soon. We are working on opening an online store in the near future! Please support these hardworking students by purchasing Bobcat Spirit wear!!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Bobcat Biz
Do you have questions about the Pandemic WV P-EBT Card? Get started here...
over 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
GSA Testing Students who are on Remote/Virtual learning will be taking the GSA May 10th - 13th. Their schedule has been sent to them via Schoology or email. If you have't done so yet, please contact the school and let us know if you would like your child tested during school or after school. Students who are in person learning at BMS will be taking the GSA May 17th - 20th. Their schedule was sent out today via text/Facebook.
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
GSA Testing Information May 17th - 20th Grades 6th - 8th Testing will start at 8:30am each day 6th Grade Monday (5/17) - Writing Assessment Tuesday (5/18) - English/Language Arts Assessment Wednesday (5/19) - Math Assessment 7th Grade Monday (5/17) - English/Language Arts Assessment Tuesday (5/18) - Math Assessment Wednesday (5/19) - Writing Assessment 8th Grade Monday (5/17) - Math Assessment Tuesday (5/18) - Writing Assessment Wednesday (5/19) - English/Language Arts Assessment Thursday (5/20) - Science Assessment Make-up testing will be scheduled May 21st - 26th
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Staff Appreciation Week - May 3rd - 7th We would like to shower our staff with appreciation during staff appreciation week. One way we are hoping to do this is by giving each staff member a gift card. If you could help us out by sending in a $10 gift card we would greatly appreciate it. All gift cards can be turned in to the office. Thank you for your help. More information will be coming about daily themes during the week and ways we can show our staff how much they mean to us!
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Reminders: Spring Picture Day is Thursday, April 8th. Picture forms are in the office and will be sent home. Report Cards will be sent home Friday, April 9th. Friday, April 16th is a Remote Learning Day. Students will complete assignments on Schoology at home. There will not be any TEAMS meetings that day.
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Track Practice begins tomorrow (Wednesday, April 7th) from 3:30 - 5:00 at BMS. Any student interested in participating will need a physical and have a 2.0 GPA. Please see Mrs. Arthur or Coach Smith if you have questions.
over 3 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Wood County Schools is excited to share the news about our Summer Learning Opportunities for 2021! Registration is now open through April 16th. Learn more and get registered today!
over 3 years ago, Eric Murphy
Congratulations to Ramario Adams (8th grader) who has been selected to participate in the Governor's STEM Institute in summer 2021! Way to represent BMS and Wood County Schools!
almost 4 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Reminder - 3rd Nine Weeks ends this Friday (March 26th). Students need to turn in any missing work from the 2nd half of the nine weeks by Friday.
almost 4 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Congratulations Math Field Day Winners! 7th: Mental Math Exact - Allie Evans (1st) Mental Math Estimation - Allie Evans (1st) Written Test - Allie Evans (3rd) Overall Winners - Allie Evans (3rd Place Overall for 7th grade) 8th: Mental Math Exact - Sydney Mckee/Olivia Henderson (t-3rd) Mental Math Estimation - Sydney McKee (3rd)
almost 4 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Out of District Applications are due to the school by May 28th. Students will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. If your child attends BMS as an out of district student, you must complete the application each year. If you have questions, please call the school at 304-863-3356.
almost 4 years ago, Melanie Arthur
Reminders: March 19th - Picture Day for Yearbook Picture Retake, Winter Sports, clubs, and groups. Picture forms are in the office if your child wants to retake their picture. They must have a packet completed in order to have their picture retaken. Sports packets will be sent home this week. Spring Picture Day is April 8th. Pictures packets will come after Spring Break. End of the 3rd Nine weeks is March 26th. All missing assignments need made up before March 26th. Water Bottles - Please send a water bottle to school with your child each day. Water fountains are currently closed due to COVID protocol. We have water filling stations at the school where students can refill their water bottles throughout the day. Students are permitted to have water, flavored water, and Gatorade. They are NOT permitted to have soda, coffee, or energy drinks. Spring Break March 29th - April 4th
almost 4 years ago, Melanie Arthur