Fact Masters Program: For each grade level, students must meet certain criteria in regards to basic math operations on timed assessments. Fact Masters receive a T-shirt and are recognized on the announcements by Mr. Null.

Positive Behavior Incentive System: Students can earn a quarterly reward by qualifying in two of three areas:

1. Behavior - receive no more than 3 detentions &/or loss of recess to walk and -0- office referrals

2. Attendance - have no more than 3 absences not excused by a doctor. Every 3rd tardy counts as an absence. Absences/tardies excused by a doctor will not be counted against the attendance qualification. Absence notes should include the following: student name, grade, date of absence, reason for absence, signature of parent and date of the note.

Absence Policy Link - to view our absence policy, please click on the following link:

Kanawha Absences

3. Work ethic - as per teacher policy in regards to homework, task completion, class participation, etc.

Kanawha Elementary will provide a safe, collaborative environment in which all students learn at high levels. Our motto of GAINZ stands for Growth, Attitude, Impactful, Noteworthy, and Zeal in both our words and actions!


  • Schoology website - https://wcswv.schoology.com for class updates, assignments, newsletters, Bravehouse Broadcasts and more!

  • Davis Art - https://woodcounty.davisartspace.com - for explorations in art

  • GSA test prep at home http://wvde.state.wv.us/assessmentoutreach/ This website provides resources to parents to understand and help prepare their student(s) for the WV General Summative Assessment. It's never too early to start practicing!

  • Mental Health Resources are forthcoming - stay tuned!


Midterms: The first 9 week midterm is September 21st! Please check your child's backpack and/or Schoology for the progress.

Parkersburg High School Walk Through: The PHS band and senior fall athletes will be walking through the hallways on September 22nd. This is a fun and exciting way for the students to experience the high school sports and band program.

Picture Day: October 3rd is picture day! Bring your best smile. Look for picture packets to come home. You may order online or send in the order with your child.

Popcorn Fundraiser: October 9th the students will get to hear all about our exciting fundraiser! They will bring home information for you to check out.

Parent Teacher Conferences: October 26th! Please schedule a time with your child's teacher to meet with them.

THANK YOU to our Business Partners in Education!

Tri-State Roofing and BizTech